HandsOn Network is actively reaching out to our affiliates who are in the disaster impacted regions from the recent domestic tornadoes and flooding. We are also actively supporting our international affiliate who is working with recovery efforts in Japan.
Related to the Alabama tornadoes, Hands On Birmingham, The Volunteer Center of Morgan County in Decatur, AL and in Montgomery, AL are helping to set up Volunteer Reception Centers to manage Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteers.
Related to the Missouri tornado and flooding, our affiliate the Volunteer Center in the United Way of Greater St. Louis has activated their 211 hotline and have begun engaging volunteers in food distribution and are raising funds for their efforts through an internal auction and direct giving online.
Our emphasis with all disaster response work is to function locally, primarily through our HandsOn Action Centers, to support community resiliency through effective volunteer engagement. We are focusing on developing affiliate capacity for disaster preparedness, response and recovery. We develop partnerships, processes and systems to be effective resources in times of disaster. And finally, we grow the affiliate work capacity to support the management of Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteers, Volunteer Reception Centers, and explore new ways HandsOn Action Centers and volunteers can be leaders in the disaster arena.
While we are continuing to assess the most immediate needs with all these disasters you can get engaged in the response in the following ways:
- Visit HandsOn Birmingham’s website to register your interest to volunteer, to donate, and to receive more information related to the Alabama tornadoes (listing for both Birmingham and Tuscaloosa) volunteer response.
- Visit the Volunteer Center of Morgan County who will be opening a Volunteer Reception Center in Hulaco, AL today. Click here for more info at their website. Visit the Volunteer Center of Morgan County for info on the Volunteer Reception Center .
- Visit United Way of Greater St. Louis’ website to volunteer, donate or receive more information related to the Missouri tornado and flooding volunteer response.
- Visit Triangle Impact’s website to volunteer, donate or receive more information related to the volunteer response to the North Carolina tornadoes.
In addition to the US disasters that hit this week, related to the recent earthquake and Tsunami, monetary support is needed as much as anything else. To donate resources directly to HandsOn Tokyo, visit the HandsOn Tokyo homepage on eBay. You can also contribute to supporting HandsOn Network’s ongoing provision of volunteer mobilization and management technical assistance to HandsOn Tokyo.
Additionally you can visit HandsOn Tokyo online to register your interest to volunteer for earthquake recovery efforts, to donate, or to receive more information related to the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami volunteer response.
Our priority in the response to the ongoing disaster recovery efforts in Japan continues to be supporting and building capacity in HandsOn Tokyo. They have a disaster relief team manager who is managing HandsOn Tokyo’s efforts and is increasing the amount of opportunities to volunteer in the recovery.
HandsOn Tokyo is collecting specific supplies requested by shelters it its service area. Needed items include:
- Rubber work boots for men (US sizes 8.5, 9, 9.5, and 10)
- Sweatshirts and sweat pants (US men’s sizes medium, large, and extra large)
- Windbreaker pands and jackets (US men’s sizes medium, large, and extra large)
- Slippers
- Socks
- Toolkits containing basic tools like hammers and screwdrivers
- Large towels