Archive for May, 2012

Five Social Media Tips for Nonprofits

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

Do you wish you had a larger audience? Does your organization have a story to tell? As nonprofit leaders, you know about advocacy and policy, assessment and evaluation, and volunteer recruitment and management. Social media is the best forum to practice all of these things as well as to reach new audiences, gather feedback, share your latest projects, and build relationships. Read on for five tips on how to utilize social media at your organization.

1. Have a voice. Know your audience and address them accordingly. If your organization focuses on youth, don’t post mature articles or videos and speak in a playful, engaging manner. If your organization focuses on serving the military community, you might speak in a more structured and direct manner.

2. Post frequently. It is important to post at least a couple days every week. Readers expect to see interesting and relevant information when they follow a page, and don’t want to wait weeks in between posts.

3. Respond to people’s questions and comments. Even though you’re not speaking face-to-face, or corresponding through e-mail, you still need to use etiquette in your social media interactions. Respond to people’s questions and comments with polite and helpful answers. If you do not have an answer for their question, let them know that you will find out and get back to them or refer them to a knowledgeable person. Just as you should post frequently, you also should not wait more than a day to respond to each post.

4. Delegate the responsibility to one person or team. To make sure you are using a consistent voice that is posting on a regular schedule from a branded page, delegate the social media responsibility to one person. You may even need to create a full time position to manage all of the social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Blogspot.

5. Don’t be modest. Keep your followers in the know by sharing your organization’s most important projects, campaigns, and accomplishments. Sharing these will keep your followers tuned in and keep your organization on people’s minds.

Promising Practices: Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the hashtags on Twitter? Here are a few examples for nonprofits to use:






Does your organization utilize social media? Let us know how in the comments below.


Summer is here! Volunteer at a Museum!

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Now that Memorial Day has marked the beginning of the summer, get out and volunteer at a Museum! Volunteering at a museum can be quite rewarding. Whether it’s the tourists, employees, or fellow volunteers, you’re able to interact with people who are all interested in the similar thing. In society, museums play the role of collecting and caring for objects of scientific, artistic or historical importance and making them available to the public. With more than 17,500 museums in the United States, there’s bound to be one that serves your interests.

1. If you’re interested in finding out more about your own heritage, you may consider volunteering somewhere like the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City, the Mexican Fine Arts Museum in Chicago, Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena or the Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle.

There are also museums dedicated to specific artists, such as the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts or the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe, New Mexico. And if you’re a little bit country, or a little bit rock ‘n roll, don’t forget the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville, Tennessee or the Rock ‘N Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio.

2. When it comes to finding a job, it’s all about who you know and what you can do. And a museum can be the perfect training ground for launching your career.

Working at a museum can help sharpen professional skills like working with the public, organizing programs, raising

money and working with computers. It can also beef up your resume and help facilitate a move from one industry to another — such as a banker who transitions into becoming a history teacher by volunteering at a historical museum.

3. Job searching aside, studies have shown that volunteering leads to greater life satisfaction, lower rates of depression and better mental and physical health, according to the Corporation for National & Community Service.

It’s not just about getting out of the house and finding something to do. Volunteering at a museum expands your network and puts you in contact with patrons, fellow volunteers and museum administrators. If you’re looking for regular employment beyond your volunteer work, this could lead you to the next big thing.

An Easy Way to Recognize Service Members

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Are you looking for an easy way to recognize our deployed service members and thank them for their service? The USO has a great way for you to do just that, and it’s free!

You can choose from a variety of cards, some of them are for deployed family members and some are appropriate for any service member. If you’re looking to send a card to any service member, the Department of Defense doesn’t deliver mail to ‘Any Soldier’ anymore, but can connect you with a service member who will share your message with a member of their unit who might not be getting mail from home.

You can also donate to the USO’s Operation Phone Home to help make it easier for service members to call home to their families when they’re deployed.

If you have a rainy weekend in the house with your family, you can make cards for deployed soldiers, too! All you need is some construction paper, pens, pencils, markers or crayons, and a little imagination! It’s a sure bet that your cards will brighten the day of a deployed service member. Don’t forget, even if you don’t know a soldier, you can send your cards to a soldier who might not be getting mail from home through


Looking for another idea for small act volunteering? Did you see these ideas?


