Give Your Teachers More than Apples

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, the pool is becoming less refreshing, and the kids are starting to get antsy. It’s about that time of the year again… school time! The first day of school is just days away for many kids across the country. The start of school often means stress and instant panic for parents and teachers who scramble to get last minute things together for the new school year.

Being a volunteer for your community’s school is one of the best ways that you can combat school year stress; after all volunteering is proven to make us happier! Whether you are a parent who wants to become more involved in your child’s education or you are an individual just looking to make a difference. Check out our ideas to serve your community’s schools this upcoming year!

  1. Volunteer at the library: Many schools fall short when it comes to keeping up with their library and ensuring proper staffing. Volunteer at your child’s library to help with book donations, shelf organization, checking out books, or reading to children. It is a great way to meet your child’s teachers and remain visible at the school.
  2. Time to take a trip: Volunteer to chaperone for your child’s field trips. Teachers often lack the necessary funding to rent transportation for field trips. Volunteering your time to chaperone or drive will ensure that your child gets an enriching and fun education!
  3. Clean up on the school aisle: Have you noticed that your child’s school grounds could use some beautification? Put together a volunteer cleaning crew who will help clean up the school grounds and restore routine maintenance. Often schools need new paint jobs and other beautification projects. Volunteers can be a great asset to this need.
  4. Teach kids about the work force: Volunteer your workplace as a field trip. If you work somewhere that could be particularly educating to a group of youngsters. Suggest that your child’s teacher bring his or her class for a day of learning!
  5. Share your time and talents: Are you crafty or do you have a green thumb? Volunteer to a classroom volunteer. Teachers often need assistance with small classroom projects. Volunteer to teach children an arts and crafts skill or about gardening.
  6. Hold a donation drive: If you know a school that could benefit from some extra supplies; hold a drive at your workplace. Often teachers have to purchase their own classroom supplies. Help ease the burden on these teachers, by donating things that they need!
  7. Join the club: Volunteer your time with the PTA, planning committees, or school board. You will help make a difference on your community’s education system by being part of the decision making process.
  8. Tutor or mentor: Many kids are forced to go into after school or daycare programs when the school day is over because parents have to work. Volunteer to mentor a child after school. Present a mentoring program to your school, if they do not already have one. It is great way to get kids more motivated about school!

There are so many ways that you can volunteer in your community’s schools throughout the year, these are by no means your only options! Check out your local volunteer centers or speak with your school’s principal to see how your talents can be of use at your local school.

Have your volunteered at a school? We would love to hear about your experience or tips in our comments section below!

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