Posts Tagged ‘Activism’

Do You Feel Like You’re Guilty of Slacktivism?

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

Today’s post comes from Cher Hale, a student and activist in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Do you feel like you aren’t doing enough to make a difference in this world?

Maybe you’re one of those people that are aware of injustice, but you just can’t seem to bring yourself to do anything about it.

Then, you start to feel guilty.

Man, you think to yourself as you eat a hamburger, those cows must be sad being stuffed with corn they don’t even like all day.

You might say as you go shopping, Wow. I’m buying these pants made in Malaysia by sweatshop workers in unlivable conditions.

But, you volunteer occasionally.

You educate yourself by skimming through articles.

You tell your friends about this crazy world we all live in even if they look at you with apathetic faces.

You care.

You’re just not sure what to do next.

Thinking about these social injustices that have been present on our planet for years before you were born is heavy.

You cannot feel guilty for not immediately changing your lifestyle because making a difference in this world through activism is a personal journey.

You’re not going to be instantly infused with all of the resources, inspiration, and know-how to create social change from the beginning.

It’s easy to learn about a social cause like bad sweatshop conditions, get really upset, and vow to start a foundation in your quest to rid the world of its vermin-like nature.

Yes, dreaming big is beautiful, and there should always be dreams like these in the back of your mind, nudging you forward on your journey.

But, you’ll start to see real change if you begin with your neighborhood.

Then, you can expand to your community.

Show your friends, family, coworkers, and acquaintances what an activist looks like.

Even if they don’t tell you directly, you are making a positive impact on them.

You are being a leader for change.

Once you make the decision to create a better community for yourself and those around you, you will begin to notice a shift in your thinking.

You say, How could I possibly shop at this store connected to a large corporation that exploits workers with no other choices of employment?

You declare to yourself and to your best friend, I’m no longer going to eat beef because of the horrible conditions in factory farms. I’m interested in saving the next generation from being served antibiotics and hormones on their clean, white plates in restaurant chains.

You are evolving into an activist in your every day life.

Start local, find the issue you’re most passionate about, educate yourself in full detail, connect with like-minded individuals and expand.

Review your accomplishments, and repeat until you have the attention of the country.

Cher is a student and local activist in Las Vegas, Nevada that believes in connecting to make a positive impact on the world. She writes for her blog Cher Love Now

Tag — A Game To Restore Idealism

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

Michelle NunnToday’s post comes from Michelle Nunn, CEO of Points of Light Institute and Co-founder of HandsOn Network.  It originally appeared in the Huffington Post on October 28, 2010.

As we approach the election, a barrage of political advertisements and commentary showcase the current and future electoral leaders of our nation.  Unfortunately, the reaction from the majority of the public seems to be one of profound disappointment and a collective shudder.  Politics increasingly feels like a game, but one that is played outside the bounds of civility and with only short-term winners.  And it feels like a game in which the real victory — building a stronger nation — has been lost.  A polarizing media, the lowest common denominator appeal of negative advertising, a trivializing and superficial coverage of the issues, and a failure of political courage all contribute to a disillusioning electoral landscape.

And yet, at a grassroots level, our civic landscape has great vibrancy and there are reasons for both optimism and idealism.  Across the nation, there are individuals, “super-empowered citizens”, who are leading others and creating innovative change.  Each day, Points of Light recognizes some of these outstanding grassroots leaders.  Individuals such as Christopher Fought, who after leading a team of volunteers from Ligonier, IN, to the Gulf Coast to help rebuild in the wake of Katrina, was inspired to mobilize his own community.  He founded Operation Foundation, a week-long clean and revitalization effort to restore Ligonier’s downtown.  With a budget of just under $8,000, Operation Foundation completed $250,000 worth of work in 2009.  More than 600 volunteers, or 12 percent of the town’s total population, showed up to help.

Individuals such as Renee Van Heel, who did not bow to despair when wildfires devastated her community in San Diego.  Instead, she started “Fired Up Sisters,” a group that has grown to include 600 women actively working to get fire victims back into their homes and help fire victims to become fire survivors.

