Help Support National Service on Your Lunch Break

Today, supporters of national service programs across the country are coming together to bring awareness of the importance of national service programs like AmeriCorpsSenior Corps and RSVP, VISTA and others to their elected representatives.

Save Service District Days give supporters of national service programs an opportunity to come together to let their representatives know that service is important to them as individuals and to their communities. If you’re interested in joining a District Day event, you can find one near you here.

If you’re not able to participate in a District Day event, please take the time to write or call your member of Congress and let them know why national service is important to you. You can find your representatives’ contact information here and your senators’ contact information here.

If you’re looking for more information to share with your members of Congress, you can find more resources here, where you can find fact sheets on the impact of national service programs in your state.

National service enables people to make meaningful contributions to their communities, build organizational capacity, generate community-based social capital and leverage more than 1.4 million additional adult volunteers to tackle some of America’s toughest social, environmental, educational and economic challenges.

Without the thousands of Americans that serve every year, emergency response programs, education programs, environmental protection and restoration programs, and programs that help support our communities would not be able to provide the level of support that they do thanks to our national service members.

AmeriCorps members were at the heart of disaster response in Joplin, Missouri. They were on the ground setting up an infrastructure to manage the volunteer response within hours of the tornado touching down. They were on the ground in New Orleans, in Mississippi, in Alabama, and in Iowa. They are in our schools, helping to support the programs and students that need the most help. They are in our communities every day working to support volunteer programs, preparing citizens for emergencies, and working to get things done for America.

Please join us today in letting your members of Congress know that national service programs are a vital part of our communities.


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