8 Steps to Get Your Employee Volunteer Program Started

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Individual and family volunteering makes a huge impact on the community. Employee volunteering will not only make an impact on the surrounding community, but also on the work environment. Employees who volunteer together will feel more connected to the community in which they work, and also closer to their coworkers.

Starting an employee volunteer program in your workplace is easy to do. It will help shape your company’s image because you will be giving back to the community that you work in. Follow the eight steps below to get your employee volunteer program started today!

  1. Assess both your employees’ and community’s interests and needs. Survey employees to assess their current interests and past volunteer experience. Check out your local HandsOn Network action center or other local volunteer center to find volunteer opportunities near your workplace.
  2. Identify business priorities and goals that can be met through an employee volunteer program. A successful program will reflect business goals while adding value to the overall business objective. You can use your business plans when writing up your employee volunteer program to better incorporate the two.
  3. Secure your company’s top management support. All levels of management and departments should encourage employee participation in the program. Identify senior managers that can participate in various projects to get better participation from all employees.
  4. Develop a program structure and program policies. Encourage participation from all employee levels. Try to develop an employee committee who can dedicate themselves to greater participation. Develop written policies about employee participation in service events (i.e. how many project must staff members participate in). Learn best practices of employee volunteer programs so that you may implement them into your program.
  5. Design volunteering projects in line with financial support. Try to volunteer at organizations that your company supports or is considering supporting. Your company’s philanthropy donations will mean more to the organization, if they are also backed by volunteer support.
  6. Measure the program and evaluate its results. Develop methods for measuring overall employee satisfaction with the program and actual participation. Regularly evaluate whether or not the program is meeting the company’s overall strategic goals. By answering these questions, you can begin planning the next projects to better meet these goals.
  7. Establish a rewards program for participating employees. Reward will help build program participation. Develop an awards system for employee
    s to encourage their participation from extra vacation time to a t-shirt.
  8. Publicize your company’s efforts both internally and externally. You can communicate your employee’s efforts through the Internet or by contacting your local newspaper article. By reporting your results, the community will look more favorably at your company, and other companies may be more enthusiastic about starting a program of their own!


Employee volunteer programs are a great way to better your employee’s morale and will also boost community support. It is important to build your company’s image through volunteering within the community.

Does your company have an employee volunteer program? We would love to hear about it in the comments sections below!

Today’s post comes from Luci Miller. Luci is an AmeriCorps member on the Points of Light Digital team. Luci has recently joined other members in planning staff volunteer projects.

Make Your Memorial Day BBQ Worth More

Monday, May 28th, 2012

Happy Memorial Day! Today is the perfect time for backyard barbecue and busting out your favorite white jeans. Today is also the perfect time to do a little social good for your community.

Last week, we discussed how to honor your community’s military men and women on Memorial Day. You can take those ideas one step further by turning your Memorial Day celebration into a charity event to benefit military service men, veterans, families, or organizations working with military.

Choose a cause or individual that touches you, and raise donations during your party!

How will you do this? Check out our steps below for fundraising success!

  1. Brainstorm with guests prior to the event: Ask your guests to do some research on military needs and nonprofit organizations that work with military or military families. Come up with a list of organizations that you can relate to. Come together as a group to make a uniformed decision about which cause you want to support at your event. When you draw up your invitations, let guests know that you will be collecting donations at your celebration, if they would like to donate.
  2. Contact the organization that you wish to help: Give the organization of your choice a heads up that you are hosting a benefit event in hopes of collecting donations for them. The organization may have certain items they need instead of monetary donations. Some organizations do not accept monetary donations.
  3. Define a purpose: Let your guests know the purpose of your benefit event. Whether your purpose is to help out a veteran in your community, or to collect money for a nonprofit because you like their mission, it is important to let guests know where their money will be going.
  4. Assign a leader to the event: Assign a leader to the fundraising aspect of your event. Someone should be in charge of collecting the donations. It is also important to assign a role to the person who will be making the actual donation.
  5. Alert the community: Ask guests if they would like to get the community involved in fundraising. Do you want to make this event internal or external? These questions can be answered in line with your fundraising goals. What are you trying to accomplish through your event?
  6. Make it fun: Assign a theme to your Memorial Day event. Guests are more likely to have a good time and be more involved in your purpose, if they are enjoying the atmosphere. Whether your theme is Memorial Day barbecue or an All-American party, just have a good time!
  7. Say thank-you: Let your guests know how thankful you are for their contributions at your event. If you want to hold another similar event, guests are more likely to give again, if they feel like their actions were appreciated.
  8. Spread the benefits: If possible, let guests know how their donations benefited the community or the chosen organization or individual. Did their donation provide a military family in need with a warm meal? However your event benefited the community; let guests know so they have a tangible mission to hold on to.


