Archive for the ‘Change Notes’ Category

Reflection on Greece, The Special Olympics, And The Power of Service, part 1

Friday, July 15th, 2011

Michelle NunnToday’s post comes from Michelle Nunn, CEO of Points of Light Institute and co-founder of HandsOn Network.

I have just returned from a special family vacation in Greece where I had the privilege of participating as an “All Star Fan” in the Special Olympics World Games. Our family was welcomed and hosted by Points of Light Institute Board member Brady Lum, president and COO of the Special Olympics. Today is the first of three posts from this wonderful experience that I wanted to share in the spirit of celebrating volunteer service and the extraordinary Special Olympics movement.

A Different Kind of Story about Greece

“Thousands of Greeks Volunteering.” Now that is a headline you might have missed over the last several weeks.

Instead, you have probably been hearing a lot about the problems in Greece. And yet, the strike announcement in Athens said a lot more about the reality of Greece and its people than most of the news coverage.

“All public transportation will be closed, except for the Special Olympic blue line buses.” The two-day strike was intended as a nonviolent protest against the passage of the latest austerity package. The strikers closed down railroads, buses and the ports, but they kept the transportation systems for the Special Olympics World Games running.

While CNN endlessly repeated dramatic footage of a small group of anarchists throwing rocks at police in Parliament Square, thousands were participating in nonviolent strikes or protests and millions more were stoically continuing their work and lives. Close to 25,000 of them were volunteering to make the Special Olympics World Games a success. And  this during a time that one of the leading Greek Special Olympics officials called the worst week in Greece since World War II.

I talked to dozens of these volunteers and there were a few common refrains:

“I am volunteering as a way of telling a different story of my country.”

“I am serving as a way of reinforcing something good at a difficult time.”

These volunteers were writing their own narrative – asserting their own storyline in troubled times. Every Greek citizen I talked with was concerned, anxious about the future, devastated at the difficult prospects ahead.

But, each one of these volunteers with the Special Olympics was taking time out to reclaim their own efficacy, and to celebrate and ensure the success of a global movement that is about inclusion, hope and solidarity. Unsurprisingly, every volunteer spoke of the privilege of participating, of the transcendence they felt in being a part of the Special Olympics movement, of being buoyed by the spirit and commitment of the athletes.

As the athletes repeated the Special Olympic oath at the opening ceremonies, I could not help but feel its resonance for Greece at this moment.

“Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”

The 25,000 Greek Special Olympic volunteers that welcomed the athletes with cheering hugs, that drove them through the clogged streets of Athens, that refereed and timed and manned the events, that equipped them with new glasses or hearing aids asserted their own meaning within their difficult national drama. They acted with kindness, generosity and bravery. And, in return, they were lifted up by the athletes themselves, participating in their triumphs and sustained and hopeful for their own contests to come.


Change Notes: MLK Day 2011 Highlights

Friday, February 4th, 2011



As we continue to tally the impact of the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service last month, I wanted to highlight some results and share with you how we are carrying Dr. King’s vision forward through two recently launched initiatives that continue to build on the strategy of service as a solution.

Martin Luther King Jr., Day of Service

More than 120,000 people volunteered in 4,900 projects through HandsOn Network, the volunteer arm of Points of Light Institute, for the 2011 Martin Luther King Jr., Day of Service. Our Community Cinemas and Sunday Supper programming drew an additional 5,000 participants. In the realm of social media, our Martin Luther King Jr. Day messages potentially reached an audience of 7 million through Facebook, Twitter and the HandsOn Blog.

Many stories came out of this day of national engagement, like the one we received from Lyndsay Tyree, an AmeriCorps VISTA member in Issaquah, Washington. Lyndsay was scheduled to lead a project on MLK Day for 40 volunteers at a local organization serving the homeless.  But just 24 hours before the start time, unexpected flooding caused the project to be cancelled. Lyndsay now had 40 eager volunteers, and no place for them to serve.

