Archive for the ‘Just for Fun’ Category

Kick off This Football Season by Helping Others

Friday, August 10th, 2012

Football season has arrived! While we’re all pumped up and ready to cheer on our favorite team, this also marks an awesome time of the year to volunteer and help others! From now until the super bowl, here are 5 ways you can volunteer during football season!

  1. Volunteer to fundraise: Many community organizations will need help with raising money for their local football sports associations and can really use your help! All that is required is that you are a fun loving guy and girl who is sociable, enthusiastic, posses good communication skills, both written and spoken, has office skills such as time management and computer literacy, and of course love football! 
  2. Coach: Coaching is an excellent way to gain valuable experience in working with young people through sports. As a coach, you’ll serve as an inspiration and mentor, providing leadership, while enoying the game of football.
  3. Everyone wins: Ask guests to bring a couple canned foods to one of your viewing parties that can be donated to your local food bank. It’s a win-win situation! You win because you get to hang out with your friends while  serving your community. Your local food bank wins because their shelves are stocked thanks to your wonderful donation!
  4. Nothing like a little rivalry:  Compete with your neighbors. Tell your neighbors about your idea to resolve your local community issues and encourage them to do the same. Compose cheers, make signs, or wear uniforms. Whoever collects the most food, raises the most money, delivers the most thank you’s to veterans, etc. gets the trophy. Competition adds a fun aspect to the service initiative because it keeps players’ adrenaline going!
  5. Host your own football draft: While you and your community is in the midst of all this competition make a pact to serve others year round. With all the fun you are going to have it will not be hard to recruit people! You can make this happen through making a donation calendar, assigning a bin to be stored in a local area for donations, writing up a schedule to define who will take donations to the food bank each month, etc. Just remember communication is key to any successful team!
  6. Celebrate your victory: After all this fierce rivalry, you and your teammates are allowed to take pleasure in your hard work. Enjoy the game, eat great food, have fun with your friends. What is the point of competition if you cannot celebrate it at the end?

Party with a Purpose

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

For most people, summer vacation is a period of relaxation that may include cooking and eating, spending time (at the pool) with loved ones, and giving back to the community. No other season allows us so much time to relax and loosen up a bit. However, that is no excuse to stop doing good. This summer, have a party with a purpose!

Use the following steps to ensure a fun and charitable party:

Locate a local food bank or homeless shelter Locate a local food bank or homeless shelter and tell them that you plan on hosting a canned food drive. Ask them if there is anything in particular they need and any directions necessary to donate.

Send out invitations Invite friends, family, and neighbors to join you to party for good with food, drinks, and good company. Inform guests of your mission to donate as much food as possible to your local food bank, and ask that each guest bring at least 5 canned food goods. As an incentive, offer guests a prize of your choice to the person who brings the most canned food goods! Homemade certificates or even just the pride of being the top donor will elicit more competition than you’d expect.

Prep your party The day of the event, designate an area in your home where guests can donate their canned goods. Consider having a sign in that area that informs guests on the food bank you chose to donate to as well as facts and figures about homelessness and hunger in your community. Such as, in 2010, 48.8 million Americans lived in food insecure households, 32.6 million adults and 16.2 million children.

Party! Eat, drink, and be merry at your party, knowing that you have brought together the people you love for a worthwhile cause.

Collect and donate goods Transport the canned goods from your home to the food bank or homeless shelter of your choice. Note how much the total contribution of food weighs.

Send thank-yous Email or send a letter to your guests thanking for them coming and donating. Include a shout-out to the person who brought the most cans, and also mention how many cans or how many pounds of food were donated!

The “party with a purpose” idea is great for families, friends, co-workers, and volunteers for holidays, birthdays, and throughout the year!

Olympic 2012 Volunteers: The ultimate volunteer experience!

Friday, July 6th, 2012

We are just a few weeks away from the 2012 London Olympics! While we are certainly excited about cheering on all of the athletes and celebrating their accomplishments, we would also like to acknowledge the tremendous work that over 2,000 volunteers will contribute to this year’s Olympics!

This year’s Olympic volunteers will have certainly earned their appropriate nickname, “Game Makers,” by the conclusion of this year’s game since without their help the games would not be a success. Games Makers will be on hand at all venues to answer your questions, help you find your way around and direct you to your seat. You can spot them by their snazzy, brightly colored uniforms.

However, becoming a Games Maker was not easy!  After many months of planning, Games Maker recruitment began in September 2010. There were over 240,000 applicants and over 100,000 people were interviewed.

Additionally, successful applicant have been required to attend at least three training sessions to make sure they are as prepared as possible for their role. Many volunteers have also been taking part in the London Prepares series test events: an invaluable opportunity to gain experience and a greater understanding of how a large sporting event is staged.

