Be the Leader You’ve Been Waiting For…
Posted by HandsOn Network | Category: Equip, Get HandsOn, Service, Tools You Can Use, Volunteer Leader, Volunteer Management, Volunteer Recognition, Volunteer Recruitment, Volunteer Reflection, Volunteering, Volunteerism | 2 Comments
When you engage others in your volunteer activity, you automatically become a service leader.
For some, leading people seems effortless. For others, it’s more of a challenge. But if you’re passionate about your cause and you want others to help you make your dreams a reality, then you need to be prepared to lead them.
Here are a few things to remember:
- Ask others to help you with the project leadership and you can accomplish more.
- Get to know your volunteers so you can better understand why they’re serving and how you can maximize their talents.
- Manage personalities. Figure out who works best together and put together strong teams of volunteers.
- As the leader, be prepared to make tough decisions when needed.
- Communicate clearly and often. Make sure volunteers understand the project and their roles and have the details they need.
- Help volunteers stay focused on the passion issue and what you hope to accomplish together.
- Keep people motivated throughout the process, from recruitment to clean-up.
Think about your volunteer project and answer these questions:
- How will you motivate people to get involved?
- How can you keep them motivated? What if someone is no longer interested?
- What will you do if two volunteers don’t get along?
- How can you help volunteers understand and stay focused on the passion issue?
- What is your plan for communicating with volunteers – before they serve? while serving? after serving?
- What are ways you can engage other people as leaders in your service activity?
Here are a few resources:
- Get HandsOn!: Volunteer Leader Guidebook
- Volunteer Recruitment Strategies
- More Volunteer Recruitment Ideas
- Nine Basic Rules of Volunteer Recognition
- How to Lead Volunteer Reflection
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