Posts Tagged ‘Mobile Technology’

Harnessing the Power of Mobile Technology to Make the World Better

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Today’s blog post comes from Aaron Hillegass is the founder and CEO of Big Nerd Ranch.

In 1981, Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs said that computers are bicycles for the mind. Just as a bike drastically improves how efficiently a human can move, a computer considerably amplifies what we can do with our ideas.

Fast forward 30 years and technology, especially mobile technology, has become a seamless – and convenient – part of our daily lives. It’s become second nature to surf the Internet for information while in line at the grocery store. We Tweet, check-in and update our Facebook status while out with friends. We snap and email photos – in real time – to our family.

Today I challenge you to use technology as the bicycle for your mind. Do you have an idea powered by technology that can make someone else’s life, your community and our world better? The possibilities are staggering and my company, Big Nerd Ranch, wants to help realize one of these extraordinary ideas.

Through the Big Nerd Ranch Mobile for Global Good Contest we’re looking for a really good mobile app idea that will benefit a 501(c) non-profit organization. We’ll select a winning idea and teach the winner how to make that app a reality.

Mobile for Global Good was intentionally crafted to encourage ideas from everyone – beginners, hobby developers and technical professionals. It’s your idea not your level of experience that will be rewarded.

We’ll bring the winner to Atlanta to attend one of Big Nerd Ranch’s iOS mobile app bootcamps and then they’ll spend another week in one-on-one mentoring with our Nerds to finalize the app and load it to iTunes.

You can submit your idea June 7-24, 2011 via the Mobile for Global Good website. More information on Mobile for Global Good can be found here. If you have specific question, you can also e-mail us at .

I look forward to seeing your idea! Let’s do something to change the world.

Aaron Hillegass is the founder and CEO of Big Nerd Ranch, which he founded in 2001. He is a sought-after speaker and the best selling author of programming books. He lives in Decatur with his wife and two sons. Learn more about Big Nerd Ranch at