Posts Tagged ‘gowalla’

Gowalla Adds Volunteer and Service Category

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

Back when there was only one popular location-based check in service, I thought it would be a great idea to be able to use it to check in where I was volunteering.  Not only would it have been a nice little feature, but I saw people making plans to get the different prizes that the location-based service gave for different kinds of check ins, why not for volunteering?  If it inspired someone who had never volunteered before to go out and do it at least once, it would be great.  If that person discovered a passion for what they did and continued to volunteer, that would be even better!

Gowalla StampGowalla has answered the call.  In conjunction with the Get HandsOn Tag! campaign, Gowalla is rolling out a “Volunteer and Service” category within its Events section  that encourages people to create and check into volunteer projects to receive a custom Gowalla Passport Stamp.  By engaging with Gowalla, community members can post their check-ins to Facebook and Twitter, exchange comments with friends and upload images to raise awareness and share their experience.

How do we do it?  It’s not so hard.  Here’s how I do it on my Android Incredible. (click the images for larger versions)

First, I go to my Gowalla app.  I start up the app and go to Spots.  Then click the menu button, then ‘Add a Spot’.  I type in the name of the Spot I’m at, then click ‘Choose a Category.’  I pick the ‘Event’ Category.  Then scroll down to the new Volunteering and Service Category and click it to add it to your Spot!