40 Ways to Love Your Community on Valentine’s Day

1. Organize your child’s classroom to make Valentine’s cards for residents of a local senior center.

2. Plant trees in a local park or green space.

3. Visit and entertain the patients at a local children’s hospital.

4. Tutor a child.

5. Volunteer to be the story hour reader at the local library.

6. Help a deserving neighbor shovel snow, rake leaves, clean gutters or wash windows.

7. Donate to the local food bank.

8. Cook and serve meal at a local shelter.

9. Lead a coat drive and deliver gently worn coats to a local homeless shelter.


10. Make and send care packages to service men and women overseas.

11. Collect combs, toothbrushes, shampoo and other essentials for a homeless shelter.

12. Adopt a grandparent.

13. Volunteer to pick up groceries or medicine for a senior citizen.

14. Give some time to delivering meals to the homebound.

15. Organize a dance or sing-along event at a local senior center.

16. Teach someone something you know.

17. Paint an educational mural at a local school.

18. Teach English to someone who needs help learning it.

19. Turn a vacant lot into a vibrant community green space.


20. Plant flowers instead of giving cut flowers.

21. Organize a public issues forum in your community.

22. Create a wildlife habitat, nature trail or outdoor classroom for a local school.

23. Recycle.

24. Carpool.

25. Give your time to the local animal shelter.

26. Be a mentor.

27. Give up your seat on the bus or train to someone who looks tired.

28. Give blood.

29. Sign up to be a scout leader.

30. Coach.

31. Organize a project for Global Youth Service Day.

Volunteer32. Be a good listener.

33. Advocate for legislation you care about.

34. Shop and eat locally.

35. Thank someone.

36. Trust.

37. Recognize someone who’s been a “point of light” in your life. Nominate them for a Daily Point of Light Award.

38. Recruit a friend to help.

39. Find a volunteer project at HandsOn Network.

40. Look for the good in all people.


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