Posts Tagged ‘Katrina’

On Taking Initiative

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

by Melissa Garber, Gulf Response VISTA, HandsOn New Orleans

Walking into the Community Center of St. Bernard Parish it was immediately clear that it is an invaluable resource to the community. St. Bernard Parish was decimated after Hurricane Katrina and Rita. Every single house in the parish received water damage, and it is the only county in the United States to ever be completely inundated in water.

I was visiting the center as a representative of HandsOn New Orleans, to check out what they are doing for the community. I joined HandsOn at the beginning of September as their Gulf Response VISTA. St. Bernard was doubly hit by the oil spill, many of the parish’s residents were fishermen and shrimpers, and the need for resources has increased.

The Community Center officially opened in January 2007 as a direct response to the devastation that is still wholly visible five years after Katrina. Iray Nabatoff, the center’s volunteer Executive Director since its inception, manages a staff made up entirely of volunteers. They provide residents with badly needed services like a media center with Internet, printers and phones, the Mustard Seed Clothing Bank, the Mustard Seed Food Pantry, Red Cross Disaster Preparedness Training, legal aid and so much more. The center even serves as a temporary location for the Office of Family Support, because even five years later the parish still does not have a permanent OFS office.

With Make a Difference Day right around the corner, I knew HandsOn could do something, anything, to help the community center and the people of St. Bernard Parish. I decided on a food drive that could span across HandsOn New Orleans network of community partners, businesses, non-profits and schools. My food drive has hit the ground running, and, come October 23, we’ll have positively impacted a keystone institution that truly supports the residents of St. Bernard Parish.

So whether you’re in the Greater New Orleans area or not, take an opportunity to check out your local community center, donate to your local food bank, and look for a way to give back this Make a Difference Day.

Melissa Garber is the Gulf Response VISTA for HandsOn New Orleans. This is her second term with AmeriCorps and her second year in Louisiana. She couldn’t imagine living and serving anywhere but New Orleans.

For more information about the Community Center of St. Bernard Parish go to  For more information about HandsOn New Orleans go to And finally if you’d like to know more about the food drive I’m organizing for National Make a Difference Day please contact her at .

I’ll Be Back

Sunday, August 29th, 2010

By Bill Goslin, Davis Vision, Ballston Lake, New York

"Volunteer New Orleans"I heard about HandsOn New Orleans from Joan and Harry Thornhill, members of our church, who volunteered in Biloxi in February 2006. Joan and Harry sent daily emails back to us describing their work and experiences. Knowing that I was a “jack of all trades” they thought I should go down and help out.

I took two weeks vacation from my job and found myself in New Orleans at the end of April. The city I found was truly devastated with blue tarps on roofs, abandoned buildings, piles of debris, hundreds of abandoned cars, flooded homes for miles and whole neighborhoods destroyed. There was much work to be done.

Photo by Ethan Bagley

Although I traveled to New Orleans by myself, I quickly made friends with the staff and other volunteers. Meeting so many folks, from all over the world, who were also there to help was very gratifying to me personally. The volunteer headquarters was simple yet functional with an air conditioned bunk room, great dinners from the church kitchen, hot showers and wireless Internet access to communicate with the folks at home.

I went on my first “house gutting” job in a middle class neighborhood of ranch homes. I was given a sledgehammer and crow bar then began to work on pulling moldy sheetrock and insulation down from ceilings. This was hard hot dirty work but when we were done the inside of the house was transformed; it reminded me of a new house under construction – bare studs waiting for new sheetrock.

I have spent many years as a volunteer fireman and asked if anyone had heard of “pike pole” a tool used by the fireman to pull down sheetrock. This tool has a long pole and would make the “gutting” work a lot easier and much quicker. No one had heard of the tool so after leaving New Orleans I found the tools and got them to New Orleans. Akron Brass Company, of Arkron Ohio, donated the first poles with just a phone call.

"Volunteer Disaster Relief New Orleans"I had the opportunity to work on restoring a Jazz Venue in New Orleans called the “mother in law lounge” named after the hit single written by Ernie Ka-Doe in 1961. Ernie past away a few years ago and his wife, Antoinette Ka-Doe, had been running the lounge until Katrina when she was pulled from the roof of the lounge by a helicopter. We arrived one morning with a truck load of building materials and began work.

