8 More Ideas for Volunteering With Your Kids

A few days ago, we talked a bit about some ideas for volunteering with your kids. Sometimes it’s hard finding a way for kids to get involved in volunteering that is meaningful to them, and shows that they’re having an impact. We’ve put together a few more ideas for projects you can do with your kids to get them involved in service!

  1. volunteer, volunteering, volunteerismVolunteer together at an animal shelter. - Pets at animal shelters need to interact with people to make them more social and adoptable. You can walk dogs, play with cats, and make them better pets for their new homes!
  2. Organize a reading hour for children at your local hospital or library. - This is a great way for kids to share with others! Make a plan with your local library to host a story time, or with your local hospital to read favorite stories to kids who are sick.
  3. Sponsor a soldier. - Your kids and your family can create a relationship with a soldier through one of many national programs. Together, you can collect items to send overseas and write letters to keep in touch with a soldier.
  4. Hold a holiday craft party. - Have your kids invite friends to a craft party. The children can make small gifts for children in shelters or hospitals.
  5. Distribute leaf bags during the fall. - You can help your neighbors and the environment by making it easier to get their leaves out of the garbage. A lot of cities have leaf pick-up days that make sure fallen leaves don’t go into a landfill. Many cities use the leaves for compost that residents can pick up for free!
  6. Find out if there’s an organization that fosters soldiers’ pets in your community. - Some soldiers have to leave their pets at a shelter when they’re deployed because they don’t have anyone around to take care of the pet. Find out if there’s an organization that fosters pets while soldiers are deployed, or maybe you can start one!
  7. Make birthday cards for kids in shelters. - A lot of kids that don’t have homes don’t get to celebrate their birthdays, either. Get some friends and family together and make some birthday cards for kids who might not get any! Find out more at Birthday Wishes.
  8. Get an extra bag when you go grocery shopping. – When you go grocery shopping, pick up a few extra items (or a whole bag!) to donate to a food bank. When you have a full bag, drop it off at the food bank.
Don’t forget, you can always do your own thing, too! Finding a way to volunteer as a family is a great way to spend quality time together!
If you’re looking for some help making your own volunteer projects, generationOn has some great tips for volunteering with kids and planning projects with teens!
How do you volunteer as a family? Do your kids volunteer on their own? Tell us about it in the comments!

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