generationOn’s Heroes

by Kienan Lacey, Manager of Marketing and Development, generationOn.


Everyone has a hero in their life.

Whether it’s a superhero or a family member, we all have heroes we look up to. But not all of us realize that we can be heroes too!

It doesn’t matter how old you are or where you live. We can all be heroes by taking action and volunteering.

I work at generationOn, the newly-created youth service division of Points of Light Institute, an organization that inspires, equips and mobilizes people to take action that changes the world.  At generationOn, we believe in the power of KIDS to change the world, and the power of volunteering to change the lives of kids.  This is why I am so excited for the launch event of generationOn this Saturday, October 23, 2010 (9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.), at the Extra Mile – Points of Light Volunteer Pathway in the heart of Washington, D.C.!

I have planned many service events over the years, but nothing like this before! The generationOn launch event is not just a day or service- it is the start of a service movement- a global service movement- that will teach all kids that they can be heroes in their community by volunteering.

Just steps outside of the White House, hundreds of kids will participate in meaningful service projects like creating fleece scarves for the elderly or decorating reusable tote bags to help the environment.  And everyone will have the unique opportunity to go on a tour of the Extra Mile, my most favorite monument in Washington, D.C. This amazing monument is so special because it honors American heroes who changed our world for the better through service. Kids will learn about Martin Luther King Jr., Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, and more!

With the support of a generous, $5 million investment by the Hasbro Children’s Fund, generationOn is helping young people develop into healthy, empowered, creative problem-solvers and global leaders.

October 23rd will be a historic day for our next generation of heroes. I am proud to work at generationOn and hope that everyone will join me and the generationOn movement!

This is the time! Become a hero! Make your mark and make a difference!

Kienan Lacey is the Manager of Marketing and Development at generationOn. She become involved with the organization as a volunteer and has worked there for the last three years. Kienan was born and raised in New York City and graduated from Santa Clara University.

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