Posts Tagged ‘Environment’

Young Environmentalists Network

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

Today’s post comes from Charles Orgbon, a junior in high school and founder of Greening Forward.

I grew up in a rural community where I spent much of my time on my family’s farm until I moved to the suburban community of Gwinnett County. However, I brought much of my appreciation for nature with me during this move. Troubled by my school’s littering problem and lack of environmental concern, I formed a student action team. Although we made a difference, I soon wanted to do more. I wanted to empower other youth to start their own environmental groups.

This was the brainstorm behind Greening Forward, an organization that I founded that now offers mini-grants, recognition, civic engagement curricula, skill-building workshops and an online platform for idea sharing for other young environmental changemakers. I started with just a few friends, a few people who agreed that litter wasn’t OK. We picked up trash and planted a garden. We hosted pep rallies and soon other young people at other schools noticed. Today, the network has grown to more than 500 youth in three countries who have recycled more than 20 tons of waste, saved 86,000 gallons of water, and planted 72 trees thanks to Greening Forward’s help.

Our latest project involves creating the Young Environmentalists Network on Facebook. The shows how young people’s (ages 5-25) captivating energy and intrinsic creativity power movements for environmental protection. As these young environmental leaders connect with one another they create an online network full of professional and personal resources. This networking allows youth to develop connections, explore opportunities, reflect on experiences and spread new ideas that each member can add to their arsenal of changemaking resources.

The Young Environmentalists Network especially highlights the unique challenges that the 21st century environmentalist has to face. Unlike many sectors, environmentalism is an interdisciplinary field. The Young Environmentalists Network combines people from all of these areas in the environmental sector into one forum. The experts in policy, education, science and communications come together to learn how can we support the global environmental movement together. That’s what’s most inspiring about the network.

I hope that our movement will be recognized for helping to change the culture of our society. As young people, our voice needs to be heard. It needs to serve as an authentic voice in the decision-making process. I challenge you to go out into your community and find the issues, bring light to them and let your voice be heard. No matter who you are and where you have come from, you can make your mark on the world. You can be a Community Action Hero.

I invite you to and become an environmental community action hero and connect with me on Twitter .

This summer you can make your mark on the world and inspire others to do the same through generationOn’s Community Action Heroes summer program! Visit to find out more about how you can become a community action hero the range of youth service projects you can get involved in, as well as the national recognition and prizes that you can win for your creativity and effort.

Charles is a junior at Mill Creek High School in Hoschton, Ga. Charles founded an international movement of Earth Savers Clubs through his nonprofit, Greening Forward. Charles is a member of the 2011 PARADE All-America High School Service Team, an award recognizing outstanding young service leaders in association with Parade Magazine and in partnership with generationOn, the global youth enterprise of Points of Light. Charles invites readers to connect with Greening Forward or via . Charles champions the environment making him a hero for planet earth.

Celebrate World Environment Day, Go Green!

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

June 5 is the United Nations Environment Programme’s World Environment Day. World Environment Day is an annual event aimed at being the biggest and most widely celebrated day of environmental impact across the world. The United Nations mission is to empower individuals to become global agents of change for environmental issues through global action.

Since 1972, World Environment Day has been celebrated on or around June 5.

The theme of this year’s World Environment Day is “Green Economy, does it include you?”

The United Nations would love for all communities to get involved in their environment initiative. How can your community become active today? Check out our 30 ideas below to help make your community a more green economy!

