Posts Tagged ‘Community’

Seven Essential Principles of Neighboring

Thursday, October 4th, 2012

Yesterday’s post introduced the idea of neighboring. It’s a place-based approach to community problem solving that focuses on individuals’ talents as a resource to improve their neighborhoods.

We’ve found seven ways that individuals, organizations, and businesses can use when working with communities to engage and empower local volunteers and to build effective partnerships with their community. Whether you’re planning a short-term volunteer project or a long-term community initiative, these tips can help bring about real change!

1. Try to understand the language and nature of volunteering

  • Understand the history and culture of the community.
  • Include youth, immigrant communities, seniors, faith communities, and refugees.

2. Overcome barriers to volunteering.

  • Understand the community obstacles. What has traditionally kept people from volunteering?
  • Understand the organizational barriers. Have organizations tried to work in the community previously? What made their actions successful?

3. Empower the community.

  • Create space for residents to own their issues and develop solutions.
  • Support residents to witness the benefits of their involvement.
  • Engage residents in the decision-making process.
  • Mobilize residents around issues that impact them directly.
  • Host community meetings and provide examples of success.


4. Cultivate community members’ skills and talents.

  • Acknowledge and build on existing community assets.
  • Help members identify their own skills and talents.
  • Allow residents to have a real role in the partnership.
  • Encourage residents to plan and lead projects.
  • Show the relationship between residents’ skills and project outcomes.


5. Strengthen existing community leadership.

  • Cultivate leadership and the internal capacity of community members to lead and engage in community activities.
  • Help develop leadership and recognize different leadership styles.
  • Identify volunteer leadership development training.
  • Encourage leaders to have a leadership role in the partnership.


6. Acknowledge that volunteering is an exchange.

  • Offer volunteers something in exchange for the time, talents, and efforts they contribute to bettering their communities. A simple, honest, thank you note is enough to recognize each person’s contribution, but you can always do more.
  • Help people see the benefits of the work that has been done, and the work that they can do.
  • Understand that it’s okay to receive something in exchange for volunteering.
  • Develop mechanisms by which residents receive tangible outcomes such as tutoring, child care subsidies, and job opportunities.

7. Ensure community readiness.

Participate in building the internal capacity of communities to partner with outside organizations and engage residents in community activities.

  • Be patient; community building and resident involvement takes time.
  • Remember that relationship building is a process.
  • Be flexible; survival issues demand time and attention.
  • Help communities resolve conflict that may be preventing involvement.
  • Set your community up for success but accept if it is not ready.

Have you used neighboring practices in your community? Let u know what worked for you in the comments!


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8 Steps to Get Your Employee Volunteer Program Started

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Individual and family volunteering makes a huge impact on the community. Employee volunteering will not only make an impact on the surrounding community, but also on the work environment. Employees who volunteer together will feel more connected to the community in which they work, and also closer to their coworkers.

Starting an employee volunteer program in your workplace is easy to do. It will help shape your company’s image because you will be giving back to the community that you work in. Follow the eight steps below to get your employee volunteer program started today!

  1. Assess both your employees’ and community’s interests and needs. Survey employees to assess their current interests and past volunteer experience. Check out your local HandsOn Network action center or other local volunteer center to find volunteer opportunities near your workplace.
  2. Identify business priorities and goals that can be met through an employee volunteer program. A successful program will reflect business goals while adding value to the overall business objective. You can use your business plans when writing up your employee volunteer program to better incorporate the two.
  3. Secure your company’s top management support. All levels of management and departments should encourage employee participation in the program. Identify senior managers that can participate in various projects to get better participation from all employees.
  4. Develop a program structure and program policies. Encourage participation from all employee levels. Try to develop an employee committee who can dedicate themselves to greater participation. Develop written policies about employee participation in service events (i.e. how many project must staff members participate in). Learn best practices of employee volunteer programs so that you may implement them into your program.
  5. Design volunteering projects in line with financial support. Try to volunteer at organizations that your company supports or is considering supporting. Your company’s philanthropy donations will mean more to the organization, if they are also backed by volunteer support.
  6. Measure the program and evaluate its results. Develop methods for measuring overall employee satisfaction with the program and actual participation. Regularly evaluate whether or not the program is meeting the company’s overall strategic goals. By answering these questions, you can begin planning the next projects to better meet these goals.
  7. Establish a rewards program for participating employees. Reward will help build program participation. Develop an awards system for employee
    s to encourage their participation from extra vacation time to a t-shirt.
  8. Publicize your company’s efforts both internally and externally. You can communicate your employee’s efforts through the Internet or by contacting your local newspaper article. By reporting your results, the community will look more favorably at your company, and other companies may be more enthusiastic about starting a program of their own!


