Reflections on Veterans Day Service

At the end of a service project, it’s important to take a few moments to reflect on the work that everyone has done and how that work has impacted the people being served. Whether it’s a park cleanup, a bake sale fundraiser or packing emergency kits for a local nonprofit.

Taking the time to reflect on the work that volunteers has done helps to build a connection that’s deeper than just the work that volunteers did. It helps paint the larger picture of what the organization does, how it does it and, most importantly, who the people are that benefit from the work of the nonprofit.

If you’re serving veterans today, or you’re leading a project that benefits veterans or their families, please take some time after your service project to ask a few questions about what you did and how it helped to support the work of the organization you served with.

Don’t forget to tell us about your service in the comments or on our Facebook page!

What got done today?
(What did you do? Who did you do it for? How will it support the organization you worked with or the people they serve?)

Why did we do it? Why is it important?
(What was the goal of the service project? Does it have an immediate impact on the organization you served with or the people it serves, or is it a step in a bigger plan?)

Did we learn anything new today?  About veterans? About ourselves?
(Share any details about serving veterans that seem meaningful and highlight the growth of the participants:  learning a new skill, making a new friend, etc.)

What did you / didn’t you like about today?
(Address positive and negative experiences, discuss how they came about, and how others in the group can learn from mistakes or make improvements for next time. Celebrate great experience and great stories from the day.)

What’s one commitment each of us could make to serve veterans and military families in the future?
(Encourage the group to make an open commitment to continued service and continued friendship or contact with one another.)

Celebrate the success of the day!

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