Posts Tagged ‘Follow the Leader’

A Community’s Greatest Asset – YOU!

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

volunteer volunteering volunteerismToday’s post comes from Kenneth Tran, an AmeriCorps member serving with HandsOn Network

We cannot live only for ourselves.  A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.  ~Herman Melville

According to Webster’s Dictionary, Community is defined as “a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interest.” On the Get HandsOn website, we are catering to the service minded community who are looking to make a lasting change in their environment. The shared social interest of service is the calling that’s bringing out the great activity out of our community.

With Follow the Leader, we have seen tremendous development and participation from our network of Service Leaders. From blog posts about leading a successful resume workshop, to recruiting local volunteers for upcoming projects, members are becoming more active, not only in their local physical community, but also on their online one of over 7000 members.

Volunteer leaders on the site are successfully modeling projects that have come before them. With the easy start up projects featured in the Project Playbooks, service-minded individuals are downloading projects that have been proven successful and sustainable from the HandsOn Network library.

They are replicating similar impacts in their local environment and making positive changes for those around them. They are impacting the even larger systems when they come back on to the site, and posting follow ups to their projects – letting the other GHO leaders know how it went and passing on their experiences.

Follow the Leader focuses on people fulfilling their commitments from Tag and doing the work. So far, I like what I’m seeing! Every day, I get emails updating me about the previous day’s activities on the site, and it is very encouraging to see new members not only registering on the site, but making unique commitments and telling the community about the causes they care about. Each of them are addressing needs specific to their location and are applying the Project Playbooks to meet those needs.

There are so many events going on that can get people discouraged and feeling hopeless. But with one act of service, thoughtful citizens who care enough to make a difference can affect positive change and make a difference to those around them. At the end of the day, we all want to belong to something. What better way to feel connected than leaving a mark on your community that matters to you.

Here’s my invitation for you to be a part of our community! Check out Get HandsOn and sign up to take part in Follow the Leader. Download a Playbook, recruit members of your community, and be ready to make a difference.  You never know who is looking up to your acts of service and will model your behavior. Caring about the community around us benefits everyone involved and the rewards from it will stretch far beyond your immediate surroundings.

Taking A Step Back to Follow

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

volunteer volunteering volunteerismToday’s post comes from Kenneth Tran, an AmeriCorps member serving with HandsOn Network

Have you ever run into a situation when you have too many leaders and not enough followers?

I know I have.

Being part of almost too many team building workshops and retreats, I realize that if everyone tries to step up at the same time and hears only their own voice, very rarely does anyone get anything accomplished. Most often, resulting in everyone leaving with a bad taste in their mouths, sprinkled in with some cursing under their breath.  A lack of clear direction can make any service project hard to complete.

Sometimes, the best way to be a leader is to take a step back and simply follow.

When you’re able to follow, you learn a lot from observing the action and directions of others. You see what works and what didn’t, and in turn you also learn what leadership style synchs best with you.

As part of the Get HandsOn Challenge team, we wanted to take what worked in the past for HandsOn Network and bring that to our online members, so that they could develop their leadership qualities in community service.

For the second stage of the Get HandsOn Challenge, we launched Follow the Leader the day after MLK Jr. Day. We want the initiative to encourage service leaders to extend their dedication to service on one day to a commitment that will extend through our lifetime, as Dr. King Jr. would have envisioned.

With the first leg of the campaign, we wanted leaders to Tag their friends and family into joining service commitments and share their passions that drive them. A lot of these commitments were great and could lead to promising community change, but there was not a starting guide from which people could refer to. Passion with no direction can be often troubling, and even disheartening.

Now with this second leg of the Get HandsOn Challenge, we compiled 15 successful community projects in easy-to-follow Project Playbooks that will help Service Leaders carry out their commitments. The guides give instructions from the planning/ brainstorming of the project to your final evaluation/ wrap up. All easy to organize and most importantly- easy to follow!

Another cool feature the Get HandsOn website has now is a Playbook Forum, where members can post about their projects – what worked, what didn’t, how it went, etc. The forum gives another opportunity to follow what others have done and take bits and pieces that can be added to our own community leadership repertoire. All of this helps us when it‘s time to lead our own project and carrying them out successfully.

So are the most successful leaders the best followers? I would say so. They learn to listen to those working for them, take charge when things need to be done, but also know when to take a step back when others want to lead. Following doesn’t have to be a passive action – actually I say far from it! By actively following the leader, you are learning skills and values that will only help you when its your time to shine.

Ken serves as an AmeriCorps National Direct member through the HandsOn Network with Points of Light Institute. He is based out of Atlanta, working with two other Americorps National Direct members on the Get HandsOn Challenge, a national campaign to help execute real-world value-directed projects by inspiring, equipping and connecting people to making positive change in their communities.

Follow the Leader

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

Today marks the first day of a brand new game for social good.  Remember Tag?  Now we’re playing Follow the Leader!

Yesterday’s Marin Luther King, Jr. Day brought thousands of people into their communities to serve.  Follow the Leader channels that energy and engagement into a more sustainable commitment to service.  Follow the Leader looks to take the one-day commitment to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision of community and drive a commitment to community service as a way to address some of the nation’s most pressing challenges.

Follow the Leader is easy, just like when you played it when you were younger.  When you register on the Follow the Leader site, you’ll be able to choose a Project Playbook – a step by step project guide for project implementation and management that helps to guide you from the idea of implementing a service project in your community to a successful day of service.

The Project Play books are available in four issue areas:

  • Economy
  • Education
  • Emergency Preparedness and Recovery
  • Environment

By playing Follow the Leader, you’re a game change in your community.  Every act of service and each commitment to create change, no matter how large or small, creates an impact in your community.  When you get involved with Follow the Leader, you can find a tested an successful service project, download the project toolkit, invite friends and family to help in your project, and be the leader for positive change in your community.

When you play Follow the Leader, you don’t only get the sense of satisfaction of helping to improve your community – you’re eligible for prizes, too!  Each month has a different prize, and at the end of Follow the Leader, one person will win a week-long volunteer vacation for two to HandsOn Manilla!

Take today to continue your work from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Follow the Leader!