It was a pleasure to get to know Antoinette and the many members of the “New Orleans Jazz family” who stopped by to thank us for our efforts. I might mention that Miss Antoinette is a great cook and while volunteering we ate authentic new Orleans treats like poboy sandwiches, red beans and rice, jambalaya and crawfish. I look forward to someday visiting the lounge, sipping a beer and listing to some New Orleans Jazz.

I enjoyed the hard work, the fellow volunteers and the HandsOn New Orleans folks who make it all happen. I urge anyone with some spare time to volunteer with HandsOn New Orleans. The experience is life changing; helping others who are in need is very rewarding.

As Arnold would say;

“I’ll be back!”

Bill Goslin lives in Ballston Lake New York, a suburb of Albany, with his wife and two sons; Jacob (9 years old) and Simon (7 years old).  He works for a company called Davis Vision where he manages their telecommunications systems.

Serendipity: The Way Katrina Brought People Together

Friday, August 27th, 2010

by Amanda J. Smith, Rhino Entertainment Company

"Volunteer Disaster Relief"Volunteering with HandsOn New Orleans (HONO) these last few years has been a profound and humbling experience for me.

It has literally changed my view of the world, my place in it and how I relate to others. One might surmise that it’s the simple act of volunteering that did it, or the magnitude of the Katrina tragedy, but it’s more than that.

As much as we all strive to “be the change” we seek in the world, it’s hard for volunteers to put that into practice without some kind of infrastructure or support.

As new volunteers, we need good leaders, otherwise our efforts get squandered, misdirected or wasted in bureaucratic red tape. I’ve had that experience before, of spinning my wheels, and ultimately gave up in frustration.

What a waste!

In my life at least, HONO has become the catalyst that makes my volunteer efforts & energies actually productive and useful to others.

Amazingly, they have found ways to harness a world of diverse volunteers, empower us, and direct our best energies towards  tangible service. That’s one of the many reasons why HONO is so incredibly unique and why I, like so many others, find the experience so rewarding that we keep returning to volunteer with them again and again and again.

"Volunteer Disaster Relief"“Gutting is fun!” Actually, we all know that it is a heartbreaking job, tempered only by the cathartic relief of exhausting physical labor, and the knowledge that we are actually helping someone clear a space for their future, and dreams for a new beginning.

That’s why a big team of LA-based Rhino Records employees signed up for a project called “Miss Patricia’s Gut” on the very first day we arrived to volunteer at HONO in 2006.

None of us knew anything about the project, or Miss Patricia, we just went where HONO directed us.

As we dug into the work, our HONO project leader, shared what he knew about the project, that the house had belonged to the late Professor Longhair, a legendary New Orleans R&B/jazz pianist, and had been passed down to his daughter, Miss Patricia Byrd, who was living there with her son at the time Katrina hit.

"Disaster Relief Volunteer"

Photo by Lindsay Shannon

Being obsessive music geeks, we knew exactly who Professor Longhair was!

Our company had actually released records & CDs by the legendary musician.

His legacy was already intertwined with our own lives through both music and the business of selling music.

Being sent to work on his family home was a random assignment, but we felt an instant personal connection through the shared love of music.

Someone with a BlackBerry sent an email to our co-workers back in LA, and within hours, the whole Rhino company felt connected to the project and Miss Patricia as well.

That afternoon, Miss Patricia & her young son stopped by the house to meet us in person.

Someone had told her we were from Rhino – she had received royalty checks from our company over the years and was touched by the synchronicity of our volunteer involvement.

She told us stories about her father, growing up in this home with him, and that “he could make a piano walk.”

She shared the harrowing stories of her own experiences during the storm and evacuation to the Convention Center.

In the process of gutting her house, we had carefully salvaged several Professor Longhair posters, which Miss Patricia graciously gave to us to keep and display in Rhino’s corporate offices when we left.

It’s hard to explain the richness of these interactions in words, and how bearing witness to someone else’s tragedy can feel like an honor, but it does.

It’s our shared humanity and our connection to each other at this most basic level that allows us to really open up & be there for each other.

It’s why HONO works so well, and why we all keep coming back.