These leaders are emblematic of the best spirit of America.  We need to do more to highlight and lift them up and to follow their lead.  So at a time of political bad sportsmanship and increasing cynicism, I want to encourage people to jump into a “game” that celebrates grassroots leaders and idealism and encourages positive action.  Points of Light Institute is launching the Get HandsOn Tag Challenge, an innovative digital and social media initiative to inspire and engage an extraordinary number of Americans to bring positive change to their communities.  Tag is, more simply put, the game you remember as a youth, but we’ve updated it for the 21st century and added a healthy dose of social consciousness.

With a powerful community-driven website, Tag invites you to create, or commit to, a service project, then “tag” your friends, family members and co-workers to come online and do the same.  The site also lets you connect with other service-minded individuals, share stories of impact and see the ripple effect of positive change.  And although service is a prize in and of itself, we have included some other great prizes to raise the stakes.  But have no doubt, the underlying stakes of this game are high.  Tag is a fun game with serious intent — we are lifting up individuals who are changing the world, recognizing them by “tagging them” and encouraging those that are on the sidelines of change to join in the game.

Beyond the charged rhetoric and the inflammatory electoral accusations, millions of leaders in our communities are quietly tackling tough problems through direct service and creative civic action.  They are gathering neighbors together to re-imagine parks, rallying around local schools to ensure better futures for our students, and helping equip families for financial self-sufficiency through financial counseling.  They are joining hands across differences, political and otherwise, and acting to create practical and pragmatic solutions.

So… Tag, You’re it!  This is a game that will remind you about what really matters.  And perhaps it will encourage you to remember that at its base, the game of elections is about creating positive change and ultimately uniting behind leaders.  Leaders, who like all of us, are flawed, but have stepped into the arena with the hopes of creating a stronger nation.  Join us at and let’s unite around something we all can believe in — the power of the individual to create change by serving, advocating, organizing, and voting.

Powerful Grassroots Voices

Friday, May 28th, 2010

By Zach Maurin, Co-founder and Executive Director of ServeNext, and an AmeriCorps alum

Since my service with AmeriCorps seven years ago and my three years with ServeNext, seeing the impact of individuals and programs has been amazing. Yet, it has been equally inspiring when people across the field come together on behalf of the larger service movement.

I remember being in college in Washington, DC when individuals, programs, and leaders across sectors helped united to save AmeriCorps in 2003.  More recently, our field rallied across the country to help pass the historic Serve America Act. These experiences helped crystallize for me the importance of grassroots organizing around service and the need to remain proactive as a field. We must work together to ensure that those who serve have a voice that is heard by key leaders.

That’s why I’m so excited to announce that last February, thanks to the support of many of those in the service movement, ServeNext won a $50,000 grant from the Pepsi Refresh Project that allows us to launch our most ambitious effort yet: the inaugural year of our Field Corps community organizing program.

Field Corps will recruit, train, and support an annual cohort of community organizers to build and lead local networks.

The goal is simple: so many people care about service that we want to unite that passion into collective grassroots action so that more leaders understand the impact of service programs and more citizens serve.

In June of 2010 we will select 10 organizers for the inaugural year of the program. You can apply here until June 15 and you can also use this online form to nominate others who would be interested.

To create the strongest program possible, we’re looking for exceptional people who are leaders in their communities, but leadership can show itself in all kinds of ways, so traditional organizing experience isn’t required.

We are looking for people who are active in their communities and plan to remain there.

Field Corps is a six month program designed for working professionals, running from August to January, and requires a commitment of about 10 hours/week and includes a stipend.

Organizers will receive extensive training in organizing grassroots campaigns, communication and social media, legislative advocacy, strategic planning and more.

Our search is nationwide as we look for 10 great people to build and lead local grassroots networks in different areas. You can read more about the program at

This is our most ambitious effort yet and any help towards its success is much appreciated – to Tweet it and to share on Facebook.

Our vision is to build networks across that country that will be permanent, vibrant constituencies to form a powerful grassroots voice for the service movement.

We are excited to get the first year going to help build this momentous period for service and social innovation into long-term public and political will.

We believe that the grassroots is a critical component to make this happen!