We Are Thankful for Our Volunteers This Holiday Season

Everyday hundreds of people volunteer their time and skills to give back to their community. These volunteers are so will to put the “giving” back into Thanksgiving, why not show them how thankful you are for their service?

Thanking volunteers for their time of service can sometimes be overlooked when planning a service project. These volunteers are so willing to do their work without acknowledgement so this step can be easily overlooked. So how can you include this step into your service project planning?

Here are some suggestions that may help you add acknowledgement of gracious commitment to your service project checklist!

  • The most important thing to do to make your volunteers feel appreciated is to say THANK YOU!
  • Invite a celebrity or locally elected official to visit the site and personally thank the group.
  • Arrange for someone from the organization or site that you are helping to come on site and send a personal thank you to the volunteers
  • Finish the day off with an on site luncheon or picnic to bring everyone together to reflect on the experience.
  • Have a pep rally for your volunteers complete with cheerleaders from a local high school, college, sports team, or peppy volunteers
  • Sing a meaningful song together
  • Have someone take pictures of the day with an instant camera and distribute the pictures to the volunteers at the end of the day
  • Present volunteers with pins, certificates, hats, bumper stickers, notepads, cups, or other mementos from the day.
  • Give volunteers goody bags filled with donated merchandise from local organizations or business es.
  • Give away tickets to movies or other local events
  • Hold a raffle for the volunteers
  • Give discount coupons from local restaurants, car washes, or other local services.
  • Send personalized thank you notes to volunteers for their time
  • Hold a special recognition even for all groups, volunteers, partners, etc.
  • Send holiday cards
  • Recognize volunteers at their places of worship, work, school, or civic involvement
  • Provide photos with names to newspapers, newsletters, community bulletin boards, radio stations, or television stations
  • Nominate the group for a civic engagement award
  • Ask the organization you helped to write a letter to the local newspaper editor thanking the volunteers


Volunteers are the backbone to any successful organization. Show them your thanks this holiday season.

Are you giving thanks for those who serve? Share your plan of action with us in the comment section below!

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