Employee volunteer programs are a great way to better your employee’s morale and will also boost community support. It is important to build your company’s image through volunteering within the community.

Does your company have an employee volunteer program? We would love to hear about it in the comments sections below!

Today’s post comes from Luci Miller. Luci is an AmeriCorps member on the Points of Light Digital team. Luci has recently joined other members in planning staff volunteer projects.

Get Up and Get Active in Your Community!

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

The birds are chirping, the weather is perfect, and you need an activity to get you outside and active! Spring is the time to organize a community sports activity! There is no better reason than perfect weather to get your community together for a fun activity?

Studies show that most people are inactive because they have do not have fun exercising or they are unsure what activity to participate in. A community sports team or competition is a great way to get on the move!

Below you will find the necessary steps to get your neighbors up and active through team sports!

  1. Recruit project leaders: Contact your friends, family members, and neighbors to find out who would be interested in helping you plan and execute the project.
  2. Identify your space: Does your neighborhood have an open public space that you could use? If your neighborhood does not, contact your local school to use their field.
  3. Define a project plan and timeline: Define your goals and schedule for the project. Decide whether or not you would like to collect donations or you will charge for admission. Determine your space size and how many participants it can hold.
  4. Recruit other volunteers and assign roles: Maximize your participants’ skills after you have your leaders assigned. Make sure you have a manager, a designer, and sports equipment.
  5. Promote: Use your team to develop and promote and print fliers, email, obtain newspaper advertisements, and engage social media in order to mobilize your network of participants and volunteers. Use all necessary sources to get the word out about the event.
  6. Execute the plan: Once you have your teammates and managers begin practicing and playing games! Break the ice with your teammates by hosting a BBQ, picnic, or social. Make sure your teammates feel comfortable with each other to ensure a successful team makeup. Learn from you mistakes and successes to build upon success.
  7. Reflect and recognize: Once your season of team action is over reflect upon the successes and weaknesses of the past season. Record what can be improved upon and what worked for future sports seasons.

Forming a sports team is a great way to start the process of neighboring in your community. Whether you form a little league baseball team or an adult swim team it is a great way to be social with your community members, while improving overall health through being active.

How has your community bonded through active competition? Share with us in the comments below, we would love to hear about it!

Clean Up on the Community Aisle

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

In case you have just awoken from winter hibernation, spring has finally arrived! From the high levels of pollen to the newborn animals running around spring is in full swing and will not be ignored. Since we cannot hide from it, it is time to celebrate the new spring season with volunteer work (we would not be HandsOn Network if we said otherwise)!

While April is a time for blossoming spring weather, it is also Keep America Beautiful Month! Keep America Beautiful is a time to focus on preserving our environment through recycling, reducing waste, and beautifying communities.

April is a great time to celebrate these values by starting your own volunteer project such as a community cleanup! Follow our steps below to get your project off the ground and help keep America beautiful!

Develop a plan:

  • Form a planning committee to organize the project and develop a strategy.
  • State the purpose of your project.
  • Assign specific role to participants
  • Create motivating letters to get the word out to the community about your project.
  • Contact your local media to recruit their participation.
  • Plan how you will recognize your volunteers and funders.

Build your teams:

  • Recruit a volunteer team of all ages from businesses to kids. All ages can participate in this project! The more people that you are able to recruit the more you can accomplish and clean up.

Set a location:

  • Identify an area in your neighborhood that needs to be cleaned up. Your location can be any area in your community, as long as you get permission to use it for your project. If you are using kids, make sure that your area has a place that will be safe for them.

Secure resources:

  • You will need different colored trash bags (recycling and trash), gloves, hand sanitizer, water bottles, etc.
  • Coordinate with your local recycling and trash units to make sure everything is cleaned up after the project is over.

Keep your fundraising goal in mind:

  • Develop a story about the purpose and history of your project, so that funders understand the philanthropy aspect.
  • Empower and equip your team members to fundraise and interact with funders to ensure a successful event.
  • Use online fundraising
  • Pass around donation jars at local events such as youth groups, school, the workplace, or town hall meetings.

Review last minute details and communicate with volunteers:

  • Make sure that everyone on your project team knows where the event is, the time it is happening, and is aware of the necessary supplies and work attire.

Recognize your volunteers:

  • Show your volunteers how much you appreciate their time verbally.
  • Take pictures of the event and post them on social media channels.
  • Post a sign recognizing your funders.
  • Outreach for media help with volunteer recognition.