With assistance from Katie Weber, another AmeriCorps member Lyndsay had met at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service, the group was quickly connected with Seattle Works. Even with an extremely short turnaround time, Seattle Works was able to place Lyndsay and her 40 volunteers on a project at Rose Hedge, an organization that provides transitional housing and health care to those living with HIV and AIDS.

The day, which had threatened to prove unproductive for Lyndsay’s team, ended up being a moving experience for them all. While working at Rose Hedge, many of the volunteers got the opportunity to speak with men and women living with HIV and AIDS. By the end of the day, the team was touched and changed by their interaction and work on the project.

This story illustrates the importance of connections and relationships, and speaks to the power of a robust service Network. Hands On Network, through its volunteers, AmeriCorps members, the National Conference on Volunteering and Service all build a powerful infrastructure for action

Follow the Leader

In order to channel the energy and engagement of Martin Luther King Jr. Day into a deeper and more consistent commitment to volunteering, Points of Light recently launched Follow the Leader, an innovative campaign driven by a thriving online community.

By simply registering for Follow the Leader at, members gain access to official Project Playbooks. These step-by-step guides, for some of the most successfully implemented volunteer projects, let anyone start, manage and complete a high impact project.

To inspire activity in Follow the Leader, we are offering some extraordinary incentives, including an all expense paid trip for two to the Philippines for a one week “Volunteer Vacation” coordinated by HandsOn Manila.

Overall, Follow the Leader, which runs through May, will help us reach more service minded people, increase and mobilize the number of Americans involved in volunteer service, and magnify the power of service as a solution.

As always, we value your ongoing support to help people take action to change the world.

In Service,

Michelle Nunn

CEO, Points of Light Institute, and Co-Founder, HandsOn Network

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Follow the Leader

In order to channel the energy and engagement of Martin Luther King Jr. Day into a deeper and more consistent commitment to volunteering, Points of Light recently launched Follow the Leader, an innovative campaign driven by a thriving online community.

By simply registering for Follow the Leader at, members gain access to official Project Playbooks. These step-by-step guides, for some of the most successfully implemented volunteer projects, let anyone start, manage and complete a high impact project.

To inspire activity in Follow the Leader, we are offering some extraordinary incentives, including an all expense paid trip for two to the Philippines for a one week “Volunteer Vacation” coordinated by HandsOn Manila.

Overall, Follow the Leader, which runs through May, will help us reach more service minded people, increase and mobilize the number of Americans involved in volunteer service, and magnify the power of service as a solution.

Change Notes: A Quick Note of Sharing and Celebration

Friday, December 17th, 2010



As many of you know, each year L’Oreal recognizes 10 extraordinary women change agents, a program that Points of Light Institute has helped support for more than five years.

Last week I had the privilege of attending the L’Oreal Women of Worth event in New York City, where the awards were presented by such celebrities as singer Tricia Yearwood and actress Kerry Washington.

The evening was hugely inspiring, and the stories of these amazing women were a great reminder of what we are all capable of accomplishing in the world.  The honorees themselves were profoundly touched and transformed by their experiences, and several former winners returned to share how the recognition had helped them extend their work.

volunteer, volunteering, volunteerism, L'Oreal, women of worthI presented the award to a young women, Simone Bernstein, who at the age of 12 began to create an organization and Website to connect young people to volunteer work with nonprofits.  She has inspired 1,500 young people in St. Louis to being life-long journeys of service.  Other honorees started medical clinics, a project to support military service widows, and efforts to help young women escape prostitution and sex trafficing.  I encourage you all to access the Women of Worth Website to read their stories.

On another celebratory note, generationOn, our new youth-services division, exceeded its goal and in one week activated 117,104 service pledges from young people and, in turn, Hasbro donated 117,104 toys, worth $2.6 million, to the Toys for Tots Holiday Gift Campaign for needy children. Whole classes of schoolchildren pledged and joined generationOn, and in at least one case, a school of 1,500 students made service commitments. Entire fraternity chapters, Kids Care Clubs, families, and scout troops pledged.

