Posts Tagged ‘Hasbro’

Action Heroes Needed!

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Today is a BIG day for youth service! “Why?” you ask. July 2nd is the beginning of generationOn’s summer youth service campaign, Community Action Heroes. In partnership with Hasbro, generationOn wants parents to teach their kids or teens the importance of serving their communities.

Summer is the perfect time to get kids involved in volunteerism with all the extra time they have on their hands! GenerationOn will rally thousands of youth volunteers to become active heroes within their community.

How does it work? Interested parents and youth can access the Community Action Hero application through the generationOn website. Kids can choose a challenge team and project ideas. Once a pledge is made, kids can also challenge their friends to be heroes through the use of social media. Once the challenge is met, kids can share their projects through video, essays, or pictures to inspire other youth. All participants will receive a certificate of completion after the project as well!

What issues can your kid pledge to volunteer for?

  • Animals: Five to seven million animals are rescued by shelters annually. Your child can help animals in the community by donating cat or dog food, bathing and playing with shelter animals, cleaning a dog park, raising money for guide dog training, creating emergency preparedness packs for pets, raising money for animal shelters, etc.
  • Literacy: Although summer is a great time to catch up on a new book, many kids do not have access to reading materials in their community. Kids can make a big difference for their neighbors by writing letters to policy makers asking to make education a priority, reading to other children, holding a book drive, organizing a book fair benefit, etc.
  • Health: Summer is a great time to be active outside, but unfortunately not all kids are healthy enough to play outside. Your child or teen can be a hero for sick children by making a lemonade stand, making books to make a smile, bingo at a senior home, anti-bullying posters, toy drives, etc.
  • Environment: No matter your age or size, we all have the power to improve our environment. Your child or teen can learn the value of helping the environment by getting his or her household to use eco-friendly cleaner, cleaning up a park or nature walk, hosting a green thumb party, cleaning up a lake or river, starting a recycling program, etc.
  • Homelessness: 770,000 homeless children are currently enrolled in United States public schools; the summer time is even harder because they do not have the safety of a school. Your child or teen can get involved in solving this important problem by making a work of art for a shelter, making a pillow buddy, hosting a princess party to collect fairytale books, making health kits, collecting school supplies boxes, advocating for the homeless, etc.
  • Hunger: Although summer is a special time for certain seasonal meal favorites, many kids do not receive their proper nutrients because they do not get school lunches in the summer. Your child or teen can be a hero for hungry children by participating in meals on wheels, making lunches, sharing extra food from their garden, hosting a fundraiser event to tackle hunger, etc.
  • Military: Our military men and women volunteer their lives daily to better our country, Your child or teen can show his or her gratitude to military servicemen  and veterans by making care packages, sending letters, sending them fun items to bring a smile, hosting a veterans’ dinner, interviewing and sharing a veteran’s story with the Library or Congress, etc.
  • Emergency prep: Summer is a time to relax, but is also a time for many heat related disasters and emergencies. Be a hero in your community and get others prepared by providing hurricane victims with essential items, collecting smoke detector batteries, making and delivering first aid kits, raise awareness about summer emergencies, providing homeless shelters with evacuation plans, etc.

The world needs more action heroes, are you up to the challenge? We hope that your children will make the pledge to accept one of these eight hero challenges to better his or her community!

Check out generationOn, the youth volunteer enterprise of Point of Light, to learn more about the Community Action Hero Challenge.

Young Volunteers Really Can Make an Impact this Holiday Season

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

Today marks the beginning of generationOn’s annual Holiday Gift Campaign. The campaign runs from November 29 through December 13. The goal of this campaign is promote youth service while spreading holiday cheer to children in need. Every time a child or teen joins generationOn and makes a pledge of service, Hasbro will donate one toy to a child in need through the Toys for Tots holiday toy drive (up to 100,000 toys).

Youth service is important because young people really can make a difference in their community. Pledging service at a young age can instill a lifetime of service in an individual by providing a service-oriented mind at a young age. The holiday season is the perfect time to get kids involved because there a variety of youthful projects available and kids have more time to offer with their time away from school.

Looking for ways to turn these service pledges into action? Here is a list of youthful activities that can be applied to projects for many different ages.

