Change Notes: Media Praise for generationOn



I’m excited to share with you several recent media stories about Points of Light Institute, specifically about our newly launched global youth movement, generationOn.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy: On November 28 it featured two related articles, one about the many resources generationOn brings together to empower young people to transform the world and how the Hasbro Children’s Fund is generously supporting those efforts.  The other article talks about the desire of families to volunteer together and ways to make that possible.

Here are the links:

A New Effort to Teach Kids to Help Others and

Recruiting Families to Volunteer

volunteer volunteering volunteerismUSA Weekend magazine: Over the past weekend, it recapped this year’s 20th Make A Difference Day, which it co-sponsored with HandsOn Network and Newman’s Own. It mentioned our launch of generationOn that fittingly included service projects and a tribute to extraordinary change-makers at The Extra Mile – Points of Light Volunteer Pathway in D.C.  It noted our celebrity participants Madison Pettis and Corbin Bleu, and a nine-year-old volunteer who declared her experience packing toys as the “best day ever!”.  It also noted the participation of Obama Cabinet members, including Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, in a KaBOOM! Playground build.

Here is the link: You Made a Difference.

Mommy blog: “Queen Mom” mentioned Hasbro’s match of a Toys for Tots gift for each generationOn service pledge through December 10, capturing the true meaning of the season. She said that her children were helped by Toys for Tots in tough times past, and urged folks to encourage their kids to make pledges at

Here is the link:  Teach Your Kids to Give Back
In service,

Michelle Nunn

CEO, Points of Light Institute, and Co-Founder, HandsOn Network

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