10 Ways to Celebrate National Mentoring Month

There are so many amazing things happening in January and National Mentoring Month is one of them! From school aged children to young adults, a mentor is valuable to a child’s growth and development and can help leave an impression on someone for the rest of their lives. By simply giving just an hour each week you can develop a meaningful relationship that can encourage and inspire a child or young adult for their entire life.

  1. Become a mentor in your community. Organizations such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters and the United Way offer a plethora of opportunities for anyone interested in mentoring a child. You can also mentor young adults. There are many recent grads and college-aged students who need guidance in looking for jobs or making important life decisions. 
  2.  Learn more about mentoring: Do your research and read inspiring stories about the impact of mentoring. Hopefully, this will inspire you to mentor a youth in your community.
  3. Partner with a mentoring organization. There are organizations solely dedicated to providing mentors for youth. Conduct research to seek these organizations out.
  4. Join “I Am a Mentor” Day.
  5. Think about the mentors in your life and post a tribute to them online. Simply thanking your mentor is very fulfilling for both you and your mentor. Reflecting on the impact of your mentor will also inspire you and teach you about the values of mentors.
  6. Read the latest research and find resources on mentoring. Learn about the statistics and the social impacts of mentoring. One study reported that 52% of youth reported that having a mentor helped significantly with skipping school.
  7. Serve your community on MLK Day of Service by deciding to become a mentor. Martin Luther King, Jr. day is a national service day. Contribute to this day of service by becoming a mentor.
  8. Make a donation to a mentoring organization in your community. If you are unable to devote your time to mentor a youth, monetary donations are appreciated.
  9. Go to YouTube on Thank Your Mentor Day™ (January 26) and make the National Mentoring Month videos the most popular of the day. Help spread the word about this amazing cause!
  10. Explore ways to help children succeed academically through mentoring.   A mentor can always provide a child with the extra “push” to excel academically. 

We hope you enjoyed these useful tips for National Mentoring Month and are ultimately inspired to become a mentor!

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