This effort was a great example of mobilization and activation, whose legacy will be tens of thousands of the next generation introduced to the power of service and how they can transform the world.

These are just two examples of the great work that is happening across the organization during this Season of Giving. Let’s celebrate these gifts of inspiration and mobilization.
In service,

Michelle Nunn

CEO, Points of Light Institute, and Co-Founder, HandsOn Network

Change Notes: Media Praise for generationOn

Thursday, December 9th, 2010



I’m excited to share with you several recent media stories about Points of Light Institute, specifically about our newly launched global youth movement, generationOn.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy: On November 28 it featured two related articles, one about the many resources generationOn brings together to empower young people to transform the world and how the Hasbro Children’s Fund is generously supporting those efforts.  The other article talks about the desire of families to volunteer together and ways to make that possible.

Here are the links:

A New Effort to Teach Kids to Help Others and

Recruiting Families to Volunteer

volunteer volunteering volunteerismUSA Weekend magazine: Over the past weekend, it recapped this year’s 20th Make A Difference Day, which it co-sponsored with HandsOn Network and Newman’s Own. It mentioned our launch of generationOn that fittingly included service projects and a tribute to extraordinary change-makers at The Extra Mile – Points of Light Volunteer Pathway in D.C.  It noted our celebrity participants Madison Pettis and Corbin Bleu, and a nine-year-old volunteer who declared her experience packing toys as the “best day ever!”.  It also noted the participation of Obama Cabinet members, including Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, in a KaBOOM! Playground build.

Here is the link: You Made a Difference.

Mommy blog: “Queen Mom” mentioned Hasbro’s match of a Toys for Tots gift for each generationOn service pledge through December 10, capturing the true meaning of the season. She said that her children were helped by Toys for Tots in tough times past, and urged folks to encourage their kids to make pledges at

Here is the link:  Teach Your Kids to Give Back
In service,

Michelle Nunn

CEO, Points of Light Institute, and Co-Founder, HandsOn Network

George and Barbara Bush and Points of Light on Larry King Live

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010



In a wonderfully warm and far-ranging interview with Larry King on CNN last night, President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush talked with wit, candor, and grace about their lives, their closely-knit family, current politics, and the importance of service and, in particular, Points of Light Institute.

“Points of Light is a movement… volunteerism means a lot to me. Government cannot do everything,” said President Bush, who originated the phrase “1000 points of light” in an inaugural speech.

George and Barbara BushOur Points of Light board chair, Neil Bush, paid tribute to his parents in a video aired during the show, talking about the importance of volunteerism in their lives.  “They devoted their lives to serving others,” he said, obviously moved by this chance to honor his parents.  They in turn lauded Neil’s commitment and work with Points of Light and his spirit of thoughtfulness, generosity, and compassion.

The Bushes talked about the Points of Light Institute Tribute event, which will honor them at the Kennedy Center on March 21 in DC, saying they were looking forward to it.  Said Barbara Bush, “I’m excited by it.  There will be lots of celebrities and entertainers, less talking. It’s not a speech night; we hope people will be entertained.  It is a fundraiser for Points of Light” to continue its important work.  Added President Bush,  “We don’t get to Washington much…this is a nice way of getting back to Washington.”

Neil BushWhat came through so clearly in the hour-long interview is the devotion of each family member to each other and to the way that the service ideals exemplified in the lives of President and Barbara Bush have been carried through the generations by their children and grandchildren.  Video excerpts from the interview are available here.

The Tribute event at the Kennedy Center in DC in March will bring together celebrities and entertainers, national and international leaders, current and former officeholders from both sides of the aisle, and many great American citizens to honor President and Barbara Bush.  The event will celebrate their leadership in founding and advancing the modern-day voluntary service movement and pay tribute to the exceptional American ideal of voluntary action.  President Bill Clinton is the Honorary Chairman for this historic occasion, which will also be the culminating moment for Points of Light Institute’s $30 million Service Generation Campaign.

