Social Networking & Make A Difference Day 2010

October 23, 2010 marks the 20th anniversary of Make A Difference Day, the largest national day of community service.

Let’s make this year’s Make A Difference Day the biggest ever!

You can help by spreading the word.

If you’re willing to use social media for social good, then how about sharing information about this amazing day of service?

If so, it would be fantastic if you could do any of the following:

  • Encourage friends, fans, followers and readers to Find A Project or Create A Project and upload it to the DAYtaBank.
  • Provide Event Resources – this is a link to a Service Leader toolkit, a Youth toolkit and a Marketing toolkit – complete with images you can use in your posts if you want.
  • Tweet about Make A Difference Day (the hashtag is );
  • Write a Make A Difference Day blog post (If you send me a link to your post, I’ll link to it from HandsOn Blog). You’re also invited to write a guest post for HandOn Blog.

If you want to help, but social networking’s not your thing, feel free to share some of these links with your friends and colleagues via e-mail.

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Thanks for using social media for social good, helping to promote volunteerism online and for believing in change!

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