Change Notes: Change Notes: Reflections on Hurricane Katrina and Our Continued Commitment to the Gulf

Thursday, August 26th, 2010



On August 29th, five years will have passed since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated the Gulf coast. I so clearly remember the early days of September 2005. HandsOn made an immediate and serious commitment to address the devastation and support Gulf relief and recovery efforts through targeted volunteer action. This decision required us to reinvent the unique “HandsOn” volunteer service model in an emergency context on short order.

Immediately following the storm, HandsOn Network mobilized thousands of volunteers to help address the needs of large influxes of displaced Gulf coast residents in cities nationwide. Hands On volunteers assisted evacuees at the Houston Astrodome, as well as facilities in Atlanta, Birmingham and other cities. They helped federal offices and first responders, staffed shelters, developed client services, and repaired homes.

"Volunteer Disaster Relief"In the ensuing months, HandsOn Network also launched HandsOn Gulf Coast and HandsOn New Orleans to serve the growing need created by the crisis. In 2005-2006 alone, our Gulf Coast action centers mobilized 6,100 volunteers, organized more than 76,000 unique volunteer opportunities, and generated over 700,000 hours of volunteer service. These efforts provided an estimated $13 million in economic benefits for Gulf Coast residents whose lives were devastated by the hurricanes.

Over the last five years, HandsOn Network has become deeply connected to the citizens of the Gulf region and to long-term disaster recovery work. Just today, The Huffington Post named HandsOn one of nine organizations that never left New Orleans. Now, once again, the Gulf bears the brunt of one of the nation’s worst environmental disasters. New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu and I met recently in New York to strategize about ways the power of volunteerism can help the region continue to recover in the wake of the oil spill.

In June 2011, we will hold the National Conference on Volunteering and Service in New Orleans. We selected New Orleans both to assist with the city’s economic recovery and also to create a year-long, focused commitment to meet the ongoing needs of Gulf Coast residents.

"usher volunteer disaster relief"Currently, 13 HandsOn Action Centers serve the oil spill-impacted states of Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and Louisiana. Looking ahead, HandsOn Network will partner with these local affiliates to recruit and train 10,000 volunteer leaders and mobilize 50,000 volunteers to devote an expected 1 million hours to support the region’s environmental and economic recovery. In addition, HandsOn will conduct a series of on-the-ground and virtual “boot camps” to train volunteer leaders to manage others and develop projects to meet community-specific needs, such as creating job re-training and job search clinics; restoring parks and open spaces; and assisting small businesses in operations, marketing and finance to recoup losses or improve business sustainability. To sign up and Get HandsOn for the boot camps, please visit

We believe that engaged citizens are the cornerstone of a vibrant democracy and that effective volunteer action is a path to broader and deeper civic involvement. We believe that citizen action is vital to the ongoing recovery efforts in the Gulf region.

I hope you will join me in rededicating yourselves to supporting Gulf Coast residents and families in the coming year.

In Service,

Michelle Nunn
CEO, Points of Light Institute and Co-Founder, HandsOn Network

Hurricane Katrina: Then and Now

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

"Volunteeer"by Greg Heinrich, Mobilization Manager, AmeriCorps Alums

It’s been five years since Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast, and as a person who was born and raised in the region, it has been five years of ups and downs.

As a native of the New Orleans metro area, my youth was filled with memories of the unique New Orleans culture, one that is a true asset to our country.

The food, the music, the fun, the history, the New Orleans accent and the sense of community are all traits that combine to make one of this country’s most appealing and interesting cities.

After Katrina, many of the people who make-up of that culture were displaced, some temporarily and some permanently.

Even though I was not a resident of the area during the storm, I vividly remember the images being broadcast across the networks: bodies floating in the water, residents pleading for help from the rooftops, armed troops patrolling the streets- U.S. streets- as though they were preparing to subdue an enemy that could erupt violently at any moment, and the hungry, huddled masses gathered at the Morial Convention Center.

These are all terrifying and saddening images that will always be with me to serve as a reminder that even the abilities of one of the most advanced nations that civilization has ever seen can be crippled in the face of nature’s fury and a disconnected government response.

And there is also the more personal, anxiety-filled memory of the inability to communicate with family because nearly most of the communications infrastructure was non-operational. Are they all right? Is our home flooded or completely washed away? How long until power is restored?