To honor President Bush and to engage the nation in this celebration, we are inviting all Americans to recognize points of light in their lives and communities, make their own pledge to serve, and take the opportunity to write a Tribute message to President and Mrs. Bush. We hope to collect thousands of tributes to share with them.

President Obama recently recognized President George H.W. Bush with a Presidential Medal of Freedom, our nation’s highest civilian honor.  The President said of the medal recipients, “All of them have lived extraordinary lives that have inspired us, enriched our culture, and made our country and our world a better place.”

President George and Barbara Bush have exemplified lives of service and set in motion the modern service movement, which has been extended by each successive President and embraced by the American people.  As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, we are grateful for their leadership and thankful for all that they have inspired in the millions of “points of light” across our nation who are changing lives and making a difference in communities every day.

Yours in service,

Michelle Nunn

CEO, Points of Light Institute

Paying Tribute to Our Veterans

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010



As we approach Veterans Day this year, with wars being waged in Iraq and Afghanistan, we pay tribute to and thank our armed forces, active and retired.  We honor those we have lost, and remember again our obligation to care for the veterans who risked all and sacrificed much. Some have commented that the current wars are being waged largely out of sight of most Americans.  Therefore, I’d like to highlight in particular Mission Serve and the activities around HandsOn Network that we developed with it to allow veterans, military, and civilians to volunteer together to benefit their communities.

Mission Serve

Mission Serve, a year-old initiative of the ServiceNation coalition, connects the civilian and military communities through a wide array of service partnerships.  It aims to engage active and retired military with civilians to meet the needs of the military community, and also to integrate the nation’s military community into service alongside the civilian community.  Its vision is that Veterans Day will become a national day of service linking the civilian and military worlds.  This Veterans Day it is coordinating 25 joint projects with a diverse group of partners, including HandsOn Network. We are proud to be one of the convening partners of ServiceNation and a partner for Mission Serve.

HandsOn Network Partnerships Among Veterans, Military, and Civilians

On November 11, HandsOn Jacksonville will be partnering with Habijax (Habitat for Humanity in Jacksonville) and Beaches Habitat for Humanity in home rehabilitation and building projects.  The Volunteer Center of Los Angeles will carry out a multi-scoped service project at the Veteran Affairs Greater Los Angeles Health Care Center in Westwood, known as the VA.  The project will include painting, landscaping, and refurbishing a wheelchair access path to the gardens.  Veterans, military, and civilian volunteers will work side by side on these service projects.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen will celebrate the partnership among the Volunteer Center of Los Angeles, Mission Serve, Bank of America, and Wal-Mart to “Honor Our Heroes” at this service project.

Stressing the importance of such programs, Admiral Mullen has said,  “There is a sea of goodwill out there, made up of people, places, programs, all eagerly seeking and serving those in need. Our challenge, however, lies in connecting these programs, not only to those who need help, but to each other. ”

Other HandsOn Network Projects to Benefit Veterans

In other Veterans Day activities around our HandsOn Network, Boston Cares will be serving hot meals at the New England Center for Homeless Veterans, the nation’s first and largest veteran-specific shelter.  HandsOn Greater Portland in Oregon is honoring veterans by recruiting volunteer leaders to increase its capacity to serve the community. The Volunteer Center of Northwest Suburban Chicago is holding a blood drive, creating holiday cards and collecting donations for armed forces members, among other projects.

If you have not already, please think of a service project you can join or another way to honor our armed forces this Veterans Day.  You can find HandsOn projects here and other Mission Serve projects here.

In Service,

Michelle Nunn

CEO, Points of Light Institute and Co-Founder, HandsOn Network

generationOn: A New Global Youth Service Movement

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010



Imagine the power of young people such as Hasbro Community Hero Cole Layman, 12, who started the Paws for Thumbs up for servicePeace Kids Care Club in Tampa. Cole led this group in 20 service projects in his community.  Then, when he moved to Virginia, he volunteered to tutor younger students who needed academic help and urged his school to establish its first annual Random Acts of Kindness week.  In his “spare” time he composes songs to play at local senior centers, and he and his family have formed a band, “In Layman Terms,” to play those songs.

