The New School Year Means It’s Time to Volunteer!

Welcome to the first week of school, for the most of us! Yikes! What do you do now that the kids are in school and you have way more free time!

For many parents, this is a time to celebrate the additional free time for other hobbies, besides the kids. For other parents, this is a time for the unknown. It is difficult for many to find other things to do when the kids are at school. Take the added free time for granted and give back to the community through community service. Check out how you can volunteer your time while your kids are at school.

  • Microvolunteering: Microvolunteering is a great way to pass the time. Microvolunteering is a way for an individual to spend a couple of hours giving their time to a nonprofit organization. Tasks can include setting up a nonprofit website to being an online blogger for a nonprofit. Check out Sparked.Com for an opportunity to fit your schedule!
  • School Volunteer: Be an aid to your child’s school. Whether you are a classroom volunteer or you join the PTA, volunteer your voice and your time to make a difference in your child’s overall education. You will be a positive influence on your children by volunteering your time at their school.
  • Host a Bake Sale: Is your child on a school sports team? Volunteer your team at a school bake sale. Present the idea at a school  or booster meeting. Vote on a local nonprofit to raise donations for at the next sporting event. After the vote, decide on the appropriate roles for the event including who will make the baked goods and who will donate the profits from the sale.
  • Clean up time: Volunteer your time to clean up around your child’s school. Schools often need help maintaining their grounds, take the initiative and help out!
  • Paint a mural: Help beautify your child’s sc children hool by painting a beautiful mural. Organize a few parents together to volunteer their time on a weekday or weekend to beautify your local school.
  • Host a school supply drive: We know that school time means big expenses for parents. Host a supply drive for those who cannot afford all of the supplies on the annual teacher list. Whether your sponsor a family, or donate supplies to an individual school, you are making a big difference!
  • Reading time: Be a reader at your local library. Reading is one of the most important gift you can give a child. Volunteering your time at a library will truly help the in your community.
  • Find a grandparent friend: Volunteer your free time at a retirement home. You will find that the rewards completely outweigh everything. You will truly be helping someone in need just by socializing with him or her.

It can be hard to say good bye to your children once they leave for their first day of school. When your volunteer your time for your community, the time away from your children will feel more bearable. Enjoy your alone time and learn more about your community and yourself through volunteering!

Are you volunteering your time this school year? We would love to hear your stories and tips in the comments section below!

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