7 Ways to Make A Difference and Make Your Mark

This week has been a great week for service, and tomorrow is the biggest national day of service of the year; Make A Difference Day!

Make A Difference DayThis Saturday marks the 21st anniversary of Make A Difference Day. Since 1990, HandsOn Network and USA WEEKEND have joined together to sponsor Make A Difference Day, the largest national day of community service. Millions of Americans will unite in a common mission to improve the lives of others this Saturday.

GenerationOn has been supporting Make Your Mark Week this week, a great way for kids to get involved in small acts of service that can come together to make big changes in their communities. Kids can find ways to help animalsthe environmenthomelessnesshunger, and literacy.

This weekend, it’s easy to get involved in service! Here are some tips for finding your own way to Make A Difference or Make Your Mark this weekend:

  • Make a pledge to help animals in your community! Puppies and kittens are adorable, and there are a lot of ways you can help out animals that don’t have a home in your community.
  • Find a volunteer project near you! There are hundreds of volunteer projects going on this Saturday for Make A Difference Day! We bet you can find one that doesn’t start too early so you can sleep in on Saturday!
  • Make the environment a little cleaner! Find a small act or a big project that can help your community be a little greener!
  • Help kids and adults without a home. Take a few moments to find out how you can help families living in homeless shelters lead an easier life while they’re getting back on their feet.
  • Stamp out hunger in your community! Find a way that you can help people who don’t have enough to eat and support your community food bank!
  • Help make reading cool for everyone! Spend some time sharing your favorite books or helping other kids find the adventure in reading!
  • Do your own thing! You can start your own volunteer projects this weekend and have a lot of practice for next year’s Make A Difference Day! Starting your own volunteer project is easy with a little help from HandsOn Network and generationOn!
Are you volunteering this weekend as part of Make A Difference Day or Make Your Mark Week? Let us know in the comments!


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