Remember to Thank Your Volunteers During National Volunteer Week!

As you may know, this week is National Volunteer Week! This week is a special time of the year to recognize and thank all of the great work of the awesome volunteers around you and throughout the country!

When thanking your volunteers, we at HandsOn Network hope you remember to thank our military and veterans for their service to our country this week and throughout the year!

Check out these six ways to thank your veterans during National Volunteer Week!

  1. Visit a hospitalized veteran or a veteran living in a veteran’s home! Why wouldn’t a veteran appreciate someone taking the time out of their day to come and visit them in the hospital to remind them that they are grateful for their service to our country!
  2. Leave a kind and encouraging message online thanking veterans for their sacrifice! Messages can be left at the Facebook pages for the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines or Air Force. Or you can leave a message on the personal page of a veteran who you may know, thanking them for their service and remind them that it’s National Volunteer Week, a week dedicated to them and their service!
  3. If you own a company, or make employment decisions, consider hiring a veteran. While the national unemployment rate, continues to rise, the unemployment rate for veteran’s continues to increase at nearly double the national unemployment rate.
  4. Let your voice be heard! Learn about local, state and national issues affecting veterans then let your voice be heard. If time permits, call your local congressman and/or Senator to further advocate for the protection of veterans’ rights.
  5. Donate or assist an organization that helps wounded veterans, such as Disabled American Veterans, the Wounded Warriors Project or Joining Forces
  6. Make sure your children understand the significance of veterans and the sacrifice of those who have served. And at the very least, be sure to say “thank you” to a veteran today, be it a friend, family member, co-worker or just someone you know in your community!


For National Volunteer Week, whether you decide to visit a hospitalized veteran, call a veteran, or advocate for veterans’ rights, we would appreciate it and would be glad that other people are so willing to remind others of our awesome veterans and their service! Comment and tell us how you plan on celebrating veterans during National Volunteer Week!

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