Posts Tagged ‘Boomer Volunteers’

6 Tips for Recruiting Boomer Volunteers

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

Boomer volunteersWhy are boomers the future of volunteering? First, because of their sheer size: boomers represent about 77 million potential volunteers. They also have longevity on their side; this group has an average life expectancy of 83 years. That, coupled with higher levels of income and savings than earlier waves of retirees, suggest they have both the time and resources for volunteering.

Could you benefit from boomer volunteers? Here are some tips to help recruit them:

  • Boomers may be highly resistant to a group that includes the previous generation. They may be highly resistant to words like “senior”, “older adult”, “golden years”, “mature adult”, etc. Be creative – anecdotal evidence shows that “experienced” may appeal to this demographic. “Experienced” avoids negative connotations associated with aging and highlights the fact that you value their experience and skills.
  • Boomer volunteersBe highly aware of the images used in materials targeted towards boomers. According to the Boomer Project national survey, boomers see themselves as being at least 12 years younger than their chronological age. Images of individuals they perceive as “elderly” may be unappealing to boomers – they want to see people who reflect their own self-image.
  • Consider using words other than “volunteer” which is often associated with negative images of PTA lunches or menial tasks unappealing to boomers. The Montgomery County Volunteer Center came up with the name “Pro-Bono Consultants” after several volunteers felt as if they were continuing their professional work – but in an unpaid capacity.
  • According to the Harvard study, Reinventing Aging, boomers are less likely to volunteer out of a response to civic duty or obligation. For goal-oriented boomers, a message shows how they can make a difference in their community is more effective.
  • Boomers may need to have a sense of “what’s in it for me?” Recent studies have shown the health benefits of volunteering, as well as the social benefits that may be important as boomers leave the workplace.
  • Bear in mind that boomers may never fully “retire” – they express a strong interest in continuing part-time work or self-employment. Even a boomer who works a few hours a year may not consider themselves “retired” – tailor you messages, as well as your opportunities, accordingly.

Do you work with boomer volunteers? Share your experience and tips in the comments!


Tips for Recruiting and Retaining Boomer Volunteers

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

The key to recruiting and retaining boomer volunteers is for nonprofits and volunteer centers to develop an ongoing dialogue with boomers and tailoring service opportunities to meet their needs and desires around service. Here are some tips for focusing on boom recruitment and retention:

  • Recruit boomers through wide outreach, including media, community events, and through peer-to-peer outreach.
  • Develop recruitment materials tailored to reflect language, interests, and self-image of boomers.
  • Provide orientation and training to help boomers understand the nonprofit world, the opportunities that are available, and their role and responsibilities as volunteers.
  • Screen and match volunteers based on an assessment of skills and interest.
  • Create ongoing opportunities  through trainings, social events, and group projects for boomer volunteer to learn, gain new skills, meet other boomers, share stories, and work together with other boomers.
  • PRovide recognition opportunities that are meaningful to your volunteers – getting to know your volunteers as individuals is the best way to find out how they would like to be recognized as volunteers.

Do you work with boomer volunteers? What are your tips for recruiting and retaining them?