Furthermore, over 2,000 16-18 year olds are volunteering through the Young Games Maker program. Some will have roles on the field of play, for example raking the sand during the Beach Volleyball competition at Horse Guards Parade. Working in teams, they will each have a team leader to guide them.

Volunteers have been integral to both Summer and Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games since they were used for the first time at London 1948. So in 2012, the volunteer program will be coming home to the place where it all began.

Are you or anyone you know volunteering at this year’s Olympics? Tell us about the experience in the comments! We wish everyone attending the Olympics safe travels and good luck to all of your favorite athletes!


Celebrate Independence Day by serving others!

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

Barbecues, family time, and soaking up the sun tend to go hand-in-hand with the fourth of July; however, why not do all of those activities in addition to serving others? That’s right, fourth of July is a perfect time to get out and serve others, as there are a plethora of volunteer opportunities set aside for this day.  Here are four ways you can have fun this fourth of July while also spending your time helping others.

  1. Volunteer for a Bicycle race!This is a great opportunity to volunteer while watching bicycle racing up close without leaving town. Often, cycling races involve a variety of for your entire family, Enjoy a few hours or an entire day of bicycle racing with plenty of time to prepare for the evening’s fireworks and other festivities.
  2. Volunteers are needed for all of those July 4th Parades! Parades and the fourth of July are synonymous with each other along with all of the hard work that goes into making a parade successful. Additionally, volunteers are also quite important for parade activities and logistics. Parade volunteer activities range anywhere from sandwich makers needed to serve parade participants to the banner carriers needed during the parade to volunteers needed to help clean up at the conclusion of the parade. Parade volunteer activities are endless and open for all ages, allowing for you and your family to participate.
  3. Road Race volunteers are extremely important to fourth of July races! Volunteers are needed to help keep the road free from any debris, pass out water, announce times to runners, and so on.
  4. Celebrate your service to others! That’s right dedicated volunteers, veterans, and active duty soldiers, this also your day to celebrate your year-long service to others! Many cities are hosting free concerts and events to celebrate the service of others and express sincere appreciation for their work. So, gather your family, get out, and enjoy yourself!

Today, we hope you’re able to take time to celebrate all of the things that make this country great, and that when you do it, you take a moment to think of everyone that’s working to make America an even better place to call home. Have a safe and happy Independence Day!

Give your dad the gift of volunteering this Father’s Day!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

Give your dad the gift of volunteering this Father’s Day! This Sunday is Father’s Day, and what better way to spend time with your father than by volunteering with your dad! Here are 5 ways to volunteer with your dad on father’s day!


  1. Celebrate Father’s Day by volunteering with your kids at a community garden. This is a great way to spend the day outdoors doing community service while bonding with your friends & family. You and your dad ca plant seeds, turn compost, and dig in the dirt.  Remember to bring all your banana peels, apple cores, any rotting lettuce you forgot was in the refrigerator, tops of carrots or peppers that you cut from your dinner preparations, and coffee grounds from your breakfast to also help feed the compost system.
  2. Celebrate all the fathers in your community by delivering donuts! That’s right, donuts are the ultimate comfort food and a pleasant way to say thank you to all the dads in your neighborhood. I’m pretty sure they’ll love this simple treat this father’s day.
  3. Looking for a way to have fun and do good at the same time? Do a Father’s Day 5K and 10K race. Volunteer opportunities include: Registration,  Split Timers – calling out times to runners as they pass by your assigned mile marker, Water Stop – fill cups of water, hand to runners, clap and cheer, clean up dropped cups after race, be race course marshalls by providing clear directions to keep runners on course, clap and cheer. At the finish line, you and your father can decorate, keep runners moving across the finish line, clap and cheer! Or you all can volunteer at the refreshment table by setting up food and drinks at the finish line for runners.
  4. Volunteer at a sports event! Many organizations are throwing Father’s Day fundraisers in the form of sports tournaments and events. Whether it’s a softball tournament, golf tournament, baseball tournament, etc, volunteer opportunities include, help with decorations,  distributing materials, providing decorations, or simply donating money to the organization and participating in the actual event. Volunteering at sporting events is a fun way to spend time with your father on his special day!
  5. Do something out of the ordinary! This father’s day, volunteer to just do something out of the ordinary to spend quality time with your dad to remind your dad that he is special to you and your family!

Summer is here! Volunteer at a Museum!

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Now that Memorial Day has marked the beginning of the summer, get out and volunteer at a Museum! Volunteering at a museum can be quite rewarding. Whether it’s the tourists, employees, or fellow volunteers, you’re able to interact with people who are all interested in the similar thing. In society, museums play the role of collecting and caring for objects of scientific, artistic or historical importance and making them available to the public. With more than 17,500 museums in the United States, there’s bound to be one that serves your interests.

1. If you’re interested in finding out more about your own heritage, you may consider volunteering somewhere like the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City, the Mexican Fine Arts Museum in Chicago, Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena or the Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle.

