Posts Tagged ‘January’

Dr. King’s Challenge: What Are You Doing for Others?

Friday, January 6th, 2012

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a civil rights leader whose actions sparked a national movement. The 13 years he dedicated to civil rights activities ignited concern and conscience within our country’s citizens. His courage and selfless devotion were undeniable, and for this his legacy continues to inspire Points of Light and volunteers around the world.

Just four days after the assassination of the civil rights icon, legislation was proposed to make his birthday an official holiday. It took nearly 20 years and countless politicians to gather enough public support to receive Congressional support, and the day was first officially observed in 1986.

Martin Luther King, Jr. SpeechDuring his lifetime Dr. King worked tirelessly toward a dream of equality. He believed in a nation of freedom and justice for all, and encouraged all citizens to live up to the purpose and potential of America. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service is a way to transform Dr. King’s life and teachings into community service that helps solve problems. MLK Day programs meet tangible needs, such as revitalizing schools and feeding the homeless; but also build a sense of community and mutual responsibility by spurring conversation. On this day, Americans of every age and background celebrate Dr. King through volunteering and unite to strengthen communities, empower individuals, and bridge barriers.

There are many ways to celebrate MLK Day in your community, whether you’re leading a local nonprofit, organizing an event with your family or an elementary school student looking to make a difference.

Inspired by the legacy of Dr. King, America’s Sunday Supper invites people from diverse backgrounds to come together and share a meal, discuss issues that affect their community and highlight the power each one of us has to make a difference. These family and community suppers unite individuals for dinner and dialogue in the restaurants, coffee shops, community centers, faith-based organizations, and homes across the country. Leading up to MLK Day, individuals will participate in a community-by-community, nationwide conversation about our country’s most pressing social issues related to hunger, homelessness, and poverty.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

When individuals reach across differences in economic, ethnic, racial, and religious identities, meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships with neighbors can occur. A sense of community is gained by neighbors working together on projects, resulting in stronger civic engagement and bringing us all closer to Dr. King’s legacy.

How will you honor Dr. King with your service this upcoming MLK Day? Let us know in the comments below!

10 Ways to Serve on Dr. King’s National Day of Service

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

It’s a new year! While this means countless resolutions and packed gyms for many people, it also means that the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service is quickly approaching. On this day millions of people will answer one of Dr. King’s most important questions: “What are you doing for others?” by volunteering in their local neighborhoods and communities. Need community service ideas to do on this national day of service? We have 10 opportunities for you, your family, and neighbors!

  1.  Volunteer to do landscaping, walkway repairs or painting at your local public school. This will surely help to brighten a child’s spirit when they see the improvements to their school. 
  2. Are you an architect? Architects and landscape architects can provide neighborhood businesses and home owners with pro bono advice on how to improve their storefront facades, home exteriors, or front yards.
  3. Participate in fire Safety Canvassing!! Volunteer with Fire Fighters and
    other community partners to distribute door hangers to area residents. Anyone age 12 and up can participate!
  4. Get out and restore your local park! Whether it’s removing trash, debris, or those intrusive plants that could potentially harm park wildlife, volunteering at your local park will allow you to appreciate and preserve your local park.
  5. Gather to assemble goodie bags to be distributed to the homeless and less fortunate. Bags can be filled with non-perishable snacks, a warm blanket and a pair of socks.
  6. Help Clean up your local animal Shelter!
  7. Donate Blood! January is National Blood Donor month, what better way to start your year, then giving blood. Blood is traditionally in short supply in the winter due to holiday traveling, inclement weather and illness. January in particular is a difficult month for blood donations, yet the need for blood never ceases.
  8. Prepare for a disaster. Create and distribute fire safety information  You can also check homes for working smoke detectors!
  9. Be green.  Replace regular light bulbs with energy efficient ones.  Go door to door and help seniors in your neighborhood do the same.
  10. Hold a resume building workshop Look for free space with computers, such as a library, school, or community center to bring together interested participants to review resumes and give feedback.

Throughout your service activity, have fun and reflect on the legacy of Dr. King. Comment and tell us what you are doing on this national day of service!