We Are Superstars!

Breaking news! We have just been informed that the United Nations finally MET its top eight Millennium Development Goals as of last night!

This is a call for celebration!

The United Nations announced their Development Programme at their Millennium Summit in 2000. They hoped to have all goals met by all 193 United Nations member states by 2015.

Well guess what these goals were met early!!!

  • Everyone has enough to eat!
  • Everyone can access primary education no matter where they live!
  • Women are treated the same as men!

Infant mortality is nearly zero!

  • Every mother has the prenatal care they need to have a healthy baby!
  • HIV/AIDS and malaria are gone!
  • The environment is great!
  • There’s a development plan in place for the third world!

While you were busy watching Dancing with the Stars, HandsOn Network, Points of Light, generationOn, and AmeriCorps Alums were working with our affiliates and partners for months to come to an answer for these problems.

Last night, we came to our final conclusion and all eight goals were met, thanks to our awesome volunteers. (Unless you actually mean superman)

So what does this mean?

Well of course we are about to receive many awards from across the world because we basically saved it through our volunteer work. After the hype is over, we will not need any more volunteers.

We’re developing a new path to promote social good after we relax from saving the world, of course  Soo sit tight, we will be hibernating for spring and winter, sorry if you are inconvenienced from our world saving aftermath!


Don’t worry we still need volunteers and we are still working on these goals, but we thought it was a good joke, right?!

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