10 Ways to Get the Most out of Facebook and Twitter

People from all over the globe have connected through social networks. Organizations have been able to measure what works for them and in what areas they want to grow. Find out what tools can help Facebook and Twitter work for you!

Mentionmap.com is an exciting web app for exploring your Twitter network. Tap in and discover which people interact the most and what they’re talking about. It’s rather useful in finding relevant people to follow because it loads each user’s tweets and finds the people and hashtags they talked about the most. The data is displayed using a graph-style visualization where mentions become connections and discussions between multiple users emerge as clusters. By clicking on a user, you’ll see their network of mentions and details from their profile!

It’strending.com posts top links being shared, items on Facebook  like news, video, pictures for the third party. It uses the recommended plug-ins by ebook and other services, which helps people find interesting and relevant content.

Retweetist studies what people are retweeting on Twitter to monitor trending topics. It lists what people think is worth retweeting, who RT it and how many times its been RT. The app also serves as a good guide to see who is creating the most retweeted messages, making it easier to find out which Twitter users are actually worth following. Retweetist’s own twitter account feeds new links that are currently being retweeted the most into your tweet stream.

The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keyword or topic in a Tweet. Any Twitter user can categorize or follow topics with hashtags, but this app just made it way easier. Hashtags.org tracks volumes and trends of hashtags and categorizes them accordingly.

Twittersentiment.appspot.com allows you to research the sentiment for a brand, product, or topic. Stanford University computer science grads developed an efficient way of characterizing sentiment analysis. From brand management to polling, purchase and technology planning to discovery, this tool helps decipher exactly what the people want.

Discover what people are really saying on Twitter with Twitrratr.com. With this, you can distinguish negative from positive tweets surrounding a brand, product, person or topic. Twittratr engineers a list of positive keywords and a list of negative keywords and search Twitter for keyword. Those results are cross-referenced against the adjective lists, then displayed accordingly.

Avid twitter users have often heard “Follow me,” but Foller.me.com doesn’t boost your follower count. Actually, it’s a web application used to gather Twitter analytics from any profile in seconds! It first scans your Twitter profile and parses your latest tweets and followers, then tweets are separated into topics, mentions and hashtags. Followers are pinpointed all over a Google Map.

Twitter analytics helps you understand how people interact with you and your content. Backtweets.com allows you to receive an e-mail notification whenever someone tweets a link to your website. They calculate a score  based on an examination of a user’s interactions and reach. The goal is to each is the maximum number of unique people that saw a link or tweet so you can see how tweets, impressions and reach translate to visitors to your web site.

Addictomatic searches the best live sites on the web for the latest news, blog posts, videos and images. It’s the perfect tool to keep up with the hottest topics, perform ego searches and feed your addiction for what’s up, what’s now or what other people are feeding on. After you search, you can personalize your results dashboard by moving around the source boxes. When you’re done, bookmark the page and keep coming back to your personalized results dashboard for that search.

 Do you need to find a person and do not have a Facebook profile? Are you looking for funny Facebook quotations and statuses? Facepinch.com is a free social network search engine. Search for people, free facebook quotes and fun Facebook statuses. On this site you’ll find many Facebook statuses including history, geography, sports and religious ones in addition to political and funny statuses.  

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