Posts Tagged ‘MDDay10’

HandsOn West Central Ohio Makes A Difference

Friday, November 5th, 2010

Nikki WinnerToday’s story about Make A Difference Day activities comes from Nicolette Winner, HandsOn West Central Ohio’s Director.

I have a new favorite number, and it’s more impressive than you might think.

As a relatively new HandsOn Action Center that has grown out of a longtime Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, the HandsOn Network motto “Be the Change.” has presented its fair share of challenges in our region over the past two years.  Whereas many have deemed our primary volunteer, the older adult, as one that typically resists change, we’re finding some unexpected new opportunities to make a bigger difference in our four rural counties north of Dayton, Ohio.

There’s no question that this year’s Make a Difference Day was an incredible success.  We saw five times the number of volunteers at twice as many projects during our second year of hosting this event, bringing our total to more than 700 volunteers completing 40 service projects.  We saw children make 1,000 pieces of artwork for homebound seniors, groups collect thousands of pounds of food for local food pantries, two groups collect nearly 1,700 pounds of pet food and supplies for two animal shelters, and three local salons hand out 200 free haircuts to children in Head Start programs.  The diversity of our volunteers was impressive too.  Infants through our most seasoned RSVP volunteers participated in service projects, and companies signed up to give back along with partners from local churches and schools.  That’s huge in our rural four-county region of just 200,000 people, especially when you consider my biggest driving challenges regionally seem to be following either a tractor or a horse and buggy!

What melts my heart the most in the midst of so much success?  19.

With all of those amazing stats, you might wonder why I’m stuck on the number 19?  It’s certainly not a big number.  It’s probably not something that would be media-worthy.  Heck, it’s not even one of those milestone birthdays or the number of people our tiny HandsOn Action Center has on staff.  So what is it about the number 19 that drives me wild?

We had 19 RSVP volunteers participate in Make a Difference Day this year.  NINETEEN!  What did they do that was so different from their everyday volunteering?  They tried something new, something so unlike their usual activities that it actually made my heart skip a little beat!  And they loved it!  Kay, a CASA/GAL volunteer and long term care ombudsman, was thrilled to work side-by-side with her granddaughter as they sorted art supplies.  Sandra, a former dental hygienist who educates Head Start parents about good oral hygiene, guided guests through a scare crow walk featuring handmade scarecrows made of recycled materials at a local nursing facility.  Elsie, who delivers posters for upcoming art shows and visits residents at a nursing facility, lent her hands to a two week art project that helped 450 elementary school students create 1,000 pieces of artwork for homebound seniors.

The success in these 19 amazing volunteers isn’t that they took on new roles.  It’s that they tried out something new in addition to their regular activities, and they appreciated being asked to help.  So many times we as professionals secretly harbor a fear of rejection, or worse yet a fear or asking a volunteer to take on too much too fast, but these volunteers thanked us for personally calling them to invite them to participate.  How different would our work be if we viewed every opportunity to volunteer as just that…  an opportunity, instead of an obligation?

Nicolette Winner serves as HandsOn West Central Ohio Director for Council on Rural Services.  She holds a Bachelor of Arts in public relations and is currently pursuing her CVA (Certified Volunteer Administrator) credential.  President of the Ohio Volunteer Center Association, she was named Outstanding Volunteer Administrator by the Miami Valley Association of Volunteer Administrators in 2008 and one of Dayton’s Forty Under 40 by Dayton Business Journal in 2009.


Get HandsOn Tag Challenge Update!

Yesterday’s Get HandsOn Tag Master was Dana Friedman!  Dana has won a pair of round trip tickets on JetBlue, $25 for herself, and $100 for his favorite charity!

Today’s Celebrity Tag is Johnny Depp!  Tag Johnny for swag!

Are YOU up to the challenge?

On Taking Initiative

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

by Melissa Garber, Gulf Response VISTA, HandsOn New Orleans

Walking into the Community Center of St. Bernard Parish it was immediately clear that it is an invaluable resource to the community. St. Bernard Parish was decimated after Hurricane Katrina and Rita. Every single house in the parish received water damage, and it is the only county in the United States to ever be completely inundated in water.

I was visiting the center as a representative of HandsOn New Orleans, to check out what they are doing for the community. I joined HandsOn at the beginning of September as their Gulf Response VISTA. St. Bernard was doubly hit by the oil spill, many of the parish’s residents were fishermen and shrimpers, and the need for resources has increased.

The Community Center officially opened in January 2007 as a direct response to the devastation that is still wholly visible five years after Katrina. Iray Nabatoff, the center’s volunteer Executive Director since its inception, manages a staff made up entirely of volunteers. They provide residents with badly needed services like a media center with Internet, printers and phones, the Mustard Seed Clothing Bank, the Mustard Seed Food Pantry, Red Cross Disaster Preparedness Training, legal aid and so much more. The center even serves as a temporary location for the Office of Family Support, because even five years later the parish still does not have a permanent OFS office.

With Make a Difference Day right around the corner, I knew HandsOn could do something, anything, to help the community center and the people of St. Bernard Parish. I decided on a food drive that could span across HandsOn New Orleans network of community partners, businesses, non-profits and schools. My food drive has hit the ground running, and, come October 23, we’ll have positively impacted a keystone institution that truly supports the residents of St. Bernard Parish.

So whether you’re in the Greater New Orleans area or not, take an opportunity to check out your local community center, donate to your local food bank, and look for a way to give back this Make a Difference Day.

Melissa Garber is the Gulf Response VISTA for HandsOn New Orleans. This is her second term with AmeriCorps and her second year in Louisiana. She couldn’t imagine living and serving anywhere but New Orleans.

For more information about the Community Center of St. Bernard Parish go to  For more information about HandsOn New Orleans go to And finally if you’d like to know more about the food drive I’m organizing for National Make a Difference Day please contact her at .