Celebrate the United States Dollar Bill!

Happy Dollar Day! Today is a day to remember the creation of the first United States dollar bill. In honor of the United States dollar bill’s birthday, we would like to discuss the importance that the dollar bill plays in the nonprofit fundraising world. It would be difficult for nonprofit organizations to accomplish all that they do without the generous support of individual and large donors.

Has your organization established a fundraising plan yet? Check out our steps to a great fundraising plan in honor of the US dollar, to get your program started!

  1. While planning on the amount of funding your organization will need for a specific project, research your community first. Take a look at your local, state and national communities and decide whether or not they would be able to give you a grant. Where would a fundraising event be more successful? Vary your funding; it is not smart to rely on one funding source for your entire project.
  2. Plan out your budget prior to soliciting funds. You will be more successful if you are able to present a plan to your grantees.
  3. After researching your community, develop a fundraising message. It is important to not only highlight the benefits that your program will have on the community, but also its benefits for the individual donor.
    1. Show a connection between the donor and the organization
    2. State the benefit to the donor
    3. Highlight how their money will make a difference
    4. Create a maximum good for the money
    5. Alert the donor about future follow up for the organization
  4. Recruit the right person to solicit donations. Does one of your volunteers work for a company you want to solicit from? Ask that individual to introduce you to their company manager.
  5. Apply for a grant. Grants take a significant time to write and often require extra follow through. They are a great option for nonprofit programs, when done correctly. Make sure your grant application follows all of the rules set by the grant maker. Look for a company or organization whose mission is similar to yours to ensure success.
  6. Other great ways to solicit funds come from fundraising events such as:
    1. Raffles
    2. Letters
    3. Special events at local businesses
    4. Auctions
    5. Bake sales
    6. Car washes


Fundraising and grant making are great ways to get your nonprofit’s programs off the ground. They are also great ways to learn more about your community and local businesses. Community members will get a feel for your organization and feel more connected to it when they have an understanding of your overall mission.

Want more information? Check out our Fundraising for Youth Service Resource Guide to help you get started!

How have you found fundraising success? We would love to hear your comments and tips in the section below!

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