Posts Tagged ‘Donation’

12 Benefits from Employee Volunteer Programs

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

Employee volunteer programs are a great way to not only benefit your community, but also your workplace environment and employees. It is easy to begin one of these programs within your office environment. By serving your community as an organization, the community will get to know your business and their employees. Establishing a personal connection with the community will improve the overall attitude that your community has toward your business.

Do you still not believe that an employee volunteer program is worth the time and energy? Check out the top twelve benefits reported by companies who have employee volunteer programs as part of their business plan.

  1. Helps create “healthier communities:” Concepts such as corporate social responsibility create more vibrant and thriving communities because it allows business to practice greener methods and sustainable business measures.
  2. Improves corporate public image: When your business chooses to give back to the community, it is often viewed as a sign of generosity and appreciation from those living in the community. Volunteering shows that your business truly cares about the community and the people with which it operates.
  3. Enhancing impact of monetary donations: Organizations will be more appreciative of your donations when they link a personal value to the donation. Do not just throw money at an organization, but rather help enhance that organization through volunteerism.
  4. Improving relations with community and/ or government: The overall community will think more highly of your business when they see the good that it does for the entire community.
  5. Building employees’ teamwork skills: The best way for your employee to get to know each other outside of a work environment is to serve together. It allows employees to interact with coworkers they may never communicate or work with.
  6. Improving employee morale: Volunteering boosts motivation and allows employees to work with each other outside of an office setting. When employees have the chance to give back in a meaningful way for something they care about, they will feel more positively connected to the organization.
  7. Attracting better employees: Your business will have a better chance at recruiting more motivated and driven employees when it offers the chance to give back to the community in addition to work benefits.
  8. Enhancing employee training: Great way to teach your employees useful skills, through volunteer work.
  9. Improving employee retention: Your employees will feel more connected to the company and want to continue their work there when  they feel the issues they care about are also important to their company.
  10. Enhancing corporate strategic goals: You can model your volunteer program strategy to accomplish your overall mission statement goals.
  11. Enhancing employee productivity: When employees get a break from the office, they become better workers when they return.
  12. Enhancing company productivity: Get your company’s goals accomplished through volunteering!

Celebrate the United States Dollar Bill!

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

Happy Dollar Day! Today is a day to remember the creation of the first United States dollar bill. In honor of the United States dollar bill’s birthday, we would like to discuss the importance that the dollar bill plays in the nonprofit fundraising world. It would be difficult for nonprofit organizations to accomplish all that they do without the generous support of individual and large donors.

Has your organization established a fundraising plan yet? Check out our steps to a great fundraising plan in honor of the US dollar, to get your program started!

  1. While planning on the amount of funding your organization will need for a specific project, research your community first. Take a look at your local, state and national communities and decide whether or not they would be able to give you a grant. Where would a fundraising event be more successful? Vary your funding; it is not smart to rely on one funding source for your entire project.
  2. Plan out your budget prior to soliciting funds. You will be more successful if you are able to present a plan to your grantees.
  3. After researching your community, develop a fundraising message. It is important to not only highlight the benefits that your program will have on the community, but also its benefits for the individual donor.
    1. Show a connection between the donor and the organization
    2. State the benefit to the donor
    3. Highlight how their money will make a difference
    4. Create a maximum good for the money
    5. Alert the donor about future follow up for the organization
  4. Recruit the right person to solicit donations. Does one of your volunteers work for a company you want to solicit from? Ask that individual to introduce you to their company manager.
  5. Apply for a grant. Grants take a significant time to write and often require extra follow through. They are a great option for nonprofit programs, when done correctly. Make sure your grant application follows all of the rules set by the grant maker. Look for a company or organization whose mission is similar to yours to ensure success.
  6. Other great ways to solicit funds come from fundraising events such as:
    1. Raffles
    2. Letters
    3. Special events at local businesses
    4. Auctions
    5. Bake sales
    6. Car washes


Fundraising and grant making are great ways to get your nonprofit’s programs off the ground. They are also great ways to learn more about your community and local businesses. Community members will get a feel for your organization and feel more connected to it when they have an understanding of your overall mission.

Want more information? Check out our Fundraising for Youth Service Resource Guide to help you get started!

How have you found fundraising success? We would love to hear your comments and tips in the section below!

Colorado Needs Our Time, Talent, and Donations

Friday, June 29th, 2012

This past week has been a difficult one for Colorado residents. Large wildfires and high temperatures have destroyed thousands of homes, forcing residents to evacuate their communities to find safe shelter. Although many people and organizations are helping the relief efforts, they still need more help!

How can you get involved in helping Colorado and the rest of the Rocky Mountain region during this hard time? Volunteer your time and efforts to helping neighbors!

  • Have some spare change? Any monetary amount will be greatly appreciated by the volunteer organizations that are currently assisting emergency efforts. Financial donations allow organizations to purchase exactly what they need to ensure proper assistance. No organization is preferred over another; choose one that you are particularly drawn to.
  • Donate your time to a volunteer organization: Organizations such as the Red Cross, the Humane Society, and the Salvation Army are already stationed in the Colorado Springs area. Do not come unexpectedly to these areas for safety reasons. Sign up to help efforts when volunteers are needed.
  • Material donations are a great way to help! The surrounding county volunteer organizations are asking for very specific donations at this time. The list includes:
    • Meal donations from restaurants
    • Donations from rental properties for displaced individuals
    • New batteries
    • New underwear and socks
    • Furniture
    • Water bottles
    • Chain saws
    • New pots and pans
    • Generators
    • Work boots

More ideas for donation needs can be found here.

