It’s almost that time of year again. After spending too much time in the malls, eating a ton of food, and socializing with too many awkward family members Christmas will come to a close. Now what? It is New Years resolution time!
“Yay! I cannot wait to make another resolution that I will never actually be able to keep.” When most people make a New Years resolution, they tend to try to cut back on things that may negatively influence their lives such as fast food, but what about resolving to do something good?
A New Years resolution that may not be so hard to keep is volunteering your time to help your community! This resolution will not only influence your life positively, but also the well-being of your community.
How exactly can you turn this resolution into an action rather than a statement? Easy! Follow these 5 tips that help you keep a New Years resolution and apply them to volunteering.
Make sure to choose your activity wisely: Now it is great to be an overachiever, but let’s not kid ourselves you will not fit an activity into your routine, if it is not something that you enjoy. For example, if you are not the outdoorsy type, cleaning up a river bank pr
obably is not your thing. Instead of choosing the newest trend in service, choose your project based on your interests. There is an activity for everyone and every passion.
- Quit being self obsessed: Volunteering allows you to be selfless and take yourself out of the daily stresses of normal life. You are able to try something that you have never had the time to do in the past. While you should choose an activity that you enjoy, you should also choose the activity for the right reasons. Get a group of friends together and help out a cause today!
- Be mindful of your decision: Choosing an activity that you are passionate about will promote growth from your experience. For example, if you are interested in helping your community’s education you should choose a project such as tutoring. Seeing the effects of your service such as your student passing a test, may make you want to serve in bigger projects or devote more of your time. You will grow from the experience because you are devoting yourself to something you truly care about. You are selflessly pursuing your passions.
Understand your limits: Reward yourself for the great work you participated in. Go grab a bite to eat with the people who you volunteered with or go home and take a bubble bath. Just do something that will not only be enjoyable but will be a relaxing reward for you. You will be more likely to complete an activity and fit it into your routine if you can reward yourself after. After all, who doesn’t like coming home and relaxing after a hard day’s work?
- Recruit some friends: Tell your friends about your resolution and ask them if they would like to participate as well. You are more likely to go serve in person if you have people with you who share in your interests and support your efforts. Who knows they may even want to make service their resolution this year?
Do these tips work? See for yourself, make service your New Years resolution. Service not only will benefit your community, but it will also benefit yourself! This year make a resolution that you can actually keep! Pledge to serve today.
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