Posts Tagged ‘Employment’

12 Benefits from Employee Volunteer Programs

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

Employee volunteer programs are a great way to not only benefit your community, but also your workplace environment and employees. It is easy to begin one of these programs within your office environment. By serving your community as an organization, the community will get to know your business and their employees. Establishing a personal connection with the community will improve the overall attitude that your community has toward your business.

Do you still not believe that an employee volunteer program is worth the time and energy? Check out the top twelve benefits reported by companies who have employee volunteer programs as part of their business plan.

  1. Helps create “healthier communities:” Concepts such as corporate social responsibility create more vibrant and thriving communities because it allows business to practice greener methods and sustainable business measures.
  2. Improves corporate public image: When your business chooses to give back to the community, it is often viewed as a sign of generosity and appreciation from those living in the community. Volunteering shows that your business truly cares about the community and the people with which it operates.
  3. Enhancing impact of monetary donations: Organizations will be more appreciative of your donations when they link a personal value to the donation. Do not just throw money at an organization, but rather help enhance that organization through volunteerism.
  4. Improving relations with community and/ or government: The overall community will think more highly of your business when they see the good that it does for the entire community.
  5. Building employees’ teamwork skills: The best way for your employee to get to know each other outside of a work environment is to serve together. It allows employees to interact with coworkers they may never communicate or work with.
  6. Improving employee morale: Volunteering boosts motivation and allows employees to work with each other outside of an office setting. When employees have the chance to give back in a meaningful way for something they care about, they will feel more positively connected to the organization.
  7. Attracting better employees: Your business will have a better chance at recruiting more motivated and driven employees when it offers the chance to give back to the community in addition to work benefits.
  8. Enhancing employee training: Great way to teach your employees useful skills, through volunteer work.
  9. Improving employee retention: Your employees will feel more connected to the company and want to continue their work there when  they feel the issues they care about are also important to their company.
  10. Enhancing corporate strategic goals: You can model your volunteer program strategy to accomplish your overall mission statement goals.
  11. Enhancing employee productivity: When employees get a break from the office, they become better workers when they return.
  12. Enhancing company productivity: Get your company’s goals accomplished through volunteering!

Employee Volunteering Brings in Happiness

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

Employee volunteering is essential to a company’s success because it builds employee camaraderie, creates a positive workplace, while also increasing or establishing loyalty. The following infographic illustrates the results of a study conducted by Deloitte. This inforgraphic was originally posted on on invup. com on March 20, 2012.

4 Steps to a Spectacular EVP!

Monday, July 9th, 2012

According to a 2011 Deloitte survey of volunteer impact, 93% of employees who volunteer are more satisfied with their current employer. Why? Employees feel more connected to their employer when they feel that they are giving back through their profession. They are more likely to establish lasting relationships with their co-workers and feel more respected in their profession.

What is an employee volunteer program? An employee volunteer program is a planned effort sponsored under and individual’s employer to effectively volunteer in the surrounding community. These programs can be carried out through philanthropic partnerships or individual employees.

How can your company better implement a volunteer program as a part of the job description? Check out our tips below to get you started!

  1. Identify business priorities: The first step to establishing a successful workplace volunteer program is to identify which business objectives can be achieved through the actual program efforts. These priorities can be identified in a mission statement. Let employees and outsiders know that volunteering is an important aspect of the overall business of your company or organization. You can better tailor your volunteer interests by studying your current mission statement and matching it to a philanthropic mission.
  2. Identify your employees’ interests: Seek individual interests and concerns to better match your program to what your employees care about. Let your employees know that you want to start a workplace volunteer program. After getting their attention about the program, survey your employees. It is very important to let your employees have their input to allow for more involvement in the projects and help them feel more connected to the company and their new program.
  3. Identify community needs: Your program should target critical community needs that need to be addressed. After you identify the most critical issues that your employees care about, contact your local volunteer groups or community organizations to see how these issues are currently being handled. You can identify an organization to volunteer with based on these assessments.
  4. Put it together: After collecting all the necessary information, you will be ready to prepare a purpose statement. Through your program you will be able to: Connect people with opportunities to serve, build capacity for effective volunteering, promote volunteering, and meet local needs.

Developing an employee volunteer program will not only benefit your community, but it will also generate a more positive workplace for all involved. Get your employee volunteer program started today to see the many benefits that will come!

Need help getting started? Check out our more than 250 action centers nationwide or Points of Light’s Corporate Institute to start a program within your company today!

Have you started an employee volunteer program? Do you have any tips? We would love to hear about it in the comments section below!

Boost that Resume, Volunteer!

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

Are you a recent graduate looking for a new job? Maybe you are someone who is looking a for a new career path to develop some skills? Volunteering is the best outlet possible to do all of these things!

Why? Volunteer work benefits your professional goals because it allows you to acquire new skills that your professional degree may not allow you to develop otherwise. Volunteer work is also a great way to cram the gaps in your work history.

Win-win situation, right? Not only do you help your community, but you also boost your personal life! Check out how volunteering can help boost your professional skills below!

Assertiveness: You can develop your assertive skills by serving as a fundraiser soliciting pledges or support. Recruit others to support an organization or cause.

Budget management: Plan or chair events with a budget. Volunteer for a board position with financial responsibility. Volunteering to be in charge of an organization’s budget will greatly help you in the financial world!

Change management/ strategic awareness: To develop this professional skill participate on an organization’s board or advisory council, participate in a focus group, or help write a group’s vision.

Computer skills: Computer skills are a necessity for most professional jobs. To increase your skill set develop an organization’s database or provide data entry for a group or project.

