Day of Service Inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today’s post originally appeared on the HandsOn Jacksonville Blog on January 26, 2011.

HandsOn Jacksonville and the Teacher Supply Depot hosted a day of family fun and volunteering on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  Grown ups and kids alike had fun painting flower pots for seniors and making recyclable bags for beach cleanups.  There were craft stations set up all over the old school which houses the supply depot, including doll and bracelet making.

The Teacher’s Supply Depot is a nonprofit that gathers donated goods and hosts give-aways for district schools. Teachers, principals and PTAs can come get paper, educational material, art supplies and much more for free!

The entire building is full of amazing supplies with a room dedicated just for crafts and ideas for projects posted on the bulletin boards. It’s hard not to get inspired to create something while walking through the halls.

After the pictures were painted and crafts were made the History Channel’s documentary film King was shown in honor of MLK Jr. Day because even though everyone had fun painting, gluing and crafting it was good to remember why we were there. The legacy of Dr. King inspires us to do something GOOD every chance we get and there’s no harm in having a little fun while we’re at it, right?

Today’s post was written by Emilee Speck, an intern for HandsOn Jacksonville and journalism major at the University of North Florida.  To find out more about HandsOn Jacksonville, please visit their website.

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