These and myriad other questions were flowing through my mind, and even now I return to that state anxiousness just by thinking about it.

I remember badly wanting to offer assistance to the evacuees headed to Atlanta where I now live.

I volunteered at local resource distribution centers to organize products being donated to those affected by Hurricane Katrina.

It didn’t seem like that was enough though, so I worked with a friend and colleague to identify relocated families who needed financial assistance in the aftermath of Katrina.

Still, I had yet to see first-hand the new reality of my hometown.

In December, 2005 I was finally able to make my way down to the New Orleans metro area, and what I witnessed was a region that was literally ripped to shreds.

Homes uprooted from their foundations and littered on the sides of roads as if they were rag dolls, entire neighborhoods like ghost towns because either the residents decided to permanently relocate or had no resources to get down to the work of rebuilding, the camps- where I spent weekends as a youth- on Lake Pontchartain completely wiped out, and at night there were spots of complete darkness because street lights were not working and several neighborhoods had a large percentage of residents who had not returned to their homes.

The devastation was the most incredible example of nature’s power I had ever seen in such an up close and personal way.

But one thing was clear, the spirit and perseverance of the people of New Orleans would play a key role in helping to rebuild New Orleans.

Certainly, the business of rebuilding a stronger, better New Orleans would be a tough order. But perhaps a Home Depot billboard I saw summed it up best.

It said:

“Rebuilding New Orleans: You can do it. We can help.”

That was then.

Now, five years later, New Orleans has faced its share of challenges during the recovery, but it has also made significant strides.

Based on mail delivery statistics, the population is only around 80% of the pre-Katrina population, and it is hard to gauge much of that 80% consists of transplants who relocated to New Orleans because of the storm (i.e. volunteers).

The Road Home program is viewed by many to have been an inefficient boondoggle that has served to frustrate more citizens than it has helped.

The murder rate is the highest, per-capita, in the nation, not a good statistic to have if you are looking to attract new and returning citizens to your city.

All of these are significant challenges facing the city of New Orleans.

But then, there are other areas that have seen astonishing improvement, so much so that they are being looked at as models for other parts of the country.

Right now, over 70% of the students in New Orleans are attending charter schools, and a voucher program has been implemented to allow children in failing public schools to attend private schools.

The education revolution has led to more competition among schools and more education options for the children of New Orleans.

Currently, New Orleans is the most market-based school district in the nation.

The results point to increased student performance and rising test scores.

As an AmeriCorps alum, I would also be derelict in my duties if I did not mention the role that AmeriCorps members, AmeriCorps alumni, and other volunteers have played in the recovery effort.

The city has experienced a volunteer boom over the past five years, and through it has effectively tapped into the collective knowledge and passion of volunteers to help rebuild and restore the New Orleans metro area.

Because of its effective utilization of volunteers over the past five years, New Orleans has attracted the world’s largest conference on volunteering and service. (The 2011 National Conference on Volunteering and Service will be held in New Orleans in June, 2011.)

Then, there has been the opportunity to thoughtfully plan how to rebuild.

The silver lining in the destruction of the city was that New Orleans could look to rebuild in a way that took into account energy efficiency and environmental responsibility, an opportunity New Orleans has seized upon to become a frontier for a city-wide green revolution.

One organization, Global Green, is embarking on a lofty plan to rebuild 10,000 green homes.

Strides like these help point to the viability and resurgence of the city.

Then, there are those things that are much the same.

Although it may have lost some of its people, the essence of the city remains intact, and this is what makes New Orleans one of the most unique cities in the world.

The food is still deliciously mouth watering.

The bustling, busy streets of the French Quarter are still filled with vendors and street performers.

The oak trees that line St. Charles Avenue in such a welcoming manner still remain.

The genial residents of the city have maintained their friendly hospitality.

The soulful bar music spilling into passerby’s ears and onto the brick-covered streets remains a unique, New Orleans characteristic.

The pride, unification and utter joy that a city can experience all because of its football team are still part of the fabric of New Orleans.

While Hurricane Katrina may have altered New Orleans in some ways, now as then, it has not changed its heart, it has not changed its soul, and it has not changed its spirit.