There are also museums dedicated to specific artists, such as the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts or the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe, New Mexico. And if you’re a little bit country, or a little bit rock ‘n roll, don’t forget the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville, Tennessee or the Rock ‘N Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio.

2. When it comes to finding a job, it’s all about who you know and what you can do. And a museum can be the perfect training ground for launching your career.

Working at a museum can help sharpen professional skills like working with the public, organizing programs, raising

money and working with computers. It can also beef up your resume and help facilitate a move from one industry to another — such as a banker who transitions into becoming a history teacher by volunteering at a historical museum.

3. Job searching aside, studies have shown that volunteering leads to greater life satisfaction, lower rates of depression and better mental and physical health, according to the Corporation for National & Community Service.

It’s not just about getting out of the house and finding something to do. Volunteering at a museum expands your network and puts you in contact with patrons, fellow volunteers and museum administrators. If you’re looking for regular employment beyond your volunteer work, this could lead you to the next big thing.

Celebrate Mother’s Day by Doing Good!

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

This Sunday, May 13th is Mother’s Day- a time to celebrate the woman who birthed, raised you, and provided all of the wisdom that has gotten you this far. On this special holiday, we invite you to honor the women and mothers in your lives by doing good.

  1. Honor a mother or woman making an exceptional difference in her community by nominating her for L’Oreal Paris USA’s Woman of Worth. Women are making a big impact in our communities every day. If you know a woman that’s working to make your community better nominate her for L’Oreal Paris’ Women of Worth, which recognizes, celebrates and supports the women making big differences in our communities.
  2. Give your mom gifts that give back! Whether it’s a necklace, bracelet, or pretty pair of earrings, 20 percent of the proceeds from Jewelry for a Cause goes towards the charities of the client’s choice.
  3.  Give A Mom-To-Be A Safe Delivery: In 2010 alone, the International Rescue Committee helped more than 152,000 pregnant women have safe deliveries in areas where hospitals have been destroyed. When you send your mom an IRC Mother’s Day card, your $24 donation will make sure that figure keeps climbing.
  4. If your mom has more than enough “stuff,” consider this fresh idea: Provide a green garden — and a living — for another mother and her family. An Oxfam fruit and vegetable garden provides fresh fare for families in need to eat themselves or sell at local markets. Purchase your Oxfam garden from one mom to another here.
  5. Don’t forget to take care of Mother Earth! On Sunday spend the day out doors with your mother by taking planting a garden or beautifying your local park by planting flowers.
  6. Help keep mothers healthy by volunteering to do a Mother’s Day 5k Run/Walk. If you are not interested in actually running the race, you can always help set up, decorate, pass out water and snacks, or simply cheer! Whatever you are willing to offer, you will be welcomed with open arms and thank you!

 However you choose to celebrate Mother’s Day, we hope that you are doing good! Tell us in the comments how you plan on helping others for Mother’s Day!

May the Fourth Be With You!

Friday, May 4th, 2012

In case you haven’t noticed but we like to put our own little spin on things! May 4th is the unofficial National Star Wars Day. Today we celebrate May 4th, volunteering, and Star Wars, which means it’s time to break out our favorite Star Wars quotes to inspire you to volunteer and help others! Check out our favorite Star Wars quotes to inspire you to volunteer!

  1. “On many long journeys have I gone. And waited, too, for others to return from journeys of their own. Some return; some are broken; some come back so different only their names remain.” Vacationing soon? Remember this quote the next time you go on a vacation. Let this inspire you to volunteer to serve others. The volunteer vacation will change you for the better and possibly influence your will to also do good at home!
  2. “To answer power with power, the Jedi way this is not. In this war, a danger there is, of losing who we are.” Stay true to your community by researching local volunteer opportunities that match the needs of your community.
  3. “To be Jedi is to face the truth, and choose. Give off light, or darkness, Padawan. Be a candle, or the night.” Be the light at the end of a tunnel, especially during an after disasters. Volunteers are essential for disaster relief efforts and further provide hope when there is doubt.
  4. “No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.” Volunteer Managers! Often, when  coordinating volunteer activities, planning the logistics of the event can be a daunting task causing one to consider giving and potentially abandoning the activity; however, don’t give up, remember that you’re serving others, and remember YODA!
  5. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” Do not be fearful when you choose to volunteer. Be ready for any task you may be assigned.  Remember that you’re serving others and you’re doing good in your community.
  6. “Truly wonderful the mind of a child is.” Youth are valuable volunteers. Make sure to incorporate youth volunteers in your service activity. Check out our affiliate Generation On for more information on youth volunteering.”
  7. “Always in motion is the future.” Volunteers are our future! Volunteers will be necessary and an aspect to our nation.

We hope this weekend and throughout the year, that the force be with you! Happy Volunteering!