Memorial Day is a great way to have fun with friends and family, but remember to support your troops while you are having fun!

Are you turning your Memorial Day celebration into more than just a day of barbecue? Let us know about it in the comments section below!

Celebrate Veterans on Memorial Day by doing this!

Friday, May 25th, 2012

Formerly known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War. This Memorial Day, we invite you to celebrate soldiers by volunteering with the 5 easy volunteer opportunities!

  1. Honor fallen heroes by volunteering at a veterans’ cemetery on Memorial Day or any time of year. Volunteers can give cemetery tours, help with maintenance, raise and lower flags and more. Use the National Cemetery Administration website to find a volunteer opportunity near you.
  2. Volunteer to help The National Memorial Day Parade: If you will be in Washington, DC on Memorial Day 2012, you have the unique opportunity to be part of the parade of the year! It takes hundreds and hundreds of willing hands and feet to make this large parade a success. We are looking for many volunteers to help in the assembly area, along the parade route, and in the parade’s dispersal area near the White House. Each volunteer will get a special Parade T-shirt and (most importantly) a chance to meet and thank personally those who have served, and sacrificed, to keep our country free!
  3. Volunteers needed to distribute roses for Memorial Day! A group of volunteers is working to bring floral beauty to the graves at this Memorial Day. This Monday, May 28, more than 100 volunteers from Memorial Day Flowers will hand out more than 50,000 roses at the cemetery. Visitors are given two roses, one to place on a grave, and one to take home in remembrance. All of the flowers are donated by farmers throughout Ecuador. The idea was initiated by Ramiro Peñaherrera of Flowers for Kids. He’s part Ecuadorean and has family members buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Being that Ecuador is one of the largest rose producers in the world, he set out to get farmers there to donate roses for the cause.
  4. Honor Veterans by planting flags! Recently, over 200 volunteers spent Wednesday planting flags for Memorial Day on the grounds of Boston Common in downtown Boston in honor of those who served and died for our country.  The 33,000 flags represent all of the fallen soldiers from Massachusetts who have died since the civil war.
  5. Reflect on the service of Veteran’s: Simply celebrate Veteran’s Day with your family by reflecting on the service that Veteran’s have contributed to America. Propose such topics as, “Where would America be without the help of our veterans?” or “How has a veteran individually impacted your life?” Or if you are so fortunate to have a veteran in your life, celebrate, honor, and thank him for his tremendous bravery and service.

Whether you’re volunteering with your local veterans’ parade or simply reflecting on veterans’ service, we hope that you have a fantastic Memorial Day! Tell us how do you plan on  commemorating veterans this Memorial Day in the COMMENTS!

Five Tips for Inclusive Service Projects

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

There is a perception that people with disabilities are limited to being the recipients of service. Volunteer managers are in a position to expand efforts to engage individuals with disabilities and challenge this perception within their own community. Read on to learn to be more inclusive as your work managing volunteers.

