Recognizing Volunteers on Labor Day

The first Monday in September is Labor Day. Originally, Labor Day was meant to celebrate the work that Americans do and to celebrate the work of trade and labor organizations.

Parades and parties were normal ways of celebrating Labor Day.

Who doesn’t look at the end-of-summer holiday and use it as an excuse for squeezing in one last bit of summer? From barbecues to pool parties to fireworks shows, people come together to celebrate  the symbolic end of summer.

Let’s not forget the volunteer that we work with every day, though. Labor Day is a great time to take a moment and thank the volunteers that make our organizations run smoothly, and who help us to accomplish things that we would never have achieved without their help.

How do we say thank you to volunteers on Labor Day? The same way we say thank you on every other day. Here are a few tips for saying thank you to volunteers:

  • Write a thank you note. Let the volunteers know that you appreciate them by taking the time to write a tank you note by hand. It’s a great opportunity to take a moment and think about the work that the volunteer has done with your organization.
  • Say thank you in a way that is meaningful to your volunteers. Different age groups have different ways that they like being shown that they’re appreciated. These are general rules, though. Getting to know your volunteers is the best way to find out how they would like to be thanked for their service.
  • Give thanks for volunteers every day. While big recognition events are nice, try to find little ways to let your volunteers know that they’re appreciated every day.
  • Basic ideas for recognition. Try to bring these tips for recognizing the work that your volunteers do into your every-day interactions with your volunteers.
Let’s not forget the tried and true Labor Day celebration – the barbecue. Fire up the barbecue, throw some burgers and hot dogs on, and spend some time with your volunteers outside of volunteering. Have a great holiday, and don’t forget to be liberal with the thank yous and high fives!
How are you showing your volunteers you appreciate them today? Let us know in the comments!


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