Archive for the ‘Cultural Differences’ Category

Special Needs Youth Gain Job Skills through Volunteerism

Saturday, May 29th, 2010

by Barbara Blalock

Over the past year I have had the privilege of working with local High School students enrolled in a Job Skills program and this partnership has proven to be a win-win experience for everyone involved.

Every semester three to four students have volunteered in support of  my organization, Treasures 4 Teachers, to volunteer their time.

The student volunteers have a variety of special needs but that certainly didn’t keep them from making a difference!

When the students arrived they were always excited and eager to get to work.

I always let them know how important their service was and what a difference it made for teachers and students in the classrooms we serve.

Over the past year the students that have volunteered have completed the following tasks:

  • Sorting cards that come in all mixed up
  • Making bookmarks from the cards
  • Sorting black and white tile pieces
  • Making games from the tile pieces
  • Stocking the shelves
  • Cutting foam into shapes
  • Folding letters
  • Stuffing envelopes
  • Helping test kits that were being developed for classroom use

Some of the job skills the student volunteers worked on with us are simple, but still important.

Some of the skills the students learned from the experience included:

  • Completing an application
  • Touring the facility and meeting other volunteers
  • Signing in and out each day
  • Taking appropriate breaks
  • Organization skills
  • Completing tasks
  • Following directions
  • Communicating with each other
  • Team building

Without this program these students might never have had the opportunity to learn these skills.

At the end of the school year the students proudly presented me with a handmade card signed by each of them telling me how much they appreciated the opportunity of volunteering and all that they learned.

Needless to say, I had tears in my eyes and warmth in my heart.

I want to encourage other non-profit organizations and volunteer managers to try and find ways to engage young volunteers with special needs in volunteer programs.

It has been a wonderful and fulfilling experience for me.

About the Author
Barbara Blalock is the Executive Director and Founder of Treasures 4 Teachers, Inc. a non-profit organization in Tempe, Arizona that provides vital materials to educators and students through proactive, environmentally-friendly programs. Treasures 4 Teachers seeks out and collects unwanted, but reusable materials and turns these materials into usable classroom resources.

On Service and Faith

Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Across all of the great faith traditions, we find absolute alignment and clarity around the example of service and the commandment to serve others.

Moses, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, and Muhammad all lived out the life of service.

They manifest the divine, not through their temporal power or wealth, but through the powerful example of their sacrifice and service to others.

Jesus healed the sick and ministered to the poor and the needy.

Buddha sought to alleviate the suffering of the world through his own personal transformation and by sharing these principles with the world.

Muhammad gave away his wealth in order to live in solidarity with the poor.

Throughout my own service journey, I have found that people are inspired to act in service to others out by their faith and the values of their religious traditions.

Service is a powerful platform for people of all faiths to unite in action.

How has your faith inspired your commitment to service?

In Africa, Anti-Malaria Mosquito Nets Go Unused by Recipients

Saturday, May 8th, 2010

by Sonia Shah
Originally published on May 2, 2010 for the
Los Angeles Times and cross posted here with permission from the author.

Last week, in honor of World Malaria Day, viewers of “American Idol” were urged to donate $10 for an insecticide-treated bed net to save an African child from malaria, the mosquito-transmitted scourge that infects about 300 million people every year, killing nearly 1 million.

The premise behind the idea of treated nets is simple. The netting prevents malarial mosquitoes from biting people while they’re asleep, and the insecticide kills and repels the insects. World health experts say that using the nets can reduce child mortality in malarial regions by 20 percent.

But even as donations roll in and millions of bed nets pile up in warehouses across Africa, aid agencies and nongovernmental organizations are quietly grappling with a problem: Data suggest that, at least in some places, nearly half of Africans who have access to the nets refuse to sleep under them.

Why that is gets to the heart of the trouble with our efforts to dislodge the diseases of the very poor. When scientists first developed the treated nets in the late 1990s, they were hailed by international donors and aid agencies as a magic bullet for malaria. Unlike nearly everything else that combats the disease, including better housing and drainage, anti-malarial drugs and insecticidal spray campaigns, the insecticide-doused nets are cheap and easy to use. Equally important, they require little infrastructure on the ground. A single volunteer on a motorcycle can distribute hundreds of nets a day, in even the most remote locales. There is no need for cold storage to keep drugs and vaccines refrigerated, nor for expert clinicians to oversee proper dosage.

To date, millions of dollars from international agencies, NGOs and USAID have been spent to get treated nets into the hands of impoverished, sub-Saharan Africans. The inter-agency Roll Back Malaria Partnership is calling for 730 million more.

But, as even the staunchest advocate will admit, the treated nets were not designed with the cultural preferences of the rural African villager in mind. Among other design flaws, their tight mesh blocks ventilation, a serious problem in the hot, humid places where malaria roosts. Minor discomfort might be tolerable in rural African communities desperate for anti-malarial prevention. But, as medical anthropologists have consistently found, because malaria is so common in much of sub-Saharan Africa, and because the overwhelming majority of cases go away on their own, most rural Africans consider malaria a minor ailment, the way that Westerners might think of the cold or flu. Many rural people also believe that malaria is caused not just by mosquitoes but also by other factors such as mangoes, or hard work.

As a result, while we see the treated nets as a lifesaving gift, they see them as a discomfort that provides only partial protection against a trivial illness. Is it any wonder that many use their nets to catch fish or as wedding veils or room dividers — all documented uses of insecticide-treated bed nets? If that sounds ungrateful, think about what would happen if public health officials, concerned about the 41,000 lives that Americans lose every year due to flu, blanketed the United States with anti-viral face masks to be worn during the winter flu season. Donning masks would be a simple, safe and effective measure that could save thousands of lives. But would people wear them?

At a recent meeting in Washington, a group of aid workers, social scientists and businesspeople active in various net programs met to consider the bed net dilemma. All agreed that thanks to the sheer scale of the current distribution effort, many nets will be hung over sleeping mats, even as others are hoarded, resold and diverted to other uses. As a result, many cases of malaria will be averted.

But then what? The nets don’t last forever. In three or fo

ur years, they will need to be replaced. If local people do not seek out new ones, whether from the local health clinic or the marketplace, today’s remarkable and historic net donation effort will have to begin anew, and be repeated, indefinitely.

Nobody in the room underestimated the dilemma, and their frustration was palpable. “You can see the train wreck coming,” one said dolefully.

This is not an insoluble problem. Some aid groups, aware of local ambivalence about the nets, have started education programs to support bed net distribution efforts, urging the rural poor to actually unwrap and sleep under the nets they’ve been given. It’s not an easy or cheap fix, of course. Such exertions take time and money — exactly what bed nets were suppos

ed to save.

Perhaps what we need is a whole new approach. Instead of masterminding solutions for distant problems and then handing them down from on high — as we do not just in our anti-malaria efforts but in a variety of aid programs aimed at extreme poverty — we should empower the poor to come up with their own solutions, and then help figure out how to implement them.

Such a process might not lead to grand, magic-bullet solutions. More likely, we’d get micro-solutions, variable from locale to locale, from village to village. But we’d be supporting self-reliance and building goodwill along the way. And we’d surely avoid the wastefulness — and really, the affront — of befuddling communities with “gifts” that many neither want nor use.

Sonia Shah is the author of “,” which will be published by Sarah Crichton Books/Farrar, Straus & Giroux in July. She wrote this for the Los Angeles Times (McClatchy-Tribune).