  • Research The National Service Resource Center has an accessibility checklist that will help you get started right away. This checklist will help you determine the programmatic and physical accessibility of your service project and site. Contact one of you local disability support organizations to address any problems the checklist may reveal.
  • Broaden Your Language Persons with disabilities are read to serve, but are they getting your message? recruiting materials should use welcoming language that encourages people with disabilities to apply.
  • Partner Are you performing any type of outreach activity? Consider partnering with disability support organizations to plan a service project.
  • Encourage open conversation For many, a disability is only an inconvenience that can be mitigated with a reasonable accommodation, which may or may not be needed to participate in your organization’s service activity. Encourage prospective volunteers to disclose a disability prior to the service activity, which allows for adequate preparation. When a prospective volunteer chooses to disclose, thank them for their willingness to share and their desire to serve. Describe the service activity and the types of work functions they will need to be able to perform the service. In most cases, an accommodation will not be necessary, but if you and the volunteer are unsure, contact one of your local disability resource centers for assistance.
  • Have the appropriate technology Creating an inclusive service environment is a continuous process. Adaptive technology is evolving at an increasingly rapid rate, so it is critically important to survey your program for accessibility on an annual basis. Make inclusion a component within your strategic planning and reveal the benefits of inclusion to any that may be skeptical about its importance. Embracing equality and diversity within your volunteer service teams will benefit individuals with disabilities and those without. It sets an example for community leaders and those that aspire one day to lead.

Inclusion starts with the actions and attitudes of those within your organization; it is a value that we share. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said “everyone can be great because anyone can serve”. When you take the steps to achieve an inclusion service environment, you are giving someone the chance to serve and the chance to be great!

Celebrate Women’s Health Month!

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

We all have a role to play in women’s health. Women often serve as caregivers for their families, putting the needs of their spouses, partners, children, and parents before their own. As a result, women’s health and well-being becomes secondary. As a community, we have a responsibility to support the important women we know and do everything we can to help them take steps for longer, healthier, and happier lives.

National Women’s Health month brings together communities, businesses, government, health organizations, and other groups in an effort to promote women’s health. The theme for 2012 is “It’s Your Time.” National Women’s Health Week empowers women to make their health a top priority. It also encourages women to take the following steps to improve their physical and mental health and lower their risks of certain diseases:

  1. Get preventive screenings! Visit a health care professional to receive regular checkups and preventive screenings. As recommended by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, every two years, all women should receive a blood pressure test. Get tested once a year if you have blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89.  Discuss treatment with your doctor or nurse if you have blood pressure 140/90 or higher. Starting at age 50, women should get screened for breast cancer every two years. Other important screenings for women include screenings for Cervical cancer (Pap test), Chlamydia, cholesterol, Colorectal cancer, diabetes, Gonorrhea, HIV, and Syphilis.
  2. Get active! Regular activity can help prevent unhealthy weight gain and also help with weight loss, when combined with lower calorie intake. It can also improve your cardiorespiratory (heart, lungs, and blood vessels) and muscular fitness.
  3. EatHealthy! Following a healthy eating plan doesn’t mean that you can’t indulge every now and then. If what you eat is generally low in fat (especially saturated and trans fat) and sugars and you are getting enough vitamins and minerals, you may indulge in a rich dessert or serving of fried food every once in a while. If, on the other hand, you eat a lot of high-calorie foods, you are likely to get all the calories you need quickly without getting enough vital nutrients.
  4. Get enough sleep and manage stress! For the month of May and beyond, try to get a good night’s rest. Adequate sleep makes you more productive and ultimately feel good!
  5. Avoid unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking and not wearing a seatbelt or bicycle helmet.

National Women’s Health month motivates women to improve or maintain women’s well-being. Tell us how you plan on promoting women’s health this month!

16 Ways to Honor Our Military on Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

Memorial Day is this upcoming Monday, May 28. Time to enjoy a day off work, put on your best white attire, and fire up the back yard barbecue. Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Memorial Day?

Memorial Day was first celebrated in 1865 to honor fallen Union soldiers after the American Civil War. By the 20th Century, Memorial was extended to honor all fallen American soldiers. In 1968, Memorial Day became an official American holiday to be celebrated on the last Monday in May.

