Posts Tagged ‘Homeless’

Bill Bolling On Staying Faithful to the Cause

Friday, June 18th, 2010

Thirty five years ago, Bill Bolling was the Director of Community Ministries at St. Lukes Episcopal Church in Atlanta.

At the time, Atlanta suffered from “white flight” as the affluent abandoned the city’s center.

Responding to the need he saw around him, Bill Bolling started a community kitchen in the basement of the church where he worked in order to feed the city’s homeless men and women.

As a Vietnam veteran, he was particularly moved to serve homeless vets.

The needs Bill faced were so great that he asked other churches to get involved.

He approached twenty churches in downtown Atlanta and promised to provide all the food if they would open their doors to those in need and offer assistance.

To his amazement, three churches agreed so Bill got busy seeking donated food.

His efforts grew to establish one of the first foodbanks in the United States, The Atlanta Community Foodbank.

Awhile back, Bill came to our staff meeting and shared his story with us.

I appreciated hearing his thoughts on sustaining a commitment to a life of service.

“Naivete is a good thing to start with,” he said. “It’s God’s grace that he doesn’t tell us how big the things we start are going to be.  We get up every day and try to do our best without seeing the larger arc of the struggle.”

As a small community of foodbank organizers from around the nation found each other, they decided to form an association in order to share ideas.

They formed an organization called Second Harvest that is known today as .

It was interesting to hear Bill talk about the tensions that can arise between a local and a national organization.  (Like , HandsOn Network is also a loose federation of local organizations.)

He reminded us of the strength in grassroots ideas, ideas generated from local organizations lifted up and taken to scale by the  national organization.

He cautioned us about the difficulties national programs can cause by not always being flexible enough to include or engage individual communities.

“Not every community will be interested or able to implement a program exactly the same way,” he reminded us.  “National programs should be flexible enough for local organizations to opt in and deliver services as appropriate.”

Bill went on to talk about the difficulties the foodbank is facing in today’s economy.

He’s seen a 35% increase in the demand for food and a 20% decrease in donations.

“Twenty five percent of the clients coming to the foodbank have never had to seek public assistance before,” he told us.

He said it was more important than ever for nonprofits to increasingly work in a networked way, connecting resources and making referrals for services beyond their usual scope.

While he was worried about meeting his community’s needs, he was also optimistic.

“Times like these are full of opportunity,” he said. “Young people today will see need in their communities, just like I did, and they will want to lead — and what a time to lead!  We don’t know what they’ll do, but we can help by re framing our challenges in a hopeful way.  We can help people see that the action they take will make a difference.”

Near the end of his talk, Bill discussed finding spiritual renewal in his work.

“You can’t do transformational work alone,” he said.  “You’ll burn out.  You’ll become cynical.”

Bill told us that he feels called to fight hunger and surrounds himself with people that keep him honest.

“You should always set the highest goals possible for yourself and your organization,”  he said. “But as an individual, you don’t have to measure up necessarily, you just have to stay faithful to the cause.”

Understand your work as part of your personal journey, part of your purpose in life, and it will provide the sustaining force, your true North.

Working in a community of others, ever faithful to the cause, you’ll get farther than you ever could alone.

Support your local community foodbank by contributing your time and resources.  .

How to Climb the Tallest Mountain

Monday, April 19th, 2010

My mountain is your perceptions. My other mountain is me.” – Mark Horvath

According to NPR, Mark Horvath is “a former Hollywood insider, who has been a drug addict, con artist and, for a brief period, homeless.”

Fifteen years ago, after being fired from a high paying job at a television company, Mark dealt drugs and tried his hand at credit card fraud, neither very successfully.

For a period, he found himself living on the streets.

Ultimately, he sought help and found faith at a local shelter.

After getting clean, he relocated to the Midwest and worked for a televangelist.

Two years ago, he lost another job, all his money and his home.

He found himself back in Hollywood applying for food stamps and thinking he would soon find himself homeless again.

Having been homeless, Mark notices the people on the streets.

So many of us look away, feeling awkward, helpless and conflicted.

Mark decided to make a difference and he started with socks.

Everyone feeds the homeless,” Mark said, “but clean socks are like gold.”

He started washing discarded socks from a local bowling alley and handing them out to homeless people.

Eventually, he started interviewing the homeless and posting their interviews on  his website, InvisiblePeople.TV.

The website features video after video of homeless people telling their own stories in their own words.

Powerful stuff.

I met Mark at the SXSW Conference in Austin last month and again in Atlanta at theNTEN nonprofit technology conference ten days ago.

Because of Mark’s current work on homelessness, he was asked serve as a panelist in a session about moving mountains, his task was to inspire nonprofit innovation in tackling our largest social issues.

In Mark’s case, his success has largely been driven by the power of social media.

His raw and real interviews with homeless people are widely shared on blogs, Facebook and twitter and the resulting website traffic generates donations for his work.

The viral and grassroots nature of his success has attracted corporate attention as well.  Hanes provides his clean socks now and last year, Ford Motor Company gave him a car for a cross country story gathering trip.

Even with corporate sponsorship, Mark said that sometimes still eats in homeless shelters because he doesn’t always have enough money to buy his own meals.

I drove 11,263 miles in a borrowed car last year without an income,” Mark told us.

Regardless, Mark remains committed to making the homeless visible.

He believes that by hearing their stories, we will find compassion, that we will begin to understand that their humanity and ours aren’t really so far apart.

During his talk, Mark told us that when he started InvisiblePeople.TV, he had a laptop, a video camera, a microphone and forty five dollars to his name.

Throughout his journey,  people who heard about him online offered their help and support.

To me, Mark’s work represents the very best kind of social activism — the kind where an individual takes action that changes the world.

When he asked himself who was going to do something about homelessness, he found that the answer was, “you are.”

National Volunteer Week is this week and the 2010 theme is “Celebrating People in Action.”

I’m celebrating Mark.

How would the world be different if each one of us, like Mark, applied our skills and talents, whatever they may be, to actions that improve the world?

What if each of us decided to begin climbing the tallest mountain?

To solve the hardest problems, we must be the leaders we’ve been waiting for.

To learn more about Mark Horvath, visit InvisiblePeople.TV, and read his blog.