  • Make artwork for a local senior center or retirement home—they will love the colorful wall decorations!
  • Organize a canned food drive at home, school, neighborhood, or place of worship. Donate your collected canned goods to a local food bank or shelter.
  • Donate unwanted stuffed animals to a local shelter— there are many children who would love to have an animal to snuggle with this holiday season!
  • Donate your family’s holiday party leftovers to a local shelter or soup kitchen
  • Gather your old clothes and shoes to donate to the Salvation Army, Goodwill, ReStore, or other donation center
  • Play board games at a senior center
  • Donate your old books to your local library— there are kids dying to read your books!
  • Donate your old backpack there is a child who would love to have a new friend to carry their school work in!
  • Share your lunch with a kid who needs it or a friend who forgot theirs
  • Read your favorite story to children at your local library
  • Is it your birthday? Give a gift to someone in need
  • Have a hot chocolate and cookie stand in your neighborhood and donate the money to your favorite cause
  • Hold a toy drive for kids in a shelter or hospital
  • Take a bag of dog or cat food to your local animal shelter
  • Save your old vegetable and fruit scraps to use as compost for your garden
  • Pick up trash in your local park or neighborhood
  • Grow a community garden
  • Start a recycling program in your community if there is not one already
  • Plant a tree
  • Ride your bike
  • Turn off your water while brushing your teeth to save money
  • Say “thank you” to your parents and teachers
  • Help someone out who may be carrying a heavy load
  • Eat lunch with a new kid at school
  • Share a story with an individual at a retirement center
  • Send “thank you” cards to your local veterans
  • Share a hug or a smile with someone who needs one


There are many ways that your child or teen can get involved this holiday season. For ideas such as these and more visit our friends at generationOn to get your project started. Take the pledge now through December 13 to help a child in need while beginning a lifetime of service.

generationOn: A New Global Youth Service Movement

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010



Imagine the power of young people such as Hasbro Community Hero Cole Layman, 12, who started the Paws for Thumbs up for servicePeace Kids Care Club in Tampa. Cole led this group in 20 service projects in his community.  Then, when he moved to Virginia, he volunteered to tutor younger students who needed academic help and urged his school to establish its first annual Random Acts of Kindness week.  In his “spare” time he composes songs to play at local senior centers, and he and his family have formed a band, “In Layman Terms,” to play those songs.

Imagine thousands of such creative, energetic kids, committed to service that resonates with their passions.

That’s why this past Saturday was such a momentous day for Points of Light Institute as we launched generationOn, a global youth service movement.  generationOn aims to ignite the power and potential of young people to solve real world problems through service. Under the umbrella of Points of Light, it gathers a variety of leading youth service resources under one umbrella.  Its innovative new Website,, offers tools and inspiration for kids, families, teachers, and nonprofits.

New Resources for Kids, Families, and Schools

generationOn’s assets include the programs of “Children for Children,” The League, and the philanthropy curriculum “Learning to Give.”  It also includes 1,800 Kids Care Clubs and thousands of schools that reach more than two milllion students in all 50 states and around the world.  Its efforts are supported by a generous $5 million gift from The Hasbro Children’s Fund, the philanthropic arm of Hasbro, Inc.

During Saturday’s launch, young people walked the Points of Light Extra Mile Pathway honoring such past service heroes as Harriet Tubman, Cesar Chavez, and Martin Luther King Jr. Political commentator Cokie Roberts told them they each had the power to change the world. Then the kids rolled up their sleeves and put together hats and scarves for the homeless, wrapped 200 toys to donate for the holidays, and wrote 375 letters to the military. Actors Corbin Bleu and Madison Pettis, 12, joined us, encouraging the kids to get involved.

Finally, each young person pledged a commitment to service to fulfill over the next year.  They pledged to “feed the homeless and sing”, “inspire”, “create a recycling program”, and much more.

generationOn and The Hub

On Sunday, the brand-new generationOn announced its partnership with The Hub, the network and online venture from Hasbro, Inc. and Discovery Communications which is available in 60 million U.S. cable and satellite homes. The Justin Bieberpartnership will include televised messages supporting community service, an annual youth service event, strategic linking between and, and a new “Hub Hero Award” recognizing youth who create meaningful change in their communities. The first winner is Allegra Valdivia, 12, from California, who was honored at the star-studded “Variety 2010 Power of Youth” event in Los Angeles for her efforts to help those in need. Young Hollywood activists and philanthropists attending included Justin Bieber, Bow Wow, and Shailene Woodley.