Imagine thousands of such creative, energetic kids, committed to service that resonates with their passions.

That’s why this past Saturday was such a momentous day for Points of Light Institute as we launched generationOn, a global youth service movement.  generationOn aims to ignite the power and potential of young people to solve real world problems through service. Under the umbrella of Points of Light, it gathers a variety of leading youth service resources under one umbrella.  Its innovative new Website,, offers tools and inspiration for kids, families, teachers, and nonprofits.

New Resources for Kids, Families, and Schools

generationOn’s assets include the programs of “Children for Children,” The League, and the philanthropy curriculum “Learning to Give.”  It also includes 1,800 Kids Care Clubs and thousands of schools that reach more than two milllion students in all 50 states and around the world.  Its efforts are supported by a generous $5 million gift from The Hasbro Children’s Fund, the philanthropic arm of Hasbro, Inc.

During Saturday’s launch, young people walked the Points of Light Extra Mile Pathway honoring such past service heroes as Harriet Tubman, Cesar Chavez, and Martin Luther King Jr. Political commentator Cokie Roberts told them they each had the power to change the world. Then the kids rolled up their sleeves and put together hats and scarves for the homeless, wrapped 200 toys to donate for the holidays, and wrote 375 letters to the military. Actors Corbin Bleu and Madison Pettis, 12, joined us, encouraging the kids to get involved.

Finally, each young person pledged a commitment to service to fulfill over the next year.  They pledged to “feed the homeless and sing”, “inspire”, “create a recycling program”, and much more.

generationOn and The Hub

On Sunday, the brand-new generationOn announced its partnership with The Hub, the network and online venture from Hasbro, Inc. and Discovery Communications which is available in 60 million U.S. cable and satellite homes. The Justin Bieberpartnership will include televised messages supporting community service, an annual youth service event, strategic linking between and, and a new “Hub Hero Award” recognizing youth who create meaningful change in their communities. The first winner is Allegra Valdivia, 12, from California, who was honored at the star-studded “Variety 2010 Power of Youth” event in Los Angeles for her efforts to help those in need. Young Hollywood activists and philanthropists attending included Justin Bieber, Bow Wow, and Shailene Woodley.

Get in the Game

We will shortly be announcing an innovative twist to our multi-year Get HandsOn Campaign to mobilize 500,000 volunteer leaders to complete 2 million projects.  You can whet your appetite for a special game of Tag by clicking on this .

In Service,

Michelle Nunn

CEO, Points of Light Institute and Co-Founder, HandsOn Network

Change Notes: Make A Difference Day 2010

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010


Twenty years ago, USA WEEKEND magazine created Make A Difference Day, and since then Points of Light and its mobilizing arm HandsOn Network have partnered with it for this largest national day of community service.  This unique day captures the amazing power of the circle of giving.  Over the years, millions of volunteers have served millions of others and, in so doing, have transformed their own lives.

Circle of Giving

One of my favorite stories of last year’s Make A Difference Day is Olga El Sahamy, who read about the nation’s mayors calling for people to volunteer and about Make A Difference Day. She decided to help the homeless of New York City by providing hot meals.  Olga, her husband, and teenage son stayed up until 2 am cooking 50 servings of rice and chicken and packaging them with fruit and dessert. Early the next morning they drove into Manhattan and distributed the food to those living on the streets of New York.

Their story reflects that circle of giving – when Olga’s huband Mostafa immigrated here from Egypt 32 years ago, he had very little money. He ended up homeless on the street for eight days, depending on the kindness of strangers.

