Posts Tagged ‘Hunger Relief’

Kick off This Football Season by Helping Others

Friday, August 10th, 2012

Football season has arrived! While we’re all pumped up and ready to cheer on our favorite team, this also marks an awesome time of the year to volunteer and help others! From now until the super bowl, here are 5 ways you can volunteer during football season!

  1. Volunteer to fundraise: Many community organizations will need help with raising money for their local football sports associations and can really use your help! All that is required is that you are a fun loving guy and girl who is sociable, enthusiastic, posses good communication skills, both written and spoken, has office skills such as time management and computer literacy, and of course love football! 
  2. Coach: Coaching is an excellent way to gain valuable experience in working with young people through sports. As a coach, you’ll serve as an inspiration and mentor, providing leadership, while enoying the game of football.
  3. Everyone wins: Ask guests to bring a couple canned foods to one of your viewing parties that can be donated to your local food bank. It’s a win-win situation! You win because you get to hang out with your friends while  serving your community. Your local food bank wins because their shelves are stocked thanks to your wonderful donation!
  4. Nothing like a little rivalry:  Compete with your neighbors. Tell your neighbors about your idea to resolve your local community issues and encourage them to do the same. Compose cheers, make signs, or wear uniforms. Whoever collects the most food, raises the most money, delivers the most thank you’s to veterans, etc. gets the trophy. Competition adds a fun aspect to the service initiative because it keeps players’ adrenaline going!
  5. Host your own football draft: While you and your community is in the midst of all this competition make a pact to serve others year round. With all the fun you are going to have it will not be hard to recruit people! You can make this happen through making a donation calendar, assigning a bin to be stored in a local area for donations, writing up a schedule to define who will take donations to the food bank each month, etc. Just remember communication is key to any successful team!
  6. Celebrate your victory: After all this fierce rivalry, you and your teammates are allowed to take pleasure in your hard work. Enjoy the game, eat great food, have fun with your friends. What is the point of competition if you cannot celebrate it at the end?