Posts Tagged ‘National Volunteer Month’

Warm Fuzzies for Volunteers

Monday, April 30th, 2012

Although today marks the finale of National Volunteer Month, it is time to carry volunteer recognition year-round! Did you have fun recognizing your volunteers dedicated work during National Volunteer Day? Want to know how you can do this more often? Answer these 10 questions and your recognition program will come to life before your eyes!
1.     How much staff time can be devoted to developing a recognition program within your organization? Will your program by administered by the local office or national headquarters?
If your organization has the available resources, develop a recognition team who can focus on developing this program. If you have a bi organization, decide whether or not your award program can be based locally. Decide which local chapters can support awards, and which awards are local.
Who should be included in the development of the program?
If you make the decision not to form a recognition team, who should be involved instead? The CEO, the marketing team, and/ or the programs team?
3.     How can senior management contribute to the program?
Should your program get funding from sponsors or internally? How can board members be included?
4.     How can the volunteer program meet the needs of the overall volunteer program and recognition requests?
The recognition program can help meet volunteer goals because it will motivate them to continue their work and excel at their assigned tasks. It will help volunteers feel motivated and appreciated for their work.
5.     What are the best practices of similar organizations’’ recognition programs?
Network with other organizations and find out their best and worst practices with implementing a recognition program so that your program will be effective.
6.     Is there an existing recognition program that your organization can model?
Check out Points of Light’s Daily Points of Light Award, the President’s Volunteer Service Award, or the Service Impact Award. Implement the best practices of these programs into your program.
7.     Decide the best way to recognize your volunteers’ service. How do they want to be recognized?
It is most important to choose recognition program that best suits your organizations goals and needs. If you choose to hold a monthly volunteer social or write personal thank you cards for an extraordinary volunteer make sure you choose a program that models your program’s attitude.
8.     What will the award criteria and eligibility rules include? Who will judge the final nominations?
Make decisions about what applications your award will consider and which it will not. Make sure to include these rules in your description of the award to make the applicants aware. Make the decision to designate a special team to judge applicants or another system.
9.     How will the volunteer award be announced? How can you promote the award and the honorees?
Make the decision whether you will hold a luncheon, a public ceremony, or contact local media press. Will you promote the award through social media, emails, or newsletters? If you decide to promote externally, will you contact your local paper or use word of mouth?
10.  Should this award be developed externally?
Do you need to bring in extra minds to develop the project? How will you fund the program? What skills will you need?

It is easy to develop a volunteer recognition program for your organization. Make a list and answer these questions based on your organization’s goals and resources. Recognition can vary from volunteer breakfasts to newspaper write-ups. Choose a program that will work for you!
Have you implemented a volunteer recognition program? We would love to hear your ideas in the comments section below!

Volunteers, You’re Awesome Take a Bow

Monday, April 9th, 2012

We absolutely love volunteers! Not just because we are a nonprofit organization focused on volunteer listings and opportunities, but also because they are just plain awesome! Why?

Volunteers dedicate themselves to a cause or an issue in the community because they care and want to give back. They do not act for monetary rewards or even recognition. They volunteer their in many different ways from book drives to park clean up just to give back to their neighbors.

April is National Volunteer Month, so let’s celebrate the hard work volunteers are doing around the world by recognizing their efforts!

  • In 2012, 62.7 million people volunteered in America.
  • Thanks to those 62.7 million volunteers, 8.1 billion hours of service were logged for the United States. Imagine what the nation would look like without those 8.1 billion hours!
  • 26.5% of United States residents reported that they volunteered in some form over the past year in 2010. Those 26.5 percenters individually contributed 34.1 service hours in their communities.
  • The Independent Sector reports that those 8.1 billion hours of service were worth $178 billion in 2010. Each volunteer is worth $21.67 per hour, but they do the work for their love of the community, rather than salary.
  • 23.5% of volunteers are actively involved in food collection and distribution. How many residents would go hungry without these volunteers?
  • 26.7% of volunteers for education. How would our children succeed in school without the help of education volunteers?
  • 11.6 million Millennials volunteered 1.2 billion hours of community service to their community in the categories of fundraising, labor, mentoring, and food distribution. Do you still believe that young people cannot make a difference?
  • 9.2 million older Americans (65 years and older) donated 1.7 billion hours of hours to their communities. Older adults are able to find new meaning to their lives after retirement thanks to volunteer work.
  • Volunteers with HandsOn Network affiliates impacted the service economy by $546,638,278!

Are you still skeptical about the value of volunteer work? We hope not. Recognize the work being done in your community via volunteers. National Volunteer Week is just around the corner, April 15-21. Do something special for your volunteers! Whether you want to alert the media about your volunteer events and impact or you want to write personal thank you notes for your volunteers, make this a week of recognition for the unbelievable service work happening every day!


The statistics used in this report can be found in the 2010 Volunteering in America report conducted by the Corporation for National and Community Service.

This infographic can be found via the Corporation for National and Community Service.