Posts Tagged ‘national disaster’


Sunday, June 27th, 2010

by Sheila Weinberger Cope, Social Media Volunteer, Hands On Nashville

For me, what is most memorable about the May 1st flood in Nashville is the text message I received from HandsOn Nashville on the night of May 2nd.

The message let me know that HandsOn Nashville was officially in emergency management mode. We all needed to act and act fast.

When that message arrived, I was on a gurney in an emergency room with what turned out to be one nasty case of pneumonia.

My situation didn’t matter.  I tweeted and I posted about the disaster right then and there all the while with nurses doing their thing to ensure that I could breathe again.

With those tweets and posts, I put out the call for volunteers, tried to soothe frayed nerves and give hope to those who had none.

Even as sick as I was, my adrenalin kicked in and I became determined to do any and everything I could to help the city and organization that I love absolutely.

Before volunteering to do social media work for Hands On Nashville, I was, in a way, lost.

Early in my career, I was a publicist, a journalist and a photographer in New York City.

I went on to practice law and led intellectual property litigation if Silicon Valley.

Most recently, I opened and ran a yarn store that was, incidentally, very successful.

I sold the yarn store in the summer 2007

It was right after selling the shop that when my life changed completely.

In January of 2008, I was diagnosed with MS.

In response to the news, I floundered, grieved and struggled with what having MS would do to the rest of my life.

Always having been an active, go-getting, afraid of nothing, overachiever, I suddenly felt like MS took all of that away from me.

Last winter, when I saw that Hands On Nashville was looking for a social networker, I jumped at the chance.

Here was something I could do from home (my feet are totally numb so I’m not allowed to drive anymore) and something I hoped would finally give my life a purpose again.

I responded to HON’s search for (and I am quoting!) “a social networking guru” willing to devote four hours a week to posting and tweeting on their behalf.

After I signed up, I went home and then worried whether I could really do it and do it well.

Trust me when I say that in my wildest dreams, I could never have conceived of what this “little” project would become.

If I had, it probably would have scared me to death and sent me running to bury my head in the sand. But luckily, managing Hands On Nashville’s social media efforts has turned out to be my favorite volunteer project that I have ever participated in.

(And being over 40, that’s really saying something!)


I love it because I get to work so closely with nine of my heroes.

Those nine heroes are the people that run Hands On Nashville.

Of those nine, only four are actually full time employees.

It boggles my mind and leaves me awestruck at the end of every day.

If anyone is worthy of being a hero, it’s those nine good people.

Another reason I love what I do is because from where I sit, I get to see the big picture and the small ones too.

Whatever cynicism I had on May 1st, when the Nashville flooding started, is all gone now.

Watching, reading and hearing so many stories from so many amazing, kind, generous, unselfish, enthusiastic and devoted people has been an incredible experience.

The wonderful people of Nashville give me overwhelming hope.

They restore my faith in humanity.

They make me more proud than ever to be Nashville born and bred.

I am truly blessed beyond measure.

No words could sufficiently express my gratitude to Hands On Nashville, to volunteers from everywhere and to the 25,255 online fans and followers.

My focus now is to keep the disaster response momentum going even though life seems to be getting back to normal and enthusiasm understandably starts to wane.

It’s a challenge but I think I’m going the right direction.

I believe I‘ve landed where I was meant to be, doing what I was meant to do.

This project has restored me.

I’m finally ready to go back to living my life without letting my MS limit me.

My friends keep telling me how wonderful it is to have “me” back.

Sheila Weinberger Cope will be recognized at the 2010 National Conference on Volunteering and Service as today’s Daily Point of Light Award winner. Neil Bush, Chairman of the Points of Light Institute Board of Directors will present her award at a HandsOn Network Affiliate luncheon.  Her award will be accepted on her behalf by Brian Williams, Executive Director of Hands On Nashville.

In the 58 days since the disaster, Hands On Nashville has recruited 16,422 volunteers to serve in 925 project sites and contributed 67,857 volunteer hours to flood relief and recovery efforts.  Their extraordinary social media campaign, led by Sheila, has helped galvanize 25,000 plus on-line fans.

The Nashville Flood in Video

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

To offer volunteer support to Nashville, visit HandsOn Nashville, follow them on twitter and .

Volunteering to Help Clean Up the Gulf Coast Oil Spill

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

Since April 30th, HandsOn Network affiliates in the Gulf Coast region have been hard at work organizing volunteer response to the disastrous BP oil spill.

Catherine Gautier, Executive Director of HandsOn Mississippi, writes:

“Between our tornados, flooding, and the oil spill, Mississippi is working on balancing all of the mobilization needed to address concerns throughout the entire state.

One of our biggest needs right now is finding educators to come in. A major lesson of Hurricane Katrina was that there were not enough spontaneous volunteers educated on some of the hazards in advance of deploying to the field.  If anyone knows of some experts who could aide us in educating the community, we would be most grateful.

Also, we are in need of some mental health workers. Mental health ills still have not peaked in the nearly 5 years since Katrina, and this new disaster – just after so many people have felt like recovery might be possible – is mentally and emotionally devastating.  I have locations for trainings and sessions identified but need experts in both areas.

We need a couple volunteers to assist our office with developing content and handing communications(they don’t have to be on site).

Finally, we need one person to be dedicated to attending to the management of the oil spill volunteers, trainings, and events and to be the Hands On Mississippi Point of Contact.  We would like to put someone into place immediately and then to seek funding to turn the volunteer position into a paid one as funding is available.

    There is a great deal of flooding currently along our beaches and harbors.  This has delayed some progress, but quite a few volunteers have been out cleaning debris to lessen impact.”

    HandsOn Network affiliates and nonprofit partners across the Gulf Coast are working collaboratively to ensure the most efficient and effective response.

    HandsOn Network affiliates in California have offered much appreciated support, lessons learned and best practices from their own experience managing the Bay Area oil spill in 2008.

    Over the weekend, approximately 600 volunteers in Escambia County, Florida helped clean up Pensacola Beach and on Perdido Key, the County Commissioner responsible for that area said that over 500 volunteers were assisting in the clean-up.

    So far, BP has not been able to provide concise communications with regard to their intentions to work with volunteer groups.

    A National Disaster Task Force conference call is scheduled for today at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time.  HandsOn Network will provide additional information as the volunteer response efforts unfold.

    To get involved in the clean-up efforts, contact:


    Volunteer Florida


    Volunteer Mobile


    HandsOn Mississippi / HandsOn Gulf Coast

    South Mississippi VOAD Disaster Response Conference Call Notes 5/1/10


    HandsOn New Orleans

    Volunteer Ascention

    Volunteer Baton Rouge

    Volunteer Louisiana

    Louisiana Serve Commission Oil Spill Volunteer Information


    Volunteer Center of the Coastal Bend

    Volunteer Houston