Reflect and Learn:

  • After the project is done, ask someone to lead a reflection of the day for the group. It is important that everyone understand the effort they put in to complete the project and how their efforts will better the community.

Park cleanupKeeping your community beautiful is a great way to better your economy, environment and well-being. This month get out and take pride in your community’s appearance. Let’s clean up our neighborhoods and make every month Keep America Beautiful Month!

For more information on planning a neighborhood cleanup project, check out HandsOn University’s toolkit resource to get started today!

Have you planned a neighborhood cleanup in your community, have any suggestions? We would love for you to share in the comment section below!

Great Ways to Show Your Volunteers You Love Them

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

Happy Valentines Day to all! We hope that you are enjoying your chocolates, cards, or flowers from your sweetheart today. Did you know Valentines Day can be more than just honoring the love you share with your significant other? It is also a great way to show your volunteers just how much you love them and the tremendous service they give to you and your organization! Below are some great suggestions to show your volunteer love not only just today but always!

We Are Thankful for Our Volunteers This Holiday Season

12 Tips for Recognizing Volunteer Managers

Recognizing Volunteers on Labor Day

6 Tips for Recognizing Volunteers

Four Tips for a Different National Volunteer Week

Giving Thanks for Volunteers

The Nine Basic Rules for Volunteer Recognition

National Volunteer Week, which runs from 4/15 to 4/21, is also a great way to recognize your volunteers and the work they do for your organization. You can recognize them not only with a service award, but also by sharing their ! Submit your stories by 3/31.


Tips to Protect Your Heart this Month

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

The month of February has long been synonymous with tender heart shapes and the vibrant color of red—thanks to the annual celebration of Valentine’s Day.Heart Health

But there’s more reason than ever to be “heart conscious” and embrace the color of love this time each year because February is Heart Disease Awareness Month.

Heart disease disproportionally affects women. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that heart disease is the number one killer of women. The American Heart Associate reaffirms this by noting that heart disease kills more women than all cancers combined. But what can we do about it from a volunteer standpoint? Plenty!

Work to create smoke free public places Secondhand smoke is estimated to kill 35,000 non-smokers a year. In addition, smoking is strongly associated with heart disease. Start by finding out what the smoking laws & regulations are in your county and educating others. Too often we only notice smoking in inappropriate places when we encounter it, but by brushing up on the legalities you will be more prepared to lobby to create smoke free public areas in your community.

Volunteer at your local hospital or American Heart Association While some steer away from volunteer positions in the medical field, it can be a rewarding and eye-opening experience. You can spread cheer to those affected with homemade gifts, cards, or conversation. The American Heart Association relies on the difference on person can make; be that person to affect major change. Click here to find open volunteer opportunities.

Join a Go Red for Women community If an individual has extraordinary power to create change, imagine what a group could do! Meet up with like-minded advocates in your community to spread awareness this month at Go For Red.

Get children involved Its never too early to instill healthy habits in children! Get involved in First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative. It focuses on healthy eating skills and getting active with physical activity. Contribute to the health of future generations by creating access to affordable and healthy food, promoting physical activity, and educating others to make healthy choices!

How will you fight heart disease this month? Has your community been touched by heart disease? Let us know in the comments below!

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89 and Still Volunteering

February is the Time to Donate Your Cans

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

February is a very special month indeed! It is a month full of Valentines love, heart awareness and black history. With all of these fun things going on in one month, can you believe there is even more events to celebrate? (GASP!) Yep, that’s right February is also National Canned Food Month!

This month is a great time to volunteer without straying from your hectic daily schedule. Donating canned foods can be a lot easier than you think and can actually help a great deal of people.

How exactly can you incorporate this service idea into your schedule? Check out our tips below to get inspired to feed those in your community!

