Supporting National Service Is As Easy as Picking Up the Phone

Over the next 18 months, Congress will make critical, budgetary decisions that will fundamentally shape the future of the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs.  AmeriCorps, the Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps VISTA, Senior Corps programs such as RSVP, and the myriad of initiatives associated with the Corporation could be in jeopardy.

Since February, AmeriCorps Alums, our HandsOn affiliates and all of you have mobilized in support of the campaigns to Save Service.  With so many difficult decisions to be made as Congress returns to Washington, we must continue to keep the pressure on by calling your Senators and Representatives on Thursday, September 15.

Today, make a pledge to call your Senators and Representatives on Thursday, September 15. When you make the pledge you can find talking points and a sample script for your phone call. These help to make calling your Senators and Representatives easier.

If you have the time on your call, tell your personal story with national service programs. Did you serve through an AmeriCorps program? Did you benefit from services that were supported by an RSVP volunteer? Did you volunteer through a program that was supported by the Volunteer Generation Fund? Do you volunteer and make a difference in your community?

For day-to-day updates on the Save Service campaign, you can visit and Like the .

We hope that you’ll tell your friends about the importance of national service programs. Take the pledge and join us on September 15

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