Organizing an MLK Day Event

“Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Next Monday January 16 is the Martin Luther King Day of National Service. What will you do to keep King’s dream alive in your community?

Dr. King imagined a community full of neighbors who were willing to help each other no matter the circumstances. He believed in the power of brothers and sisters rather than strangers who just live by each other.

Anyone can serve, no matter his or her age or physical ability. How? All it takes is some planning and decision making on your part to make this event, “a day on not a day off.” Follow these five steps to make your service planning a breeze, so that you can keep the memory of Dr. King alive, not only on this day, but also in the future!

  1. Organize:
  • Form a group of friends, neighbors, teammates, etc. to participate in the project.
  • Decide how many times your group needs to meet during the duration of the project.
  • Choose a responsible adult to head the project if your team is primarily composed of younger members.
  • Try to recruit community partners to help with the planning and project.

2. Select or create your project:

  • State your goals and desired outcomes.
  • Discuss your ideas and choose what project will work for you
  • Develop a way to connect your project to the meaning of Martin Luther King Day.

3. Plan your service event:

  • Timeline: Set timelines to ensure your project is completed in time.
  • Select event location: How much space do you need? Is there a business or community center willing to donate space for the project?
  • Obtain permission: Discuss whom you need to get permission from to obtain a space.
  • Assign jobs: Who will be the leader? Who will pay tribute to Dr. King’s legacy during the day? Who will participate in what project?
  • Get the word out: Get the word out publically through fliers, community publications, etc. Decide who will be in charge of getting the word out and who needs to be contacted.
  • Organize materials: Discuss what supplies will be needed. Who will donate these supplies?
  • Create a budget: How much money will you need? How will you raise the money? Who can you ask for donations? Put someone in charge of coming up with the budget.
  • Engage community partners: Make sure to keep the public informed.
  • Register your MLK Day project.

4. Run your service project:

  • Make sure all aspects of the event are covered the day of
  • Manage your project group to make sure everyone is doing their part
  • Hang any posters, banners, etc.
  • Conduct a sign in for volunteers when they arrive
  • Recognize all volunteers, sponsors, and donors.
  • Make sure you discuss Dr. King’s legacy and relate it to the service project.
  • Take pictures of the project.

5. Follow up and reflect:

  • Reflect about your experience with the group. Discuss what went well and what could be approved upon.
  • Thank volunteers on the day of the event. Send handwritten thank you notes as well.

Sounds a little easier to get involved in service this MLK Day? Good, now you can get out there and volunteer! It is important to keep the legacy of Dr. King involved all year, and this day of service is the perfect way to start the process!

Are you planning a service project for MLK day? Tell us about it we’d love to hear!

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