Posts Tagged ‘Friday’

3 Ways to Fight Friday the 13th Jitters!

Friday, April 13th, 2012

If you are spooked by Friday the 13th, don’t be! This week’s unlucky day is the second of three for 2012. And it would come as no surprise if many among us hold at least some fear of freaky Friday, as we humans tend to be pretty superstitious.

Many superstitions stem from the same human trait that causes us to believe in monsters and ghosts: When our brains can’t explain something, we make stuff up. In fact, a 2010 study found that superstitions can sometimes work, because believing in something can actually improve performance on a task; however, we’ve devised a plan to fight those superstitions by volunteering!

  1. Volunteer around black cats: Superstition states that a black cat crossing ones path is a sign of bad luck despite the many people who have good luck and own them or work around them. Defy superstition by volunteering at an animal shelter on September 13. Many shelters usually have at least a few black cats that are ready for adoption, which means there’s a good chance at least one will cross your path at some point while you’re volunteering! Hopefully you’ll see how awesome they are and will adopt one! Check out our friends at  Best Friends Animal Society for a shelter near you!
  2. Go out the same door you came in: Supposedly it’s bad luck to go out the same door you came in, so if you’re someone who believes this superstition, think of all the people who go in and out of the same door every day. On September 13, rather than go in one door and go out another, use the same one in order to defy superstition.
  3. Clean up your local lake: In the original Friday the 13th (1980), Mrs. Voorhees stalks and murders the teenagers who are preparing Camp Crystal Lake. To fend off any fictitious murderers and silly superstitions, gather your family and volunteer to clean up your local lake or park on this beautiful Friday afternoon!

We hope these three activities will help you ward off any Friday the 13th superstitions. Comment and tell us what volunteer activities you’ll be doing in honor of Friday the 13th!


Happy Hunger Games!

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Happy Hunger Games!!! This Friday is so special that it deserves a holiday!…hmm want to know what’s so special about this particular Friday? Well, today is the opening day for “The Hunger Games!” However, while you’re heading out to watch to watch “The Hunger Games” remember there are still people in this world who lack adequate nutrition or do not have access to food.

Here are ten facts about hunger to consider and inspire you to fight hunger in your community:

  1. For 1 in 6 people in the United States, hunger is a reality. Right now, millions of Americans are struggling with hunger.  These are often hard-working adults, children and seniors who simply cannot make ends meet and are forced to go without food for several meals, or even days.
  2. Suburban poverty appears to have distinct regional patterns. Fourteen of the fifteen suburbs with the highest poverty rates in 2000 were located in the Southern or Western regions of the country. 
  3. Female-headed households were more than twice as likely to be among the working poor as male-headed households in 2008.
  4. Among families with at least one member working at least half a year, families with children were 4 times more likely than families without children to live in poverty in 2008.
  5. One in five kids in America struggles with hunger. Kids who struggle with hunger have a hard time learning in school and don’t get the nutrition they need to grow up strong and healthy.
  6. According to the USDA, over 16 million children lived in food insecure (low food security and very low food security) households in 2010.
  7. 20% or more of the child population in 40 states and D.C. lived in food insecure households in 2009. The District of Columbia (32.3%) and Oregon (29.2%) had the highest rates of children in households without consistent access to food.
  8. In 2009, the top five states with the highest rate of food insecure children under 18 are the District of Columbia, Oregon, Arizona, Arkansas, & Texas. iii
  9. In 2009, the top five states with the lowest rate of food insecure children under 18 are North Dakota, New Hampshire, Virginia, Maryland, & Massachusetts. iii
  10. Proper nutrition is vital to the growth and development of children. 62 percent of client households with children under the age of 18 reported participating in the National School Lunch Program, but only 14 percent reported having a child participate in a summer feeding program that provides free food when school is out.

Additionally, our affiliate GenerationOn, is hosting “The Great American Bake Sale” in which awesome youth and caring adults sign up to hold bake sales and send their profits to Share Our Strength. Share Our Strength will use the proceeds to end childhood hunger.

May the odds be in your favor, volunteer as Tribute and watch this video!