Upcoming Highlights of This Year’s Make A Difference Day

This 20th anniversary of Make A Difference Day on October 23 will be an extraordinary day of service.  Here are just a few highlights:

Points of Light Institute will launch generationOn, our new youth division, by celebrating the day with hundreds of youth volunteers of all ages at the Extra Mile – Points of Light Volunteer Pathway in Washington, DC.  At this event, hosted by The Hasbro Children’s Fund, the philanthropic arm of Hasbro, Inc., and managed by our affiliate Greater DC Cares, kids will bring with them their personal commitments to service and participate in service learning activities inspired by the work of American volunteer pioneers.  The Pathway honors service giants such as Cesar Chavez, Susan B. Anthony, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Also in DC, will join forces with White House staff, White House Fellows alumni and representatives from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to build a KaBOOM playground at the new home of the Hyde Leadership Public Charter School.

Citi is joining us as a Make A Difference Day sponsor and will engage an extraordinary 45,000 of its employees who will volunteer in 950 projects across 77 countries.

The NBA and NBA Players Association are promoting the Day through ESPN,, and individual players’ social media accounts. Shaquille O’Neal of the Boston Celtics said in USA WEEKEND,  “My parents taught me: If you can help someone, do it. Why? Because it’s the thing to do.”  Steve Nash of the Phoenix Suns said earlier this month, “We all have the opportunity to take action in a way that shares our vision for a better world…Make A Difference Day is a chance for all of us–kids, teenagers, adults, even NBA players–to get started.”

More than 1,000 volunteers with the Volunteer Center of Greater Milwaukee will winterize the homes of several hundred older adults.  HandsOn North Texas will host its second annual Volunteer Challenge, involving more than 700 volunteers in 25 projects across three counties.

New York Cares is mobilizing 700 volunteers to refurbish 100 public schools. Volunteers with HandsOn Central California are repairing the homes of low-income families and seniors.

Singer Melissa Etheridge, who teams with Hard Rock for its Pinktober breast cancer awareness campaign, will make her benefit concert available for download (taped last month) on Ustream on Make A Difference Day.  The video includes a shout-out to Make A Difference Day volunteers.

To capture stories of service, Cisco Systems has donated 100 Flip Video cameras to project leaders, who will upload the videos to .

If you have not already done so, please join us in Making A Difference this Saturday. You can create a project or register for projects throughout the country by clicking here.

In Service,

Michelle Nunn

CEO, Points of Light Institute and Co-Founder, HandsOn Network

Change Notes: HandsOn Network and Education Nation

Friday, October 1st, 2010



With education at the forefront of NBC News programming this week and online at, and with the release of Waiting for Superman, a documentary that follows a handful of promising kids through the education system, millions of individuals are asking themselves, what is their role in supporting reform and change in our public schools?

During the education plenary at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service in June, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said, paraphrasing Horace Mann from a century ago,

Education is the great equalizer, no matter your race, creed, or zip code.”  He added, “Education is not just a pathway to success; it is a prerequisite to success.”

Here at Points of Light Institute, our HandsOn Network affiliates are creating innovative in-school and after-school programming for volunteers. We are partnering with companies to help them mobilize their talent and assets to create educational change, and our newest enterprise, generationOn, is infusing service learning into the schools and inspiring young people to make their mark in the world.

I would like to highlight just a few examples that demonstrate the power of citizens making a difference in powerful ways to create stronger schools and successful students.

HandsOn Network

HandsOn Atlanta is partnering with the public school “Success for All” program, sending AmeriCorps members to tutor elementary students in reading and math, and to help high school students with  college readiness, both during and after school.  Since 1994, more than 1,600 AmeriCorps members and volunteers have directly served more than 115,000 students in school-focused programs in Atlanta.

An innovative program at our affiliate, New York Cares, pairs volunteers and students ages 5-12 to read and write together on weekday evenings. The goal is to encourage a love of reading outside of school. In another NY Cares program, volunteers work with tweens and teens who develop personal memoirs and other writing, which is published at the end of the semester.