1. Change your light bulbs. If every household changed one bulb to a compact fluorescent bulb, it would be equivalent to removing 1 million cars from the environment.
2. Turn off your computer. By turning your computer off, instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save up to 40 watts of electricity per day.
3. Recycle glass. By recycling your glassware, you reduce air pollution by 20 percent and water pollution by 50 percent.
4. Hang dry those clothes. Get a clothesline to hang your wet clothes. Not only will you save energy, your clothes will last longer!
5. Wash in cold or warm cycle. If every household in the United States switched to the warm-cold or cold-cold washing cycle, we could save enough energy comparable to 100,000 barrels of oil per day.
6. Recycle newspaper. Recycling just the Sunday paper could save up to half a million trees annually.
7. Get rid of your bottled water. Nearly 90% of bottled water is not recycled, bottle take thousands of years to decompose. Reduce, reuse, and recycle!
8. Brush your teeth without running water. You will conserve up to 5 gallons per day, if you do not run water while brushing your teeth.
9. Plant a tree. Get your neighbors together and plant a tree in the community. It will not only provide shade and a fun bonding experience, but will also improve your community’s air quality.
10. Use cruise control. By using cruise control, you can save up to 15% in gas mileage. Judging by today’s gas prices, this is a win-win situation!
11.  Buy local. Greenhouse gas pollution is created when food is flown from the farm to your table. You will not only help your community’s economy, but also cut pollution when you choose to buy local!
12. Adjust your thermostat. One degree warmer in the summer or one degree cooler in the winter will save your 10% in energy.
13. Turn off the lights. Always turn off the lights when you leave a room!
14. Get green with your lawn care. Choose natural ways for lawn upkeep instead of using pesticides and artificial fertilizers.
15. Recycle your old cell phone. Trying to keep up with cell phone trends? Make sure your recycle your old one to reduce landfill waste.
16. Donate. Before you just throw your unwanted items away, decide if someone else could benefit from your things.
17. Get rid of plastic bags. Plastic bags take hundreds of years to decompose and they pollute our oceans. Make the decision to switch to durable, reusable bags.
18. Pay your bills online. If every American household paid their bills online, we would save 18.5 million trees, and 1.7 billion pounds of solid waste.
19.  Go veggie once a week. Not only will you be saving the animals, but you will save water and destroy less land.
20. Choose a better diaper. Whether you choose cloth or a more environmentally friendly disposable diaper, you will help save 3.5 million tons of waste in landfills.


Whether you decide to do a small or big act today, choosing a greener lifestyle will not only benefit your community, but also your wallet. Choose today to be the first day of the rest of your green life.

Are you making the choice to be part of the green economy? Share your story with the United Nations Environment Programme!

How are you volunteering to be greener in your community? We would love for you to share in the comments section below!

World Water Day: Do Your Part!

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

Happy World Water Day! It only makes sense that  element that we rely on for life itself should have its very own day. World Water Day was instituted by the United Nations to remind us that much of the world still faces a global water, sanitation and hygiene crisis, and that it is our urgent obligation to act.

This year the theme of World Water Day, March 22, is “Water for Food Security.” 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted or thrown away every year. Cutting that amount by 50% would save 1,350 cubic kilometers of water annually. Agriculture uses 85% to 95% of all water in many developing countries. While we can’t stop consuming food and water altogether, there are a few things we can do to conserve water and honor World Water Day this year.

Participate in one of the many worldwide events People across the globe are coming together tomorrow to recognize the importance of water for food security and educate themselves. Check out the UN’s World Water Day website to find an event near you.

Conserve water If you live in an area prone to droughts, you may already live by these tips! Turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth. Adjust your sprinklers so they don’t run in the middle of the day when the sun will simply absorb it. If you have a dishwasher, only run it when the machine is full. If you wash by hand, consider filling one side of the sink to wash in rather than leaving the faucet running. A few simple adjustments can make a world of different on your water footprint!

Conserve food Did you know that most of the water we “drink” is embedded in the food we eat? For example, the production of 1 kilo of beef consumes 15,000 litres of water, while 1 kilo of wheat ’drinks up’ 1,500 litres. Reduce your food waste by paying close attention to the expiration dates on your food, and reducing your meat intake. In the United States, more than 25% of food goes wasted every single year!

Sponsor a water project If you’d like to make a global impact, consider sponsoring a water project. Charity: Water,, and the UNICEF Tap Project are just a few of the many organizations working to provide water to those without. With more than three times more people lacking water than those living the United States, water projects need our support.

Donate your voice Do you use social media? If you have friends and followers, consider loaning some of your social media updates to raise awareness of World Water Day. Social media is a powerful tool, and you may very well incite your friends to action!

Calculate your water footprint Calculate your water footprint with Water Footprint Network’s Quick Calculator; you may be shocked at what you find! Compare and contrast the water footprints of various countries to gain a better understanding of the shortage.

Get your kids involved If you’d like to get your kids involved, be sure to check out our friend, GenerationOn’s, Project of the Month. The cute animal pictures are just a bonus!

How will you act for World Water Day? Let us know in the comments below.

5 Ideas for Getting Involved in Your Community During the Holidays

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

So you want to help your community this holiday season, but while brainstorming ideas for the project you find yourself stumped? The media confronts us daily with the many social problems that plague our nation, without a solution in sight. It is easy to feel helpless when this information is talked about because no solution is foreseen.

It’s a good idea to start looking for holiday volunteer opportunities now, so you can be sure to find something you’d like to do. Just like shopping for a turkey the night before Thanksgiving, you might not find what you’re looking for if you wait until the last minute to find somewhere to volunteer.