Get in the Game

We will shortly be announcing an innovative twist to our multi-year Get HandsOn Campaign to mobilize 500,000 volunteer leaders to complete 2 million projects.  You can whet your appetite for a special game of Tag by clicking on this .

In Service,

Michelle Nunn

CEO, Points of Light Institute and Co-Founder, HandsOn Network

generationOn–Empowering Kids to Better Their World

Monday, October 25th, 2010

This post originally appeared on The Huffington Post on October 25, 2010.

Michelle Nunnby Michelle Nunn, CEO, Points of Light Institute and Co-Founder, HandsOn Network

This past Saturday hundreds of young people joined together to launch generationOn, a global youth service movement that encourages all kids to discover their power and potential to solve real world problems through service.  Powered by Points of Light Institute and supported by Hasbro, we officially kicked off this global movement in the heart of Washington, DC, on Make a Difference Day, the nation’s largest day of volunteer service.  It was the culmination of a week’s worth of activities that involved more than 26,000 young people in service ranging from book drives to adopt-a-shark programs — imagined and executed by kids.

Filling out pledge badgesThe kick-off event involved young people, from pre-school through 12th grade, in a “service walk” along the Points of Light Extra Mile Pathway. They learned about how service leaders such as Clara Barton, Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, and Susan B. Anthony created social change movements and how all change begins with the spark of an individual.  As political commentator Cokie Roberts said as she spoke to the young people, “Each one of you has the power to change the world and to make your mark,” just as these heroes have done.

And as members of this new generation reflected upon their power, they rolled up their sleeves to act.  They made hats and scarves for the homeless, painted reusable canvas tote bags, wrapped toys to donate for the holidays and wrote letters to armed service members.  Over the course of a few hours, they wrote 375 letters to the military, wrapped 200 Hasbro toys and put together 310 winter warming packages for the homeless.

Actors Corbin Bleu (High School Musical) and Madison Pettis (The Game Plan, Cory in the House) joined us in service, lending their support and encouraging the young people to get involved.  “We start a movement and help make the world better,” said 12-year-old Pettis.  Bleu echoed that thought and brought excitement and inspiration as he shared his passion about the power of service and giving of yourself to create more good.

Corbin Bleu and kids thumbs up for service

Hasbro Community Action Hero Cole Layman performed with his family’s band “In Layman Terms”, embodying the generationOn creative spirit of giving.  Cole, 12, started the Paws for Peace Kids Care Club in Tampa, which he led in 20 projects.  When he moved to Virginia last year, he volunteered to help younger students who needed academic and social help.  He also helped the school establish its first annual Random Acts of Kindness Week.

And finally, each young person pledged a commitment to service to fulfill over the next year.  Their pledges were to “feed the homeless and sing”, “help my community”, “inspire”, “create a recycling program” and many more.  Their aspirations symbolized the power and inspiration of what generationOn is about — igniting the power of all kids to make their mark by creating meaningful change in the world.  We hope these commitments will grow to encompass millions more across the nation and the world.

generationOn brings together a variety of leading youth service resources under one umbrella, including the programs of “Children for Children” and The League and the philanthropy curriculum “Learning to Give”.  It also includes 1,800 Kids Care Clubs and thousands of schools that reach more than two million young people in all 50 states and around the world.

The Hasbro Children’s Fund, the philanthropic arm of Hasbro, Inc., is supporting generationOn with a generous $5 million gift, enabling us to offer a continuum of resources to students, families, schools, and teachers through, among other things, a new interactive website.  We are bringing the fun and inspiration of unique assets and properties to bear in creating a unique movement to engage the power and energy of kids.  Key program initiatives include a national youth leadership program, recognition programs, a club model that allows kids to participate in service around the globe, a signature kid-powered volunteer week, youth service grants, and significant support for the non-profit and education fields.

Historically, change has often been driven by the idealism, passion, and energy of young people — from the civil rights movement to the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia.  We have never had a greater need for creative action in the world, and we have never had a more willing and ready new generation that stands ready to meet them.

Please visit to see the amazing resources available for parents, teachers, and kids to make their mark on the world.