8 Tips for Making Service Learning Work

Several factors make a big difference in whether an agency’s efforts in service learning are effective.

Agency-wide commitment

An organization’s commitment to service learning often starts with on person advocating for including service learning in the organization and bringing others to share their perspective. once a commitment to service learning permeates the organization, it will become much simpler to sustain a quality program because everyone in the organization is committed to service learning.

Youth serve and lead

Effective service learning efforts see students as key members of the planning team, not just participants. Giving students opportunities to assess needs, develop plans, and implement projects contributes to their growth.

Strong school partnerships

Agencies can operate effective student community service program on their own, but service learning has the most impact when it involves a partnership with a school so that students can take full advantage of the elarning that is stimulated through the service experience.

Clear learning and service goals

Not every service opportunity will appeal to everyone. Students will need to do their share of the work that doesn’t seem as exciting as the actual service, like finding a project site, identifying community needs, and planning what the project will look like.

By working with other students, teachers, community members and other partners to set learning goals and how those goals will be achieved can make the service more meaningful and productive.

Age-appropriate, meaningfl service

Just as you would match anyone’s skills and strengths with a particular service area, the same is essential in working with students. Projects or assignments need to take into account the students’ abilities so they can be stimulated, challenged, interested, and engaged by the service experience.

Effective program management

Service learning is most effective when it builds on a well-managed volunteer program with established procedures. In these cases the basic processes and procedures are already in place and can be adapted to the particular needs of students and service learning.

Sustained involvement

One shot service projects can build enthusiasm and interest, they’re harder to build a quality service learning experience around. To be most effective in providing long-term involvement, schools, students and agencies need to work together to plan how the service-learning program will grow.


Reflection is an essential component of service learning. It completes the learning cycle, giving students the opportunity to think about what they did, what it means, and what they will do because of their experience.

this not only benefits the students, but it also strengthens the service they provide. As the students become more knowledgeable and sensitive about the issues, more skilled in the activities, and more aware of an organization’s needs and challenges, they can become better at planning their service projects.


Have you involved your students in planning service learning projects? Do you work with an agency that has a lot of service learning students volunteer? Let us know what you’ve found works best for planning service learning projects in the comments!

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