What can you do to honor the true meaning of Memorial Day? Check out today’s ideas below:

  1. Ask your local newspaper editor to include a list of names on Memorial Day of fallen soldiers in your community.
  2. Visit a military cemetery. Put flowers, ribbons, or American flags on soldiers’ graves.
  3. Wear a yellow ribbon in honor of current soldiers or veterans in your community.
  4. Fly an American flag in your yard at half mast to honor the memory of fallen soldiers.
  5. Take a moment of silence during your busy day to observe the military families who have lost a loved one to war.
  6. Write thank you letters for currently serving military or veterans for their service to protecting our country and community members.
  7. Visit a military museum or historic military site.
  8. Organize a community-wide observance to honor the military in your community who have served or who are currently serving.
  9. Change your profile picture to an American flag in honor of the military.
  10. Tell others why you are thankful for the military by using the hashtag #RememberThem on .
  11. Educate your children on the importance of observing Memorial Day and the dedicated service of military men and women.
  12. Volunteer with military families from babysitting children to cooking a meal for a military family in your community.
  13. Hold a donation fundraiser for your community’s veterans’ hospital.
  14. Volunteer with the Red Cross.
  15. Educate yourself on the needs of returning military and educate your community on these needs. Make sure that your community is accurately meeting veteran needs. The Community Blueprint has many educational resources.
  16. Get involved with the Got Your 6 Campaign.

It is important to always remember the dedicated service of military men and women. Their dedication to service is truly inspirational to every American, especially all of us in the nonprofit volunteer sector.

However your decide to celebrate Memorial Day this upcoming Monday, take time to honor those who have given their lives for our country’s freedom.

How are you honoring the military for Memorial Day? We would love for you to share in the comments section below!

Happy Birthday to the American Red Cross!

Monday, May 21st, 2012

On May 21, 1881, Clara Barton and a circle of colleagues founded the American Red Cross. Barton and colleagues originally founded the Red Cross to aid injured war soldiers during the Civil War.

Prior to World War I, the American Red Cross developed its first water safety, first aid, and nursing initiatives. From 1914 to 1917 the number of Red Cross chapters, nation-wide, increased to 3,864 in order to aid the war effort. In 1918, Red Cross nurses helped combat the influenza epidemic.

After World War I, the American Red Cross focused their efforts on veteran relief and safety education. The American Red Cross also expanded their services to disaster victim relief and services.

Similar to World War I, the American Red Cross played a major role in World War II from supplies to providing nurses. Post World War II, the American Red Cross held the first nation-wide blood supply drive.

Since World War II, the Red Cross has expanded its services to biomedical research, human tissue collection, civil defense, CPR/AED training, HIV/AIDS education, and disaster victim support. The Red Cross also helped the federal government form the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Since founding the Red Crescent Societies in 1919, the American Red Cross has joined more than 175 other national societies in bringing aid to international victims of disasters.

Today we celebrate the amazing contributions the American Red Cross has given not only the United States, but also the entire world. Let us remember some of these accomplishments by reading the list below:

  • The American Red Cross supplies 40 percent of the nation’s entire blood supply
  • The American Red Cross supplies over 3,000 national hospitals’ blood supply
  • Over 200,000 blood drive are held across the United States, annually
  • During Hurricane Katrina, over 2,000 Red Cross volunteers provided relief
  • The American Red Cross allocated $314.7 million in disaster relief donations to victims of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake.
  • In 2001, the American Red Cross partnered with other world organization in the Measles Initiative. Since 2001, the Measles Initiative has helped vaccinate over 1 billion children in over 60 developing countries.
  • Each year, the American Red Cross responds to over 70,000 disasters.
  • Over 12 million Americans are trained in CPR/AED annually with the American Red Cross course.
  • The American Red Cross provides one-quarter of the nation’s plasma supply through their volunteer services.

These accomplishments would not be possible without the 131 years of American Red Cross existence. May 21 is the day to celebrate the birthday of such an amazing volunteer organization. Take a minute to thank your local Red Cross chapter for the all the work they do.

Do you want to get involved with the American Red Cross? You have a great deal of volunteer options from holding a blood drive to hosting CPR training. Check out the official Red Cross site today to learn more about volunteering opportunities near you and find a local chapter close to your community.

Have you been touched by the Red Cross? We would love to hear your story in the comments section below!