  1. Partner up: Ask your local grocery store about placing a canned food donation bin in the store, so that customers can donate to the cause. It is an easy way to attract donations because people will just pick up an extra can during their shopping trip. Hand out flyers to shoppers so that they understand your cause and the people that their donation will be helping.
  2. Make it a food collection competition: Compete with friends, neighbors, classmates, or family members to see who can collect the most food. You can design a scoreboard and who ever collects the most cans, wins the prize!
  3. Host a movie night: Invite your community to watch a movie such as a documentary about hunger in America. The price of admission into the movie is a canned good! You will get great discussion and help your community members understand the impact that their donation will make.
  4. Host a casual Friday: Ask your boss if your company or organization can join in on the canned good fun. If a majority of employees bring in a canned good, all employees will be rewarded with a casual attire day.
  5. Make your next event a donation opportunity:Whether your kids have a big sporting event, or you are hosting a
    party encourage attendees to bring cans instead of gifts.
  6. Raffle:Make your canned donation an event. Ask local companies whether they would be interested in donating a gift to
    your cause. Whoever donates a can, gets a chance to win an awesome prize!
  7. Get your kids’ teachers involved: Ask your principle if you can get the school involved in the donation. Have the teachers do something for the amount of cans donated. For example, if every student donates a can, the class gets a longer recess.
  8. Make it a theme: Put a theme around your donation cause. For example, Tomato Tuesday every person must donate a canned good that contains tomatoes. More people will donate if they have a little twist added to the mix.
  9. Ask your neighbors: Kill two volunteer birds with one stone. Offer to do something nice for someone in your neighborhood such as clean their house, mow their lawn, rake leaves, or shovel snow in exchange for canned goods.

Canned food donations are an easy way to truly help your community members who may be in need. Food banks and soup kitchens often run low on supplies after the holidays, and your decision to donate canned goods will change that fact.

We hope that these ideas help make your canned food celebration both meaningful and fun. Are you donating canned goods this February? We would love for you to share your stories in the comment section below!

Carry Out That New Years Resolution!

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

You survived January 2012, now what? Did you make that New Years resolution stick through the chilling January temperatures? If Groundhog Day has taught us anything, it is that there is going to be another 6 weeks of winter (Yikes!).

So let’s not get discouraged, let’s get out and volunteer to keep that New Years resolution throughout the whole year! Statistics show that after the first month of trying to stick to a New Years resolution only 64% of people who set them will actually stick to them.

If you resolved to help others and your community in 2012, you do not need to be another statistic in this continuous cycle of failed resolutions. Helping others does not need to be a complete life change or turning away from a bad habit. It is just a positive addition to your life that will benefit you in so many ways (hey maybe with the positive feeling you get from volunteering you will be able to move to new goals like losing weight)

So why do people find it so hard to stick to resolutions such as volunteering?

  1. Many people believe that they do not have enough time to volunteer during their hectic schedule. Come on we have heard this excuse so many times, why do you think people don’t exercise?
  2. Some people do not know where to volunteer their time or what organizations need volunteers.
  3. Volunteers get intimidated by the many options available in the nonprofit world. There are a ton of action areas it can be difficult to choose just one!
  4. Some people do not see problems in their community, so they do not believe that their community needs volunteers.
  5. Others will get distracted by various plans. It can be difficult to volunteer on the weekends especially when you work all week.

Do these excuses sound like similar phrases that have come out of your mouth this past month? Well, it is good you are looking at today’s post. Let’s find solutions to these excuses. You do not have to be super volunteer to help your community. Make baby steps. No one completes their resolutions over night; if we did losing weight would be number one on our lists!

Excuse #1: You may be extremely busy, and volunteering just does not have a place on your schedule. Okay, so you cannot go out on a Saturday morning and volunteer physically to a soup kitchen or volunteer for a Habitat for Humanity build. But you can…

  • Donate canned goods to a food bank or soup kitchen
  • Donate gently used clothes or appliances to a shelter or donation center
  • Make decorations for a retirement home or hospital
  • Conserve water and energy
  • Recycle
  • Save your change and donate it to your favorite cause or charity

Excuse #2: There are so many charities and nonprofits in every city; it can become overwhelming when you are searching for a volunteer opportunity. There are many organizations that can help you find a volunteer opportunity that will guide you to the perfect match! Check out:

Excuse #3: Yes, we know there is an overwhelming amount of volunteering opportunities available. To make your volunteering choice less intimidating pick out something that you are truly interested in, so that you will want to continuously do it. Who wants to keep up with something they do not enjoy. Volunteering opportunities fall into a majority of these categories:

  • Animals
  • Elderly
  • Military
  • Youth
  • Environment
  • Disaster relief
  • Homelessness
  • Poverty
  • Women

Excuse #4: It is sometimes difficult to observe your community’s needs on a daily basis. The truth is every community needs and relies on volunteer work. Your contribution no matter how big or small will make a huge difference to your community and its members. Never believe that volunteering in your community will go unnoticed!

Excuse #5: It is normal to just want to relax during your time off. There are volunteering opportunities for every level of volunteer. You can volunteer from your couch, your kitchen, or your workplace. You can choose projects that are big or small just do something that you enjoy and it will not seem like work, because the benefits will outweigh the costs.

