Posts Tagged ‘MusicianCorps’

Kevin’s Story: Music is his Motivation

Monday, March 19th, 2012

Today’s blog post comes from MusicianCorps, a nonprofit organization sector of The Center for Music National Service. MusicianCorps trains and places musicians to serve full-time as teachers and mentors in low-performing public schools, youth centers, and other high-need community settings. MusicianCorps uses music to reengage youth in their academic and civic lives, and provide them skills to succeed in the 21st century economy.

“I play guitar in Mr. H’s class. He teaches me a lot of things about music—how to listen to it, how to make the music sound good—he’s helped me out a lot. Mr. H corrects us if we’re doing something wrong or if we’re off track. He’s an awesome teacher. Music is like my safe haven – if I’m mad or feeling bad about anything, I just go straight to my guitar and start playing. It makes me feel better.”

— Kevin, MusicianCorps student

As a freshman at June Jordan School for Equity in San Francisco’s Excelsior District, Kevin was having trouble fitting into his new surroundings. Kevin struggled with core academic subjects and was becoming discouraged by his poor grades.But no matter how frustrated Kevin would get with his math or English, he loved to play guitar. Realizing this, the school guidance counselor placed him in class twice a week with MusicianCorps Mentor Hernando Buitrago, or as Kevin liked to call him, “Mr. H.” MusicianCorps quickly became a big part of Kevin’s in-school and afterschool experience – he even became a regular fixture during lunch period drop-in jam sessions.

For weeks, Kevin and other students were preparing a performance for an upcoming school assembly. However, due to his poor grades in other classes, Kevin was not allowed to perform with the group. While he was disappointed, Kevin knew he would have to work harder so that he would never miss another opportunity to perform. Mr. H worked with him throughout the week to make sure he was getting his work done and keeping the right priorities.

In time, Kevin’s grades began to improve. Recognizing his commitment, Mr. H invited Kevin and other students to perform for Veteran’s Day at the Palo Alto VA center. Kevin seized the opportunity. On a day off from school when most of his classmates were still sleeping, Kevin was awake at 7:30am with his guitar in hand ready to be picked up for the performance. “It was cool to play for the Veterans,” Kevin said. “They seemed to enjoy it and some of them came up and played with us.”

With music as his motivation, Kevin continued to work hard and improve his grades. “MusicianCorps is the reason I want to keep coming back to school,” Kevin said. “I need music. It makes me feel a lot better about myself. It makes me feel like I have something to do.”

For Kevin, music provides motivation to succeed in school.

March is Music in Our Schools Month. Check out MusicianCorps and find out how you can promote the importance of music in our children’s schools today!