Once Upon a Time the Magic Kingdom Was Full of Royal Volunteers

Friday, April 27th, 2012

April 22-29 is a very special week for many reasons. Not only do Earth Day, Arbor Day, William Shakespeare’s birthday, and National Pretzel Day occur, but it is also National Princess Week!

Of course we are all princesses at heart, so put on your tiara and celebrate the kingdom you have made because it is your week to shine!

What else can you do to celebrate this royal week? Volunteer with the original Disney princesses! Didn’t know they volunteered? Good thing you are sticking with us.

Snow White: When Snow White is not busy keeping up with her 7 little friends, she is busy promoting health issues! Back in 1937, Snow White was fed a very bad apple by her an evil Queen, and almost died! Since the horrific event, Snow White has made her passion in life community health education. She has donated 5 million hours of community service to her organization Prevent Bad Apples whose focus is safe food storage and healthy eating habit learning.

Cinderella: Cinderella spent her teens as an indentured servant to her stepmother. She lived a life of poverty and economic turmoil. One day, Cinderella’s life changed completely when she met Prince Charming. Since Cinderella became a princess, she has dedicated her life to helping the young girls in need. Cinderella founded the organization Operation Glass Slipper. Her organization is dedicated to donating prom dresses to girls from low income homes.


Ariel: Although Ariel left her world under the sea for Eric, she made it her mission to protect the world’s oceans. Ariel developed The Triton Foundation after her father. Ariel’s foundation focuses on protecting ocean wildlife from pollution. Since its founding in 1989, The Triton Foundation has taken over 700 tons of trash out of the Atlantic!


Belle: Belle found her community calling thanks to her beast-like boyfriend. Belle took her inspiration from teaching the Beast how to love into teaching low-income students. She has established many charter schools across the magic kingdom thanks to her foundation Beauty and the Pencil. Belle has changed schools from failing to soaring thanks to her donations and educational resources. Her organization currently operates 13 different schools!


Jasmine: Jasmine began her life as a privileged princess who did not understand the meaning of hard work. After she met her husband Aladdin, her whole world changed. Aladdin showed her that hard work and poverty are a daily reality. Jasmine made working with the homeless her life goal thanks to her organization A Whole New World. A Whole New World focuses on housing projects for homeless families. Since its founding in 1995, they have housed over 300 families!

Mulan: Mulan is a princess on a mission! After helping her country’s army defeat the Huns, Mulan could not get enough of fighting for good! Mulan decided to turn her brave fight toward disaster preparedness. In 2000, Mulan founded The Ping Foundation, named after her army alter ego. The Ping Foundation focuses on disaster clean up, specifically relief efforts in Asia. When Mulan is not focused on disaster recovery, she enjoys teaching communities about the importance of emergency preparedness plans.


When the Disney princesses are not busy at The Magic Kingdom, they are dedicated to community service! Celebrate your inner Disney princess by volunteering.


Need an idea? Check out our volunteering resources and opportunities so that you can volunteer like a Disney princess to!


Are you a dedicated philanthropist? We would love to hear about it! Share with us in the comments section below.  

3 Ways to Fight Friday the 13th Jitters!

Friday, April 13th, 2012

If you are spooked by Friday the 13th, don’t be! This week’s unlucky day is the second of three for 2012. And it would come as no surprise if many among us hold at least some fear of freaky Friday, as we humans tend to be pretty superstitious.

Many superstitions stem from the same human trait that causes us to believe in monsters and ghosts: When our brains can’t explain something, we make stuff up. In fact, a 2010 study found that superstitions can sometimes work, because believing in something can actually improve performance on a task; however, we’ve devised a plan to fight those superstitions by volunteering!

  1. Volunteer around black cats: Superstition states that a black cat crossing ones path is a sign of bad luck despite the many people who have good luck and own them or work around them. Defy superstition by volunteering at an animal shelter on September 13. Many shelters usually have at least a few black cats that are ready for adoption, which means there’s a good chance at least one will cross your path at some point while you’re volunteering! Hopefully you’ll see how awesome they are and will adopt one! Check out our friends at  Best Friends Animal Society for a shelter near you!
  2. Go out the same door you came in: Supposedly it’s bad luck to go out the same door you came in, so if you’re someone who believes this superstition, think of all the people who go in and out of the same door every day. On September 13, rather than go in one door and go out another, use the same one in order to defy superstition.
  3. Clean up your local lake: In the original Friday the 13th (1980), Mrs. Voorhees stalks and murders the teenagers who are preparing Camp Crystal Lake. To fend off any fictitious murderers and silly superstitions, gather your family and volunteer to clean up your local lake or park on this beautiful Friday afternoon!

We hope these three activities will help you ward off any Friday the 13th superstitions. Comment and tell us what volunteer activities you’ll be doing in honor of Friday the 13th!