Conflict resolution: To hone in your conflict resolution skills serve on a board, manage a function or event, or serve as a subcommittee chairman.

Cultural awareness: To become more culturally aware, become a tutor or mentor, or volunteer in an activity that works closely with people unlike yourself. IT is important to expose yourself to all types of people to better develop this skill. Make this a habit and not a one time occurrence.

Creativity: In order to develop your creative skills you will need to step out of the box a little bit. Try volunteering at a children’s arts and crafts project or volunteer to paint a school mural.

Delegating: Want to get better at delegating tasks? Try chairing a committee or assuming a leadership role within an organization such as becoming a volunteer manager.

Event planning: You can become a bigger pro at event planning by coordinating volunteers or sitting on a committee for a big event.

Leadership: Leadership skills are big eye catchers on a resume. To develop your skills serve on a chairman board, be a spokesperson for an event or organization, or volunteer as a mentor to a young community member.

Organizational skills: Need to get more organized in the workplace? Volunteer to sort donations, provide clerical services, or plan an event.

Problem-solving: Problem-solving skills are a must! Better engage your skills by being an on-site manager for a big event or be a project leader.

By adding volunteer experience to your resume you will start building up that skill section in no time! Whether you are unemployed or looking to start down a new career path, it is always great to volunteer in your free time!

How has volunteering boosted your resume? We would love to hear your stories in the comments section below!

8 Steps to Get Your Employee Volunteer Program Started

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Individual and family volunteering makes a huge impact on the community. Employee volunteering will not only make an impact on the surrounding community, but also on the work environment. Employees who volunteer together will feel more connected to the community in which they work, and also closer to their coworkers.

Starting an employee volunteer program in your workplace is easy to do. It will help shape your company’s image because you will be giving back to the community that you work in. Follow the eight steps below to get your employee volunteer program started today!

  1. Assess both your employees’ and community’s interests and needs. Survey employees to assess their current interests and past volunteer experience. Check out your local HandsOn Network action center or other local volunteer center to find volunteer opportunities near your workplace.
  2. Identify business priorities and goals that can be met through an employee volunteer program. A successful program will reflect business goals while adding value to the overall business objective. You can use your business plans when writing up your employee volunteer program to better incorporate the two.
  3. Secure your company’s top management support. All levels of management and departments should encourage employee participation in the program. Identify senior managers that can participate in various projects to get better participation from all employees.
  4. Develop a program structure and program policies. Encourage participation from all employee levels. Try to develop an employee committee who can dedicate themselves to greater participation. Develop written policies about employee participation in service events (i.e. how many project must staff members participate in). Learn best practices of employee volunteer programs so that you may implement them into your program.
  5. Design volunteering projects in line with financial support. Try to volunteer at organizations that your company supports or is considering supporting. Your company’s philanthropy donations will mean more to the organization, if they are also backed by volunteer support.
  6. Measure the program and evaluate its results. Develop methods for measuring overall employee satisfaction with the program and actual participation. Regularly evaluate whether or not the program is meeting the company’s overall strategic goals. By answering these questions, you can begin planning the next projects to better meet these goals.
  7. Establish a rewards program for participating employees. Reward will help build program participation. Develop an awards system for employee
    s to encourage their participation from extra vacation time to a t-shirt.
  8. Publicize your company’s efforts both internally and externally. You can communicate your employee’s efforts through the Internet or by contacting your local newspaper article. By reporting your results, the community will look more favorably at your company, and other companies may be more enthusiastic about starting a program of their own!


Employee volunteer programs are a great way to better your employee’s morale and will also boost community support. It is important to build your company’s image through volunteering within the community.

Does your company have an employee volunteer program? We would love to hear about it in the comments sections below!

Today’s post comes from Luci Miller. Luci is an AmeriCorps member on the Points of Light Digital team. Luci has recently joined other members in planning staff volunteer projects.

How To: Add Your Volunteer Experience to LinkedIn

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011


Today’s post comes from Michael Nealis, Interactive Strategy Coordinator for Points of Light Institute.

Last week,  added the ability to include your volunteer experience to your resume.

This is a great addition to LinkedIn! Millions of professionals volunteer in their communities, and it’s a real benefit to include volunteer experience on a resume whether you’re just out of school and looking for your first job or if you’ve been in the work force for a while and are looking for a new job.

Your volunteer experience on your resume gives potential employers more information about who you are and could get you recognized in the sea of candidates for a position.

Being able to include your volunteer experience lets you show what you’re passionate about, and gives you an opportunity to showcase your talents. If you’re actively searching for a job, volunteering can help show your talents to a peer group that could connect you with people that are looking for employees. You never know who you might meet when you’re volunteering.

Adding your volunteer experience to your resume and your LinkedIn profile can help you get noticed. The most successful people in the world dedicate their efforts to a cause that extends beyond themselves and employers are well aware of this. Volunteering not only provides you the opportunity to showcase your talents and experiences, but it also allows you to demonstrate compassion and commitment.

It’s easy enough to add your volunteer experience to your LinkedIn profile. First, log in to your LinkedIn account, and click on ‘Profile’:


Scroll down to the end of your Experience section to the Volunteer Experience & Causes section. To add your volunteer experience, click on ‘+Add a volunteer position’:

You’ll be taken to a screen that lets you add your volunteer experience, one cause or organization at a time, to your LinkedIn profile.

When you’ve finished adding your volunteer experience to your LinkedIn profile, you’ll have a better description of who you are and what you can do! this can make your profile and resume stand out above other candidates’ resumes!

Has listing your volunteer experience on your resume helped you to find a job? Let us know about it in the comments!

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