It is 2012; do not let yourself give up on another resolution. Make this year count! You will begin to see the rewards of your service quicker than you think. Just try it; what do you have to lose?

Are you volunteering in 2012? Share your ideas with us; we would love to hear them!

January 16: A Day On, Not Off

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

So with all this talk about Martin Luther King Day being next Monday (January 16) you may be asking yourself “What exactly should I focus my service project on?” That is a perfectly reasonable question with all of the service options available during this time.

There is no specific cause that should be honored on this national day of service. King envisioned a community where members helped their fellow man out with their successes and their struggles.

His vision is inspiring to all who want to make a difference in their community. King’s love for a strong community should guide your service decisions during this time. The following are a few service areas that were important to King and can be honored during MLK Day.

  • Poverty: “The curse of poverty has no justification in our age. It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism at the dawn of civilization, when men ate each other because they had not yet learned to take food from the soil or to consume the abundant animal life around them. The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abolition of poverty.” Poverty is a horrible reality within all communities with 46.2 million people in the United States living in poverty. You can do something about this:
    • Donate food to a your local food bank or soup kitchen
    • Hold a clothing drive for your local shelter
  • Education: “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” Only 39% of the United States population completes college within four years. The education system within the United States has received harsh criticism over the last few years. There are many things you can do to help:
    • Organize a school supply drive
    • Tutor
    • Volunteer to clean up your local school
    • Mentor a child
  • Community: An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” Dr. King highly emphasized the importance of community bonds and service to the community. The current volunteering rate in the United States is 26.3 percent. It is important that individuals not only give back to the community in which they live, but also learn about their surroundings.
    • Learn about your community’s history
    • Identify cultural and religious groups in your community that may be neglected and discuss how their needs can be met.
    • Host a Sunday Supper
  • Youth: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Dr. believed in the importance of building up the nation’s youth because they are the future. Our mistakes will only be replicated by them if we do not teach them otherwise. 21 percent of all American children live at or below the set poverty level.
    • Organize a toy drive
    • Volunteer at a women’s or family shelter
  • Military/ Veterans: “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.” It is important that our communities across the nation honor the work that our military voluntarily performs to ensure our safety.
    • Assemble care packages for military members overseas
    • Write letters
    • Help a military family in need by babysitting or cooking a meal

The above facts are just a few reasons why we should make Martin Luther King Day a “day on, not a day off.” Not only does this day of service honor the memory of Dr. King, but it also strengthens our nation’s communities.

How will you make Dr. King’s dream a reality January 16?

Dr. King’s Challenge: What Are You Doing for Others?

Friday, January 6th, 2012

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a civil rights leader whose actions sparked a national movement. The 13 years he dedicated to civil rights activities ignited concern and conscience within our country’s citizens. His courage and selfless devotion were undeniable, and for this his legacy continues to inspire Points of Light and volunteers around the world.

Just four days after the assassination of the civil rights icon, legislation was proposed to make his birthday an official holiday. It took nearly 20 years and countless politicians to gather enough public support to receive Congressional support, and the day was first officially observed in 1986.

Martin Luther King, Jr. SpeechDuring his lifetime Dr. King worked tirelessly toward a dream of equality. He believed in a nation of freedom and justice for all, and encouraged all citizens to live up to the purpose and potential of America. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service is a way to transform Dr. King’s life and teachings into community service that helps solve problems. MLK Day programs meet tangible needs, such as revitalizing schools and feeding the homeless; but also build a sense of community and mutual responsibility by spurring conversation. On this day, Americans of every age and background celebrate Dr. King through volunteering and unite to strengthen communities, empower individuals, and bridge barriers.

There are many ways to celebrate MLK Day in your community, whether you’re leading a local nonprofit, organizing an event with your family or an elementary school student looking to make a difference.

Inspired by the legacy of Dr. King, America’s Sunday Supper invites people from diverse backgrounds to come together and share a meal, discuss issues that affect their community and highlight the power each one of us has to make a difference. These family and community suppers unite individuals for dinner and dialogue in the restaurants, coffee shops, community centers, faith-based organizations, and homes across the country. Leading up to MLK Day, individuals will participate in a community-by-community, nationwide conversation about our country’s most pressing social issues related to hunger, homelessness, and poverty.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

When individuals reach across differences in economic, ethnic, racial, and religious identities, meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships with neighbors can occur. A sense of community is gained by neighbors working together on projects, resulting in stronger civic engagement and bringing us all closer to Dr. King’s legacy.

How will you honor Dr. King with your service this upcoming MLK Day? Let us know in the comments below!