8 Tips for a Successful Family Volunteering Day

Family Volunteer Day 2010 will be celebrated November 20th.  Commemorated annually on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, Family Volunteer Day kicks off the holiday season with the spirit of giving and service.

Volunteering as a family provides a fun way for families to make memories together while making significant contributions to their communities.

It also teaches children the values of kindness and giving back, ideas which complement the gift giving season.

Family members use their talents to work on an issue they feel passionate about.

Serving together builds problem solving skills and strengthens communication within the whole family.

Make your volunteering experience a success!

Check out these tips:

  1. Find a volunteer activity that fits your family’s interests, schedules and that the kids can help plan.
  2. Start small.  Consider a one-time event such as or a short-term activity, such as Family Volunteer Day, before making a long-term commitment.
  3. Find out what’s expected.   Ask about age requirements, safety considerations, and appropriate dress.  Attend orientation or training sessions if offered.
  4. Show up on time.  Be ready to do what is needed.
  5. Be patient with small children and keep them involved by praising their efforts.
  6. Talk about the experience on your drive home or during a family meal. Discuss what you did, why you did it, how it felt, and what you learned.  Celebrate your efforts.
  7. Get input from all family members in planning future activities.
  8. Encourage other families to participate with you.

Looking for an opportunity or project ideas?

Visit these websites:

  • generationOn can help you find project ideas for kids and families.
  • Kids Care Clubs show you how you can start a service club with your children and their peers.
  • Doing Good Together inspires, encourages and equips families to volunteer together.
  • Find a HandsOn Action Center for volunteer activities and other resources for family volunteering.

Check out Volunteer Spot‘s list of family-friendly volunteering ideas!

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