Posts Tagged ‘kids’

Spotting Good Deeds and Teaching Kids the Importance of Doing Good with #GoodSpotting

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

Today’s post comes from Alice Speck, a stay at home mom and education advocate in Washington, DC.

As the designated Director of Development for my own two children, I have spent a lot of time contemplating how I can teach them the value of giving back to society. This time of year, we tend to focus on giving to community charities, to our houses of worship, and sometimes to struggling lands that we’ve never even visited.

But this sort of giving shouldn’t be just once a year, and it needn’t be financial or material.

We can make a big impact by helping a neighbor through a crisis, tutoring local schoolchildren, or even just by spreading greater awareness about the non-profits and socially-responsible businesses whose missions we find meaningful. In this final category, I am grateful to have discovered a powerful tool, the Case Foundation’s #GoodSpotting campaign.

Most of us are accessorized with smart phones, ready at any given second to take and share photos of our gorgeous children, intoxicated friends, or whatever else tickles our fancy. So why not share photos of people doing good?

It’s fun, it’s easy, it’s free, and it makes a difference. I first learned of the campaign around Thanksgiving, and I was instantly hooked. It was not only aligned with my values of what it means to give back, but it also gave me another way I could teach my children the importance of doing good.

Since my kids are age three and under, and don’t yet get the concept of money, I try to explain giving with objects like food or clothing, or through photos like in #GoodSpotting.

I sat my three-year-old down in front of my laptop to see the Case Foundation’s #GoodSpotting gallery and asked him to describe what might be happening in the photos. We have also gone on  #GoodSpotting safaris together around town.  I think he’s really figuring it out.

Maybe the best thing about #GoodSpotting is how much good you can find out there when you look for it. Come with me now on a photo safari of what a day of #GoodSpotting might look like.

  1. We head off to school in the morning, and pass Shaw Middle School where City Year is out front greeting students four days a week.
  2. Then we drive past the Central Union Mission on our way to school.
  3. At school, students collect food for Martha’s Table each month. This month it is breakfast foods!
  4. On the way home from school, I pop into Whole Foods to pick up a few things for dinner with my younger son. Lots of #GoodSpotting opportunities at Whole Foods.
  5. We drive home from Whole Foods and again pass Shaw at Garnet-Patterson Middle School. They’re collecting shoes for the community.

As you can see, #GoodSpotting is everywhere! #GoodSpotting is in our homes, it’s on the street corner, and in our local schools. Our communities are built stronger by the good that is being done within them. Thank you to the Case Foundation for calling upon us to spot good this holiday, in the true spirit of the season.

While the #GoodSpotting campaign may be coming to a close soon, I challenge all of you to continue #GoodSpotting if not for the inherent lessons for our children, but to spread awareness about wonderful non-profits in our city, and socially responsible businesses.

Happy Holidays,

Alice Speck

Alice is a stay at home mother of two in Washington, DC. She is a passionate advocate for education in DC, and can often be found spreading awareness on education and other causes on Twitter at .



65 Easy Ways For Kids to Make A Difference!

Friday, September 23rd, 2011


  1. Seniors love your artwork! Brighten walls – and smiles – at the local senior center.
  2. Got a favorite game? Teach it to younger kids.
  3. Win brownie points! Organize canned goods at home and take extras to a food pantry.
  4. Got talent? Share it!
  5. Your old backpack needs a new friend…donate it!
  6. Gather up outgrown, gently worn shoes and clothes for your local Salvation Army, Goodwill, church or synagogue.
  7. Party leftovers? Local soup kitchen guests are gonna love ‘em!
  8. Neglected stuffies in your room? Little kids at shelters are aching to cuddle them.
  9. Like a challenge? Your game board skills are in demand at the senior center.
  10. Friend forgot their snack? Share yours!
  11. Read aloud to little kids at the library – they’ll love you!
  12. Dust off your old – but still good – books and give them to your school library.


  1. It’s your birthday! Give a gift to someone in need.
  2. Share your lemonade stand $$$ with your favorite worthy cause!
  3. How about a toy drive for kids stuck in the hospital?
  4. Get a haircut! And give your ponytail to Locks of Love.
  5. Got old sports equipment? Bring it to your local Parks & Rec!
  6. Calling all chefs! Bake cakes and donate the proceeds.
  7. Feed your furry friends at the animal shelter…drop off a bag of food!
  8. Time is precious…share a bit of yours to help others.
  9. Kind words lift spirits…give a compliment and lift yours too.


  1. Compost your fruit and veggie scraps…and watch your garden BLOOM!
  2. Help save a gazillion disposable water bottles…reusable bottles rule!
  3. Save a tree! Use both sides of your notebook paper.
  4. Reuse, recycle. Reuse, recycle. Reuse, recycle. Got it?!
  5. Keep the earth cool…walk, bike or use public transportation.
  6. Got energy? Pick up trash! Remember: wear gloves & work with an adult.
  7. Your town doesn’t recycle? Yikes! Create a program now!
  8. Nourish your neighborhood green spaces…grow a community garden.
  9. Like clean air? Grab your friends and plant trees.
  10. Drat those petroleum-based plastic bags! Use fabric bags instead – for everything!
  11. Buzz your town selectmen for more neighborhood trashcans and recycling bins.
  12. Want to save energy while leaping tall buildings in a single bound? Turn off the boob tube and play outside.
  13. Love surprises? Plant fall bulbs and flower seeds…and keep a weather eye for spring blossoms!
  14. “Turn off the lights!” Make switch plate reminders for your whole house.
  15. Save water and tons of $$$ – turn off the water when you brush teeth!
  16. Keep sturdy takeout containers for future leftovers.
  17. Transform colorful magazine pages, comics and more into artful projects and gift wrappers!
  18. Learn how to donate/recycle old computer stuff & post instructions (with permission!) at your local electronics stores.
  19. Breathe in nature…turn off the AC and open a window to the world.


  1. Whip up your favorite yummy snack and present it to a soup kitchen!
  2. Love history? Visit folks at the senior center and ask about the amazing things they’ve witnessed.
  3. Want to change the world? Practice random acts of kindness.
  4. Keep your brain sharp and body strong. Ask for healthy lunch options at school.
  5. Say “thank you!”…’tis music to your teachers’ ears.
  6. Seeking positive change? Ask your local government officials for help.
  7. Lead by your good example.
  8. New kid at school? Eat lunch with them!
  9. Volunteering? Invite your nearest and dearest along.
  10. Have an older neighbor? Rake their leaves or shovel their sidewalk!
  11. Need a cat or dog to snuggle? Visit the animal shelter.
  12. Help end poverty. Check out the UN Millennium Development Goals online.
  13. Make soldiers smile…send letters & goodies!
  14. There’s nothing like a warm hug…share one today.
  15. Show gratitude and write thank you notes!
  16. Get fit and have fun…start a neighborhood exercise group.
  17. Eating healthy? Partner up to share knowledge, tips and encouragement.
  18. Share a home cooked meal – and cheerful chat – with a homebound person.
  19. Got a big idea? Launch it with a community event!
  20. Friend on a mission? Help them!
  21. Tummy grumbling at the grocery store? Buy a canned good for the food pantry box.
  22. See somebody struggling with heavy bags or boxes? Lend a hand.
  23. Active voters make our country great. Ensure adults in your life are registered!
  24. Adorable pets await loving homes! Where? The animal shelter…tell your friends and family!
  25. Brighten the world…smile often!