It is easy to become involved in making a difference for your community by following these simple project tips. And remember, you can always get in touch with one of our HandsOn Network volunteer centers to find volunteer opportunities!

  • Hunger or Housing. From big to small projects there are tons of ways that you can help tackle this issue in your community! Help cook and serve meals at a soup kitchen, gather clothing and donate it to your local shelter, make toiletry kits for the homeless, make care packages full of winter clothing for your local children’s shelter, help repair a local homeless shelter, or partner with Habitat for Humanity and help with a build.
  • Elderly. Helping the older population in your community can be both fun and rewarding from any level. You can spend time with a senior citizen in your community, deliver meals to a homebound individual, perform home repairs or yard work for senior citizens in need, hold a social event for your local nursing home, adopt a “grandfriend” at your local nursing home and make regular visits.
  • volunteer tutorEducation. Education has become a big topic in the media over the years; there are many ways that you can help improve your community’s education system through volunteering. Ideas include raising money for Braille or large print books for the visually impaired, plan a school supply drive to assemble “back to school” kits for your local schools, set up a buddy system for kids needing friends, bring toys to hospitalized children, read books or the newspaper to visually impaired individuals, raise money to purchase and install playground equipment.
  • Health. Participate in a local AIDS or breast cancer walk, volunteer at a Special Olympics event, hold a blood drive, help a local agency create health promotion kits, host a health screening at a local store, library, or school.
  • Environment. You can help tackle your community’s environmental issues at many different levels. Set up a recycling center at your local school or retirement community, clean up a vacant lot or river bank, raise funds to adopt an acre of the rainforest or other habitat, clean up trash in your local park, partner with volunteers to paint a mural at a local school or park.

These are just a few tips that can be incorporated into your holiday resolutions that will make a big difference in your local community. From big to small you can help improve your community this holiday season.

Have a great holiday season! We’d love to hear about how you’re helping your community this year in the comment section below


Volunteering to Help Clean Up the Gulf Coast Oil Spill

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

Since April 30th, HandsOn Network affiliates in the Gulf Coast region have been hard at work organizing volunteer response to the disastrous BP oil spill.

Catherine Gautier, Executive Director of HandsOn Mississippi, writes:

“Between our tornados, flooding, and the oil spill, Mississippi is working on balancing all of the mobilization needed to address concerns throughout the entire state.

One of our biggest needs right now is finding educators to come in. A major lesson of Hurricane Katrina was that there were not enough spontaneous volunteers educated on some of the hazards in advance of deploying to the field.  If anyone knows of some experts who could aide us in educating the community, we would be most grateful.

Also, we are in need of some mental health workers. Mental health ills still have not peaked in the nearly 5 years since Katrina, and this new disaster – just after so many people have felt like recovery might be possible – is mentally and emotionally devastating.  I have locations for trainings and sessions identified but need experts in both areas.

We need a couple volunteers to assist our office with developing content and handing communications(they don’t have to be on site).

Finally, we need one person to be dedicated to attending to the management of the oil spill volunteers, trainings, and events and to be the Hands On Mississippi Point of Contact.  We would like to put someone into place immediately and then to seek funding to turn the volunteer position into a paid one as funding is available.

    There is a great deal of flooding currently along our beaches and harbors.  This has delayed some progress, but quite a few volunteers have been out cleaning debris to lessen impact.”

    HandsOn Network affiliates and nonprofit partners across the Gulf Coast are working collaboratively to ensure the most efficient and effective response.

    HandsOn Network affiliates in California have offered much appreciated support, lessons learned and best practices from their own experience managing the Bay Area oil spill in 2008.

    Over the weekend, approximately 600 volunteers in Escambia County, Florida helped clean up Pensacola Beach and on Perdido Key, the County Commissioner responsible for that area said that over 500 volunteers were assisting in the clean-up.

    So far, BP has not been able to provide concise communications with regard to their intentions to work with volunteer groups.

    A National Disaster Task Force conference call is scheduled for today at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time.  HandsOn Network will provide additional information as the volunteer response efforts unfold.

    To get involved in the clean-up efforts, contact:


    Volunteer Florida


    Volunteer Mobile


    HandsOn Mississippi / HandsOn Gulf Coast

    South Mississippi VOAD Disaster Response Conference Call Notes 5/1/10


    HandsOn New Orleans

    Volunteer Ascention

    Volunteer Baton Rouge

    Volunteer Louisiana

    Louisiana Serve Commission Oil Spill Volunteer Information


    Volunteer Center of the Coastal Bend

    Volunteer Houston