The story of Tonya Ingram exemplifies the power of such programs. For the first 12 years of her life, Tonya rarely left her apartment in a violent neighborhood. When she was 12, a neighbor told her about the Read to Me program at NY Cares, where volunteers take kids to the library to read. She joined them. That program was Tonya’s gateway to the world, not just to reading, but also eventually to museums and parks, with volunteers by her side. Today, Tonya is a freshman at New York University, and a volunteer herself with NY Cares.

generationOn and Hasbro

generationOn, our newest division which officially launches on Make a Difference Day, October 23, will be a powerful resource for children and their families. It will provide service learning tools, curricula, and programs to enable young people to make their mark using their energy, creativity, and compassion.  The Hasbro Children’s Fund has generously made a large financial commitment to allow generationOn to realize its potential, including creating an upcoming interactive and innovative website for kids, teachers, nonprofits and communities.

Key initiatives include:

- A national youth leadership program– Hasbro Community Action Heroes.

- An expanded Kids Care Club model that will allow kids to participate in service around the globe.

- Significant support for the nonprofit and education field to ensure that all youth have the opportunity to discover their potential through service.

Corporate Partners Making a Difference in Education

American Express

In conjunction with NBC Universal’s weeklong series “Education Nation,” American Express has announced the week-long Action for Education Challenge, inviting the public to make a pledge to take action to help local schools. In addition, HandsOn Network will partner with American Express to engage 2,000 volunteers across five cities to help improve the quality of classroom education. Those cities are New York, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Tampa, and Cleveland.

From now through October 1, Members Project® from American Express and TakePart are encouraging people to help improve education within their communities by making a pledge to take action — from volunteering at a local library to donating supplies to a local school and more. If 100,000 people make the pledge, American Express will donate $1 million to, an organization that empowers people to help students in need. American Express will donate $10 per pledge if the challenge does not receive the full 100,000 pledges. Pledges can be made online at


HandsOn Network and Fidelity Investments have partnered to revitalize the learning environments in 11 middle schools across the nation. In locations ranging from Nashua, NH, to Albuquerque, NM, Fidelity employees have worked with HandsOn affiliates and partners on local Transformation Days, executing projects chosen with each school’s teachers, students, parents, and community.

Projects have ranged from launching Career and College Resource Centers, to building outdoor science classrooms and labs.  Beyond this one day, Fidelity employees will act as mentors throughout the school year and bring tangible resources into the school, such as new and gently used books.

This effort will be Fidelity’s largest employee volunteer project and will total more than 30,000 hours of community service donated by 3,000 of its employees.

Education as the Gateway to Civic Engagement

Education is key to a vibrant economy, personal and individual fulfillment, and our civic health. The recently released report on the civic health of America, from the National Conference on Citizenship and the Corporation for National & Community Service, found that the higher the level of people’s education, the more likely they are to participate in civic activities, such as voting, volunteering, and working with their neighbors to fix a community problem.

Just as it takes an entire village to raise a child, it will take corporations, individuals, and nonprofits partnering in innovative ways to create an education system where every child has access to a quality education, the ultimate goal of school reform.  As part of that effort, HandsOn Network, generationOn, and our corporate partners are supporting meaningful projects to assure student success and, in the process, creating engaged citizens for the future.

In Service,

Michelle Nunn
CEO, Points of Light Institute and Co-Founder, HandsOn Network

Brand-New Findings on What Builds Civic Health

Friday, September 17th, 2010



Internet use can build civic health, veterans are more likely to be civically engaged than non-veterans, and educational attainment is a strong predictor of future engagement – these are just a few of the findings of the just-released 2010 Civic Health Assessment published by the National Conference on Citizenship and the Corporation for National & Community Service.

Although volunteering and voting are two of the most familiar forms of civic engagement, millions of Americans work with their neighbors on local problems, and these are important drivers of civic life.

A few other findings are:

People who connect socially with their neighbors and sit down to dinner with their families are more likely to be engaged in service.

Americans are definitely coming together to overcome our nation’s challenges. Between 2007 and 2009, 62 million Americans volunteered through an organization each year.

The findings confirm that the work we do at Points of Light Institute and HandsOn Network catalyzes what individuals want to do — act upon their power to make a difference.

The report and other related findings from the same research are available here.

In service,

Michelle Nunn
CEO, Points of Light Institute, and Co-Founder, HandsOn Network