Posts Tagged ‘Cell Phones for Soldiers’

Cell Phones For Soldiers

Friday, November 12th, 2010

Cell Phones for Soldiers

Robbie and Brittany get letters every day from the service members whose lives they’ve been able to touch.

Soldiers like Captain Steve Baunach, serving in Afghanistan.

I miss my family very very much but my children are grown, my son is entering the Marine Corp, my daughter a Purdue University Nursing student, and my wife a strong and independent Police Officer.

For those reasons I suspect it is easier for me than the younger soldiers but I can tell you it is still very difficult.

My guys here are my family and we’re very close because we protect each other but that’s a different kind of love and a different kind of family … I can go days without talking to my family and it doesn’t take long to feel depressed, disconnected, and alone.

On average your cards help families, marriages, and loved ones pull through these difficult times together. But you should also know that what you provide may also be the last phone call home a military person gets before he/she dies on the field of battle, a conversation those families with cherish forever.

Or like Private First Class George Morales, also serving in Afghanistan.

We all need to call home when we have down time to let our loved ones know that we are alive and well.

Our family and friends worry about our safety and it makes us all feel better to hear each others voices as much as possible during our deployment.

It is crucial to us soldiers and our families because it keeps our spirits high and it makes the time go so much better.

Brittany Bergquist and her brother Robbie, the founders of Cell Phones for Soldiers, are working to raise additional funds to continue providing soldiers a way to call their families and to provide prepaid video phones so soldiers can see their families on a regular basis.  Their work is a great example of an organization that is working to support soldiers and veterans.

Cell Phones for Soldiers was founded by Robbie and Brittany Bergquist with $21 of their own money. Since then, they have raised more than $7 million  in donations and distributed more than 90 million minutes of prepaid calling cards to soldiers serving overseas.  In honor of Veterans Day, we hope you’ll get involved.


Get HandsOn Tag Challenge Update!

Yesterday’s Get HandsOn Tag Master was Lindsey Weissman!  Lindsey has won a pair of round trip tickets on JetBlue, $25 for themself, and $100 for their favorite charity!

Today’s Celebrity Tag is Miley Cyrus!  Tag Miley  for swag!

Are YOU up to the challenge?