  • Hold a yard sale or charitable event: Either event is a great way to get your local community involved in relief efforts. Get your neighbors together for a yard sale to help raise money for the victims and Colorado. A charitable event is a fun way to raid awareness for the disaster, while getting much needed donations for voluntary efforts.
  • Hold a blood drive: It’s easy! Contact the Red Cross about holding a blood drive at your workplace, school, church, or other community center. Donating blood is a great way to give the much needed gift of life to your neighbors!

Colorado needs our help at this time. Come together with your community and help support them in their efforts.

Do you want to learn more about The High Park Fire? Check out Help Colorado Now for up-to-date volunteer information and residential needs. Our Colorado Action Center, United Way of Larimer County is a great resource for interested volunteers, as well.

Volunteering & Books go Hand-in-Hand this Summer!

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

As many sports, school, and television series conclude at the beginning or midway through the summer, people often choose to partake in summer reading. I choose summer reading to relax, to be entertained, and to, most importantly, to learn. Because me and several other of the folks are participating in some summer reading, I’ve compiled a list of five ways you can volunteer with books!

  1. Read! Read about ways in which you can coordinate volunteers in your community. Books related to volunteerism include the training and recognition of volunteers, as well as Collaboration and Community Organizing. Additional books of volunteerism highlight disaster response, diversity, virtual volunteering, leadership, and recruitment. As you may have noticed, there is so much information out there that is focused on volunteerism. So get to reading and learning!
  2. Instead of throwing your books away, donate your books to local organizations! While shopping in thrift stores, I often find myself shopping for books and other This sign at an awesome bookshop. items, just to see if I can catch a deal! In addition to finding great deals, book donations allow for low-income families to secure summer reading! Thanks to the YMCA, the Boys and Girls Club, and the Salvation Army, and several other organizations, you can donate your books or schedule your books to be picked up.
  3. Gather some friends and coordinate your own book drive in your neighborhood or community! Coordinating a book drive first begins, with marketing your book drive. Print flyers or mention the book drive in your facebook or twitter status to get the word out! This will allow you to do good, meet people in your community, all while hanging out with your friends.
  4. Participate in Books for Africa! With books for Africa, you can either contribute a monetary donation or book donation for a great cause. Additionally, Books For Africa accepts: 15 years old or newer popular fiction and nonfiction reading books (soft and hard cover); 1996 or newer publish date primary, secondary, and college textbooks (soft and hard cover); 1996 or newer reference books such as encyclopedias and dictionaries; 1996 or newer publish date medical, nursing, IT, and law books. Books for Africa also accepts school/office supplies including, paper, pencils, pens, wall charts, maps, etc.
  5. Recycle your books! Books wear out. They get water damage. They break down. You get tired of them or you’ve simply already read them. When your books have passed their time in your life, there are lots of things you can do with them including recycling them. Books cannot usually be recycled along with your other paper products, like newspaper, because of the binding glue. Book Destruction, a Grossman Group company, recycles whole books. They grind the books down and process them by repulping the paper to make new paper. Green Earth Book Recyclers works with Book Destruction to collect used textbooks from college students for recycling.

There are plenty of ways you can participate in book volunteerism this summer! We’d love to hear in the comments how you plan to volunteer with books or volunteer in general this summer!

February is the Time to Donate Your Cans

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

February is a very special month indeed! It is a month full of Valentines love, heart awareness and black history. With all of these fun things going on in one month, can you believe there is even more events to celebrate? (GASP!) Yep, that’s right February is also National Canned Food Month!

This month is a great time to volunteer without straying from your hectic daily schedule. Donating canned foods can be a lot easier than you think and can actually help a great deal of people.

How exactly can you incorporate this service idea into your schedule? Check out our tips below to get inspired to feed those in your community!

  1. Partner up: Ask your local grocery store about placing a canned food donation bin in the store, so that customers can donate to the cause. It is an easy way to attract donations because people will just pick up an extra can during their shopping trip. Hand out flyers to shoppers so that they understand your cause and the people that their donation will be helping.
  2. Make it a food collection competition: Compete with friends, neighbors, classmates, or family members to see who can collect the most food. You can design a scoreboard and who ever collects the most cans, wins the prize!
  3. Host a movie night: Invite your community to watch a movie such as a documentary about hunger in America. The price of admission into the movie is a canned good! You will get great discussion and help your community members understand the impact that their donation will make.
  4. Host a casual Friday: Ask your boss if your company or organization can join in on the canned good fun. If a majority of employees bring in a canned good, all employees will be rewarded with a casual attire day.
  5. Make your next event a donation opportunity:Whether your kids have a big sporting event, or you are hosting a
    party encourage attendees to bring cans instead of gifts.
  6. Raffle:Make your canned donation an event. Ask local companies whether they would be interested in donating a gift to
    your cause. Whoever donates a can, gets a chance to win an awesome prize!
  7. Get your kids’ teachers involved: Ask your principle if you can get the school involved in the donation. Have the teachers do something for the amount of cans donated. For example, if every student donates a can, the class gets a longer recess.
  8. Make it a theme: Put a theme around your donation cause. For example, Tomato Tuesday every person must donate a canned good that contains tomatoes. More people will donate if they have a little twist added to the mix.
  9. Ask your neighbors: Kill two volunteer birds with one stone. Offer to do something nice for someone in your neighborhood such as clean their house, mow their lawn, rake leaves, or shovel snow in exchange for canned goods.

Canned food donations are an easy way to truly help your community members who may be in need. Food banks and soup kitchens often run low on supplies after the holidays, and your decision to donate canned goods will change that fact.

We hope that these ideas help make your canned food celebration both meaningful and fun. Are you donating canned goods this February? We would love for you to share your stories in the comment section below!